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The Official WWE Discussion Thread

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Joey 27 Offline
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Post: #1281
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
yeah totally agree, kelly kelly was shit in the ring but she had that barbie doll look so she was popluar with fans, the bellas are getting a push now just cos they are fucking cena and bryan, kaitylin is better than them and she had the best body out of the divas, but she wasn't getting used properly in recent months so don't blame her for leaving, AJ is too skinny although she is decent on the mic
09-01-2014 00:13
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #1282
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
Sad thing is I'm not sure Kaitlyn would be able to look back on that many successes of her WWE run. Even Beth got the occasional good spell, but I can believe she felt clowned out by WWE.

I see Daniel Bryan's "Yes" chant is catching on with American sports crowds Tongue

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
09-01-2014 08:31
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Regenerated Offline
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Post: #1283
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
Joey & stato - were you saying I was blaming Kaitlyn for leaving, because I wasn't - I just said it's a blow to my hopes of wanting to watch it again ??

I've said many times that talented people get buried by this company. Vince and HHH just want untalented yes men/women - there's hardly any room for talent or people who want to aspire to anything by showing an iota of independent thought. The shows are poor for me - even the moves in the ring look faker than ever these days. They used to at least make an effort and it was still entertaining. Now they don't even bother to hide the fakery sometimes.

09-01-2014 09:27
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #1284
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
(09-01-2014 00:03 )stato Wrote:  Don't blame Kaitlyn for leaving all the decent diva's that can actually wrestle leave as because they are not barbie dolls they dont get a fair shot - i mean Kaitlyn is sexy in my opinion but as she aint stick thin and looks like a barbie doll she dont get used properly and has to lose to the likes of the useless bella's who are no doubt where they are because of who they sleep with Cena and Bryan. I mean look at Tamina and Natalya both can wrestle but have to lose every week to the divas who just dance or win fancy dress contests. Victoria/Tara was the same no wonder she went to TNA where she was used better!

Victoria/Tara isn't the only diva to leave wwe to go to tna and be used better. Brooke Tessmacher is another example. she started in wwe in the ecw dance troupe extreme expose which also had Kelly Kelly and Layla as part of it (bet a few people here didn't know that) and all she did was dance in the ring. she went to tna and the rest is history, she has become a really good in ring performer and is a 2 time Tna Knockouts Champion

wwe seem these days just to use the divas as eye candy and to plug the total divas reality tv show whereas tna give the knockouts proper storylines and do proper matches in the ring

have to say I think tna is better than wwe at the moment. yes tna is having it's struggles, largely because it is going from being mainly in one place to mainly being on the road. even so I think tna is better than wwe and each week these days watch tna more than wwe

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
09-01-2014 10:13
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shano123 Offline
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Post: #1285
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
Nothing was going for kaitlyn she was probably bored at the end of the day, really ain't got much left in terms of divas who could wrestle. In terms of the rumble big show vs lesner ain't really appealing and orton gonna retain again with Batista or roman reigns winning the rumble in my view.

Daniel Bryan obviously is playing the wyatts and gona turn on them in the coming weeks
09-01-2014 11:48
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #1286
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
Mae Young has Passed away today at the age of 90

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
09-01-2014 16:08
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #1287
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
yeah read about that earlier. very sad news as she was one of the trailblazers for women in wrestling I think

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
09-01-2014 16:40
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mikedafc Offline
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Post: #1288
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
the newspaper who pronounced her(Mae Young) dead have corrected their article saying she is gravelly ill but still alive
09-01-2014 20:34
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stato Offline
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Post: #1289
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
(09-01-2014 09:27 )Regenerated Wrote:  Joey & stato - were you saying I was blaming Kaitlyn for leaving, because I wasn't - I just said it's a blow to my hopes of wanting to watch it again ??

I've said many times that talented people get buried by this company. Vince and HHH just want untalented yes men/women - there's hardly any room for talent or people who want to aspire to anything by showing an iota of independent thought. The shows are poor for me - even the moves in the ring look faker than ever these days. They used to at least make an effort and it was still entertaining. Now they don't even bother to hide the fakery sometimes.

No mate i was'nt saying you were blaming Kaitlyn for leaving i meant to say i dont blame her for leaving - you're right vince has been under using talent for years and keeps crap like Khali, santino and most of the barbie doll divas oh and of course every 5 year olds fave - golden boy Cena!
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2014 00:13 by stato.)
10-01-2014 00:12
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Fernandez Esperenda Offline

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Post: #1290
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
Kaitlyn has never really done anything exciting or entertaining in wwe anyway, she isn't a much better wrestler than many of the others and in my opinion hasnt got the looks either compared to most, can't see her being a big loss to Wwe, there are a lot of divas like paige ect from nxt who can easily replace her who are far more entertaining..

Although the wwe need to seriously focus on the womans division and focus less on that total divas rubbish, If you watch nxt you will see that there are a lot of woman wrestlers on that who have very good matches and could walk straight into the main shows and make the division a lot better and bring the focus back to wrestling, Paige, Emma, Bailey, Sasha, Summer Rae should all be used on the main shows for wrestling matches, hopefully they will let them show what they can do this year.

Hopefully they don't mess up anymore talent from nxt like they have with xavier woods who had his own identity but somehow they have turned him into the new brodus clay and even given him brodus clays music and video....

FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2014 18:54 by Fernandez Esperenda.)
10-01-2014 12:58
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