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Ofcom Discussion

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eccles Offline
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Post: #3351
RE: Ofcom Discussion
The Daily Telegraph had a similar article. I wont bore you by cutting and pasting it here as Dave has provided a good summary, but it is interesting that they found it newsworthy. Reported in a very balanced nonjudgemental way, but that's not surprising for a quality paper. Link here Telegraph

If the writeup is correct the list is not written into law. Instead video on demand must comply with BBFC R18 rules, and the BBFC can change those, depending on its interpretation of the Obscene Publications Act - and any landmark legal cases it loses.

Interesting thought right at the end
Quote:DCMS also noted that small businesses might be particularly hard hit by the new rules.

"There are a number of small and medium sized firms among the UK-based suppliers of R18 content which may be affected by this measure," noted a report.

Perhaps far more important is the justification given, though that could just be the Telegraphs interpretation:
Quote:The new rules were brought in after the Department for Culture, Media and Sport decided that the laws relating to DVDs and online paid-for video porn were inconsistent.

DVDs are regulated by the BBFC, while online porn is regulated by the Authority for Television On Demand (ATVOD) and Ofcom.

With the rise of VOD, the DCMS concluded that under 18s would be able to access R18 content.

All of a sudden consistency is important. Hmm.

Gone fishing
03-12-2014 00:54
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gunnar Offline
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Post: #3352
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(02-12-2014 22:05 )Lotuseater Wrote:  This is a very sinister development in my view, and the thin end of a wedge. We are sleepwalking into a secular sexual repression. Where is the cherished freedom that adults once had to enjoy sexual proclivities without fear of the State intervening and criminalising us?

I am fast wishing to live in another country, but where?

If allowed to get away with it, i'm afraid this will only be the start. This sort of censorship will extend into other areas.

The double standards of these fuckers is breathtaking, it will be an example of do as I say not as I do.

Will London have it's name changed to something befitting an era of close mindedness, something like ' New Victoria' maybe.

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03-12-2014 01:11
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eccles Offline
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Post: #3353
RE: Ofcom Discussion
While on the subject, interesting comment from former Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith (the one who accidentally claimed Parliamentary expenses for 2 porn films her husband watched on subscription tv):

"does porn damage those who watch it? People use porn because it's enjoyable. Couples sometimes use it together. Men aren't turned into monsters by watching a bit of pay TV!"

It is in an article in the Independent dated 2 March 2011 where she describes her experiences of attending the Erotica Fair at Olympia in Nov 2010 for a radio documentary. She isnt totally uncritical, and discusses the risks of over use (same as alcohol, gambling, chocolate, cigarettes or coffee perhaps?) but it is a million miles away from the sort of hard hitting no nonsense condemnation that you might expect from a former Home Secretary, and a woman too.

Perhaps being a woman she feels safe to make vaguely favourable comments without being labelled a perv and becoming unemployable.

Gone fishing
03-12-2014 01:14
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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #3354
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(03-12-2014 00:54 )eccles Wrote:  ...

Perhaps far more important is the justification given, though that could just be the Telegraphs interpretation:
Quote:The new rules were brought in after the Department for Culture, Media and Sport decided that the laws relating to DVDs and online paid-for video porn were inconsistent.

DVDs are regulated by the BBFC, while online porn is regulated by the Authority for Television On Demand (ATVOD) and Ofcom.

With the rise of VOD, the DCMS concluded that under 18s would be able to access R18 content.

All of a sudden consistency is important. Hmm.

Interesting thought, and I guess there's a certain logic in that, although of course these rules only apply to UK content, and only that small proportion that is ATVOD regulated.

For fear of becoming overly political about this, I can't help wondering if this is the tip of a sinister iceberg.
The UK is already a world leader in censoring the net by blocking websites at ISP level. This has thus far concentrated mainly on sites pirating content such as music and video. Just last week another long list of such sites were ordered to be blocked. This has become so routine that the isp's no longer even contest these rulings.
So isp-level site blocking has become accepted as the norm, whats the next easy target? How about so called 'extreme' porn. No-one in their right mind will go out on a limb to defend the right of access to such stuff surely, so it can easily be attacked with minimal protest.
Once that is done, what next? How about bemoaning the fact that such material is still readily available from foreign sites which are beyond UK control. How to get around that? How about applying the same pirate blocking techniques to those sites hosting content that wouldn't be allowed in the UK.
A few steps further down the line, and such blocking can be applied to all manner of sites that our authorities deem 'unsuitable' for us poor folk to see, and its too late for us to do much about it. Before we know it, we could be worse off than the likes of China.

That may be far-fetched, but who knows! The powers that be have already tried to use the excesses of the media in the phone hacking scandals etc to try to 'control' media output and limit the freedom of the press (a few rogue journos bugged some peoples phones, whilst GCHQ, according to the Snowden leaks has been bugging pretty much EVERYONE), obviously the internet is an even more open, and therefore more threatening outlet.

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03-12-2014 05:50
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Post: #3355
RE: Ofcom Discussion
OFCON are seemingly trying to prevent people watching what they choose to watch....blatant state censorship. Porn has been around for thousands of years...cave painting, Roman, Greek and Japanese art particularly vases and plates showing all sorts of sexual actions..only yesterday my female colleague was talking openly about what she watches to turn her and her husband (who is a staunch Catholic and Police Sergeant..) on before they have sex. They are a happily married couple with 2 children...not the stereotypical dirty mac "ooohhh matron some tits" brigade. When will OFCON realise people watch porn because they enjoy it?
03-12-2014 07:50
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #3356
RE: Ofcom Discussion
I thought I'd just mention that Ofcom have appointed Steve Unger to take over as Interim Chief Executive when ED leaves at the end of the year until a permanent replacement is made. If nobody knows just who the fuck he is then this is what he looks like.

[Image: ofcom.jpg]

Lets hope he likes Babestation laugh

Full article -
03-12-2014 19:37
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Snooks Away
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Post: #3357
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(03-12-2014 19:37 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Lets hope he likes Babestation laugh

Especially BS1 Wink.
And hopefully he is an old friend of cwpussylover laughWink

03-12-2014 22:34
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continental19 Offline
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Post: #3358
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Well folks the end is nigh for one of the most hated men in the UK yep it's are arched nemesis Ed RichardsBounce and while he's starting to clear out his office, we wonder what the interim appointed executive Steve Unger will be bring to the party! I haven't a clue who this guy is or what he's like,lets just hope he has an open mind towards our babe channels.
In my opinion i reckon if we are going to see any changes i think we will notice them either january of febuary next yr, in other words i think it'll be pretty quick.
Let's give the new recruit the benefit of the doubt, time inevitably will tell how the babe channels will go, lets hope for the better and not the worse!
So its so long farewell to a man who had a major problem with the naked female form, Ed you won't be missed!Big Laugh
04-12-2014 21:11
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gunnar Offline
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Post: #3359
RE: Ofcom Discussion
^'Mister Ed', the fucktard who is leaving Ofcom, could give Oliver Cromwell a run for his money with his puritanical viewpoints. Good riddance I say, to bad rubbish.

People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

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04-12-2014 22:49
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Snooks Away
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Post: #3360
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Lets hope Steve has an Unger for naked ladies doing hand thong Tongue Big Grin.

*snookered retires to the corner to rebuke himself Rolleyes.

05-12-2014 17:49
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