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Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)

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euleri Offline
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Post: #1381
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
Where did I imply your view invalid? I literally said people can have different tastes, which includes you. There's nothing wrong in being discontent about the level/explicitness of Evelyn's performance, no girl can please everyone.

But I don't understand this constant complaining from you. Going on and on about your point of view, justifying it in every step of the way & seemingly never considering the fact that there are actually people out there (and quite many of them in fact) who like what she is producing now & don't expect (maybe even don't want eek ) her to perform to the "adult level" you're so gung-ho about. Is it so hard for you to acknowledge that? It's not about "operating", real-world working method, shy man gets... whatever.... it's a simple question of taste. You don't like what she is doing? Then fuck off & let others enjoy her. This complaining is exactly what I said it was - beating a dead horse - because it will lead to the same end as the previous discussions here. If Evelyn has a problem with the way things going for her, she'll change.

And talking about real life, why don't you take your arguments to the person who matters here - Evelyn herself - and see what she'll make of it. I'm pretty sure we would all be interested in the feedback here. Wink
01-10-2016 17:18
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #1382
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
fuck off? lol bit aggressive there mate... Rolleyes

if she stopped doing shows then, commenting would be pointless.
but saying that she is doing shows, commenting good or bad is fair, this place is, a forum. its not a fansite..
if you cant handle that, maybe this forum isnt for you...

as for beating a dead horse... evelyn isnt horse. Tongue

try chatting to her about her show?.
that gonna be a bit hard to do, when she put the phone down on me just for asking her to put the cam on.
theres no way she would let me finish a sentence before she hangs up, if i was critical of her.

fact is mate this thread is all the proof you need to know things aint rite.
when she was putting on great shows on tease me tv. her threads were among the hottest on the forum.
look at em now...
half a dozen comments in the last week.
when she first started doing cams, the thread was busy.
within a couple of weeks all the interest had gone along with most of her customers, to the point she now has a few die hards that seem to be willing to accept any scraps there thrown, while demanding any 1 whos opinion differs to theres, be grateful or fuck off.

sorry mate thats just not me... if i aint happy i say so. Big Grin for 1 simple reason... it may stop otheres wasting there money and having there hopes disappointed.
unlike a lot of guys on here i dont bullshit. i call it as i see it and that aint gonna change... SORRY! if that hurts her/your feelins and all that Wink

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2016 19:31 by HEX!T.)
01-10-2016 19:22
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tonkpils Offline
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Post: #1383
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
i quit watching her "perve cams" before her long leave in june. tired of seeing the same stuff every time, and lately i am often abroad for my job that makes my time reduced for that "hobby".
But... i still record her shows, even now that S66 made it mode difficult... sorry to say, but technology is always a step further... and the price they ask are way too expensive for my standards. that is why i keep recording so that i can still see if something new come up. Of course, i'll never share those movies on the net. First for a respect that i still have for a girl that makes me happy some time ago, second because i don't even have the time to spend to upload her vids on whatever channel, pornhub or sandwich, or others..

But after her long holidays for sure something changed. Maybe she has a boyfriend? or her private life simply keeps her busy and she really don't mind staying there as she was doing months ago.

for sure, that misterious long leave had something that cannot be told. I don't believe the story of the family reunion. cmon guys... she can tell you whatever she wants, and you will always believe it. you have no choice.

There are some of her shows that i haven't yet seen and they are here on my mac. I watched some, but she is still doing the same game, as expected. The more you can see is a nipple between her fingers.

When i see that there are ppl spending 300 pounds to wank on her shows i think is insane... eek here in Belgium or Holland for that money you get a good looking hooker for more than an hour... and Evelyn is a beauty, but also hookers are sometimes stunning... CoolCool And is not only for wanking in front of a screen.. laugh

It is good for her that there are still ppl happy to see her teasing and not showing more. But in reality, she could wear a mask, and do some nice show without being recognised, if this is really her fear...

Still... the mystery around her is ongoing, and is probably this that makes her so popular, frustrating the one that wants to see more and making happy the one that spend lot's of money for a nipple between her finger.

i prefer to go for real women, and real fun... Big Grin
01-10-2016 19:37
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nottooold Offline
Wow! So that's Evelyn....

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Post: #1384
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
Euleri is so right to say we are flogging the same dead horse over and over again. We are all human beings, and consequently we all like and dislike different things. That is why it is so often said that you cannot please all of the people all of the time.

HEX!T is of course right when he keeps saying it is all about money. Of course it is - none of us would work if we weren't paid for it. Studio 66 wouldn't exist if it wasn't making a profit, and Evelyn wouldn't be working for them if she wasn't successful. HEX!T did say, slightly mysteriously, that she was losing money, but actually she is one of the most successful girls in the business. I think he meant that she had lost his business. At least HEX!T mate, you can stop doing all those chores for her indoors, now that you've made up your mind on that point!

We like different things, and Evelyn's shows are so popular that clearly a lot of people like them. They entertain so many fans and make money as well. Skyline wrote that he was "never disappointed....enjoyed every minute.....nobody comes close to matching her". That is a perfect assessment of what is happening for a lot of people. Several girls are offering much more without being as successful as Evelyn is. We may not fully understand it, but it is true.

Evelyn is doing what she wants to do, and is entertaining a lot of fans. She is making money, Studio 66 is making money, so in business terms all is well, and unlikely to change. Yes, it is in the end really all about money.
Evelyn doesn't want to do pornography, and won't, a lot of fans are perfectly happy with her shows, and Studio 66 is making a profit. Even if it doesn't please all of us, or if it isn't "adult" enough for some tastes, it works for a lot of people and is damned successful.

It is a pity that we argue and disagree so strongly. Although many of us may be disappointed that Evelyn doesn't do more "adult" work, I suspect that almost all of us will accept the truth of the last paragraph above. There is a large audience for what she does, it works, and there is little likelihood that it will change much in the future.
01-10-2016 19:39
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euleri Offline
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Post: #1385
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
Ahh.. I knew this was going nowhere productive. Rolleyes I guess like you Hex!t I can't seem to stop yapping on about something that'll ultimately end up being a waste of time & energy. I tried my best explaining my POV & debate on yours but that's it for me. I cannot see any potential in progress with this farce any longer, so I'll waste my time & energy on the things that matter most here - the girls & the shows. Smile
01-10-2016 20:57
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Bandwagon Away
Nuclear Baby

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Post: #1386
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
'There's no good without the evil, no happiness without the sadness, and no love without the hatred.'

Not bad eh? Made that myself Smile
You should drink half a bottle of Jack, then see what you can make Smile
01-10-2016 22:43
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Rake Offline
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Post: #1387
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
So to summarise:

It is ok for fanboys to "flog the dead horse" of endless inane, slavish and vacuous praise.

But not ok for other punters who don't own rose tinted specs to "flog the dead horse" of observation, comment and opinion and occasional criticism?
02-10-2016 09:07
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euleri Offline
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Post: #1388
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
(02-10-2016 09:07 )Rake Wrote:  So to summarise:

It is ok for fanboys to "flog the dead horse" of endless inane, slavish and vacuous praise.

But not ok for other punters who don't own rose tinted specs to "flog the dead horse" of observation, comment and opinion and occasional criticism?

I have nothing against observations, opinions & criticism that bring something new to the table. I thought I made it clear - there's nothing wrong in being discontent about her shows. But these are the same complaints we saw here months ago & engaging in them, from both sides of the fan spectrum, led to the same dead end every time - those who were dissatisfied continued to be dissatisfied, those who were satisfied continued to be satisfied & Evelyn herself, ultimately, continued doing the same type of shows that she started with & is doing now, completely unfazed by the criticism she got from this forum, her perve chat or from her phone clients. Hence the "beating the dead horse" phrase. Of course, this is a public forum & people can post whatever they want here, but if the same person keeps on going over & over again the same complaints and yet still seemingly keeps watching & spending on the girl as avidly as the ones with the rose tinted specs, then it raises the question as to why isn't he moving on from his endeavour? Seems like an unhealthy lifestyle & I mean there are plenty of alternatives available. That's my opinion & fuck do I know, maybe some get off by constantly banging their head against the wall in this matter. But I've given up on understanding & "debating" it. Like I said, I've got no time & energy left for that.
02-10-2016 11:18
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nottooold Offline
Wow! So that's Evelyn....

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Post: #1389
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
I am wondering whether my comments yesterday have been misunderstood. I was trying to be conciliatory, and to avoid taking sides. We are adults who should be able to listen to the other person's point of view, and to express our own opinion in an open, honest and fair way without antagonizing the other party. Human beings don't agree on everything, and never will. No one is necessarily right, and no one is wrong - it's just two different opinions.

I agreed with Euleri that we were repeatedly flogging a dead horse, and I agreed with HEX!T that it was about money because the tv station has to make a profit, or it will go out of business.

Evelyn is the person that she is, and she does not wish to do what she considers pornography, and won't. She has a lot of fans who are happy with what she does, and so a change is unlikely.

Some fans are understandably disappointed and want more. It is unlikely to happen.

Both sides have a right to their opinions, and have a right to express those views - that is the purpose of these pages. It is a shame that we seem unable to accept that another person can have a different opinion from our own.

This is my view, for what it is worth - everyone has the right to agree, or disagree. Evelyn is the most attractive girl on the babechannels. Every red blooded male may well want to see lots more of her than we do, but she is a human being too, with the same rights as the rest of us. This means that she has the right to do her shows as she wishes. We choose to watch or not watch. Although there is much talk of "adult " channels etc, much of the content of her pervecam shows is quite unsuitable for television - "pantie action" and the pervecam dialogue for instance - so the shows are quite "adult" and not that "tame".

There is nothing wrong with enjoying her pervecam shows, and nothing wrong with wanting more. We are all different. Surely we can accept our differences without unpleasantness.
02-10-2016 11:33
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Bandwagon Away
Nuclear Baby

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Post: #1390
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
99.9% of the debates on this forum are opinion based and therfore never ending.
The same old shit being posted within these threads time and time again Rolleyes thats just how it is and we're all guilty.
The trick here is to stop posting and cease your involvement when you've had enough Smile
02-10-2016 11:46
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