A tip of the goal morning to one and all.
My name is Brenda Bigbollocks.
I'm the president of the Losers and Freeloaders Contempt Society

I am here to express total love for myself and utter contempt for all the miserable wastes of space that fail to adequately serve the needs and requirements of both myself and all babeshow babes
In many ways I am far too perfect to be on babeshows myself. In order for me to join the cast the other ladies would have to worship me and my every move, pay the billion credit tip goal for a red carpet to be rolled out for my entrance to the building and then donate all their own tip goal funds to me in recognition of their own gross inferiority to myself. However seeing as this seems highly unlikely I find myself leaping to the defence of those ladies in sympathy for their plight instead

Sympathy of course that they are not blessed with the same qualities as I but also a sympathy at the outrageous ignorance of the plight of such hard working, unassuming, angelic beings of the utmost sincerity and honour

Day after day, night after night traumatised by having to speak to perverted plebs with nothing better to spend their time or money on than utter charmless filth down the phone.
These imbeciles then have the temerity to make requests just because they have called or sometimes when they haven't even done that by virtue of using the chatbox.
Nightshow ladies in particular feeling under pressure to degrade themselves in varying states of undress just to please selfish morons watching

Further traumatised by outrageously hurtful and beyond the pale commentary about the babes on the chatbox. Expressing negative opinion without at least having the decency to oblige a financial compensatory tip goal for the said babe in recognition of the mortal psychological and emotional scarring generated by such appalling commentary of obvious freeloaders or insufficient tippers

Then to see their mortification magnified by images and videos of the said babes plastered all over social media and all over disgraceful forums such as this

Excuse me Brenda - this is snookered here. If I may boldly intervene.
Brenda: No you may not intervene. How dare you.
Snookered: Well I am intervening anyway to say I have heard it all before.
It doesn't get any better hearing or reading such high and mighty disingenuous bollocks for the umpteenth time. No doubt next you will be targetting those who bemoan pervcam and lack of incentive for the regular stream viewer to watch or participate.
Then you will no doubt bemoan lack of wishlist purchases, lack of tip goals hit, frustration at not receiving enough of the tip goal funds generated and lack of only fans subscribers.
Brenda: Yes well I was coming to that......
Snookered: Yeah well don't bother. Stick your superiority complex and sense of entitlement up your jacksie where it belongs and maybe consider for one moment that the viewer of today is the potential punter of tomorrow.
Consider for one moment they have lives too and many no doubt with limited funds even after much hard work. Some, no doubt are key workers helping the country function at a very difficult time for all of us. I say that while declaring a vested interest as a key worker myself.
Consider for one moment the belittling and nasty stuff babes themselves put on the chatbox and on other platforms about those making requests or expressing opinion.
And one final thing. Leadership is by example.
Babes should follow the true embodiment of class, honour, dignity, sincerity, humility and kindness. That is not Brenda Bigbollocks

It is Atlanta Moreno.
All hail Miss Moreno

Brenda: But but but
Snookered: Too late Brenda. You are the weakest bollocks. Goodbye.