(10-01-2021 18:47 )mrmann Wrote: I agree with 7 Stars Of The Orient, but sadly I also suspect some depression on Lola's behalf.
Removing all of her content from these sites isn't something I really agree with, but people have all sorts of reasons for doing things, and if she thinks it might help her be more successful, so be it.
I do wish we could find her Dec 23rd 10pm -11:30pm session though 
Hmmm, I see she's now complaining about lack of calls requesting nudity. Not sure I believe it though, considering how nervous the producers usually are.
The lack of calls requesting nudity was when she was on the web, where she did go nude when I called but nobody else joined in after. Lots of people on the chat asking her to do all sorts, making lots of requests etc but none of them joined, despite saying they were going to, more than fair enough for Lola to call out that, which she did, very mildly, by stating a fact that "if you call and ask I'll do it". That is how the channels work is it not ? It's always been the callers that drive the shows. I'll also point out that Lola worked the last 2 packed Saturdays and was very busy on the phones so maybe people are jumping to conclusions as to why last night was so quiet. It was one show, if it becomes a pattern then maybe there is an issue needing to be addressed.
As for having her threads removed: is the act alone of having them removed from here some anti-forum, anti-freeloader, make more people join my own site move or does context matter ? Do the reasons for this removal matter ? I don't know why she had them removed, I have assumptions that would differ from everyone else's assumptions here, but that's all they are, assumptions. People may think her reasons were anti-freeloader, move people to her own site but the truth is we don't know because she never stated her reasons.
Other girls have given these reasons so maybe that's why people are assuming the same of Lola, which is unfair. Not all the girls think the same so shouldn't be thought of the same for taking the same actions. When a forum member goes overboard and starts harassing a girl, sending abusive messages etc sometimes everyone here gets tarred with the same psychotic brush. It's wrong for the girls to make generalisations about us then and it's wrong to make generalisations about the girls actions too. I'm not saying people are wrong either, Lola may have the same reasons but I cant say that without the evidence and without any prior history to those beliefs from Lola.
Just to answer the question by Smç, yes Lola owns the rights to her shows/image etc. She never signed them over as far as I know. That's why she had a bit of a rant on twitter at the forum owner when her requests to remove her threads were flat out ignored on the assumption she had no authority to ask that. Believe she said something along the lines of "he wasn't negotiating my contract so how can he know whether or not I own the rights". I can imagine that would be very annoying, to be told you don't have a right that you absolutely do have, so her rant was definitely understandable.