Last nights performance has revealed one thing, The channel is now on 'Self Destruct Mode'
They have no-one to blame but themselves. Hardly any callers all night. Performers looking someone dis-interested and confused what's going on. They wont even be aware what has transpired and why its so quiet for calls. Its not going to improve, they have potentially and successfully lost their core audience trying to stem the bleeding by saving a few bucks.
From a purely business point of view lets just look at this sensibly. You had better options to keep things running relatively as they were and you missed them by a mile.. You want to save money, here's what common sense would have give you...
1. We cant afford the bandwidth on satellite anymore so rather than give the viewer absolute garbage to watch, lets take that money and use it to increase the bandwidth on our website and finally provide a quality 1080p HD signal for everyone to watch. (not forgetting your already using 4K cameras) This would not only improve their channel for all viewers, it could have gained them many new callers. Everyone has internet now, so lets move with the times and ditch the satellite SD channel. just re-investing that money spent from transponder costs could have given them funds back because increasing bandwidth on your OWN website doesn't cost anywhere near what you would potentially have saved.
Clearly no testing was done to see what dropping the resolution would do for many viewers, because now there are wide reports across other forums that there are several sat boxes that can no longer decrypt and receive the channel properly without audio dropouts, signal failures & constant freezing. Its just a complete mess, we have viewers here reporting the same.. I can tell you this will end up going offline long term anyway as its now down with the other 'erotic advert channels' broadcasting in similar quality because none of them are LIVE!
As a long time satellite viewer, I would have had no problem with the channel going offline if I could potentially watch it in higher quality elsewhere. Online means you can watch it anywhere not just on your TV. A tablet, phone, monitor, laptop, even casting yes?!
I thought Germans were renowned for their business acumen and OCD levels of attention to details. Apparently not...
This V.I.P thing is bothering me as well, its a complete smokescreen to hide the obvious truth. Allowing them on their channel to help promote their social media and the like means one thing. They can pay them less as they're giving them free exposure. I'm convinced that's what's really happening here as another cost cutting measure.
Charlene seems to think i'm a fucking idiot spouting shite because i don't know the first thing about running a babe channel.. ha ha, well the joke is on her

I don't feel the need to reveal my personal and academic history on here like some Gen Z begging for attention.
This one stupid decision could have serious consequences, probably not that far down the line