(22-02-2010 07:28 )Big Boobies Wrote: Morning all.I decided not to record anything last night as whatever I chose I probably wouldnt have got the girls I would have wished to! There was only PAIGE and STEVIE on the original list that I really love and I have fairly good recent footage of both of them anyway.I nearly recorded Partyland (for PAIGE) but guessed that she wouldnt just be on that show;last time she was on Partyland only;the only show I didnt record on that night! So you can imagine how I felt this morning when I discovered that not only did CHARLIE O'NEAL appear on BS2 which I usually record but that she went braless this time (unlike when I last recorded her!) BUT ALSO NAKED!!!! Oh f..k........I never seem to have much luck these days;why didnt I just record BS2 as usual? Anyway did PAIGE appear on all the channels (including BSxtra?) or just Partyland? I bet she pulled her pants right down again as is now "normal" for her;I couldnt believe how much bum she showed on my latest recording of her on Partyland! WELL DONE PAIGE;you have really improved! (Enjoy your well-earnt few days off and I'll (hopefully) see you on Wednesday). Did CHARLIE replace a girl (Camilla?) or was she on in her own right;as she wasnt originally listed and were there any other girls on;I guess not as 7 would be enough! I trust that nothing else "exciting" happened last night. Please keep your reports coming in from last nights shows and I'll catch up on things later on. I will be back on at 10.30ish (yes I'm out again tonight as usual on a Monday!) anyway to see the list of girls and set info;I'll probably record BS1 till midnight anyway;as BS99(BS2) still doesnt seem to start at 22,00 despite the EPG listing saying it does! I think Dani is on tonight but not sure who else.Thanks very much;see you all later on.
Hi there - PAIGE appeared on BS1 AND BS2 - the usual thing, topless and panties just uncovering bum - I've never seen her go any further than that, except in still photos - even then it's rear view only!
STEVIE - appeared three times on BS1, went naked once (but that's nothing unusual!)
CHARLIE O - I get the feeling she pissed a few people off in the past (something I read in here), but all is forgiven now!

In face, if I was a Priest I'd give her Absolution! I only saw her twice - once on BS2 (naked except for knickers dangling around one ankle) and the last half hour of BSXtra (not naked).
I also recall MOISTY being interviewed by JODIE on BSXtra, telling anyone who was interested about her latest photoshoot, where she was on a table and some bloke was "doing" her while 15 or 20 others were watching. Yes, very good Michelle, if you like that sort of thing!