RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
Well after reading all the posts over the last few days, I decided to pay my £5 and take a look for myself... Sadly the following explains in detail my experience. Please note I went into this hopefull, and also a huge Camilla Fan, dying to see more of her and the other girls.
First disapointment is that none of the content is live...I had imagined that when the channel scrambled it would reappear with Camilla still on the bed. Sadly she was gone to channel 94 and i was wisked into a recorded montage of programs.
My view of these clips (set pieces) was that the first few clips were mainly shot in poor lighting firstly, making viewing hard on the eyes. But most importantly they involve huge ammounts of toys etc which basically means lots of side views and masked body parts. We want to see the girls parts we dont normally get to see. I am not too bothered bout masked penetration we cant see, or simulated sex. I want too see naked Babestation girls naked!
Now dont get me wrong you do get some pussy shots, so obviously even under the stupid OFCOM regs we can see those open legged shots, and too be fair some pussy shots, licking etc was well done, but these moments were too few by far.. Most of the time the girls are on top of each other covering all you want to see, up. Solo stuff did not have this problem, but not enough, and spoilt when the toys arrived.
Now based on what I saw tonight I would not pay again. I would pay however if I had flipped over to see an hour of Camilla on the couch as she was before midnight, but with her pussy on dispay. Maybe an hour of Ree Petra to follow after. Babestation is well lit and the girls are right there in full view... Extreme should just let them continue to take their calls, but showing more.
If Babestation Extreme ever becomes a nude ( open legged version ) of Babestation, then I would pay £5 every night. Alll the time it continues to try and be a soft core porn channel... sorry not interested. Ill stick to Normal Babestation for now or... PORNXXX 2 hour show Fri,Sat,Sun where it is a live call show with nudity..... much like Extreme SHOULD be....
Final comments: I have no complaints btw really about how hardcore the content is, I think that they have actually done quite well if they are working to OFCOM regs ( the Amanda Close up video was good til the toy came out ), but they need too Ditch the pointless toys, and make at least 2 hours of the content Live and then I will be back! ......and NO bought in softcore porn movies please...."Babestation" not TVX!
Sadly after aprox 1.20 am things got worse, and it was just soft core movies...sigh
(This post was last modified: 13-07-2010 03:18 by malyen777.)