As a bloke there is one irrefutable rule which is once you've seen it or done it or tasted it the pleasure quotient plotted on a graph starts to dip. It doesn't necessarily mean you don't want to see it, do it or taste it again but it's never as good as the first or second time and when it gets to the 25th time, well, it becomes, I still like that but have you got anything else before I choose? I used to crave to see Paige Tyler's boobs and tuned in like the rest of us Pavlov's dogs types believing this could be the night. It did happen eventually and very nice too but not before a lot of acrimony. I now flick through the channels and gaze in admiration at Paige for a while and move along. Last night Mica and the prodigal Ashley were doing a 241 while Sammie was on and somewhere in my male brain without really thinking I must have said "I am not going to watch this because I might, just might miss Sammie getting her wonderful breasts out" safe in the knowledge that 1. I have already seen Mica and Ashley topless 2. Both of them will still be topless or naked once Sammie has gone. How many topless appearances will it take for me to feel the same way about Sammie? I can't be the only bloke who thinks like this (I know for a fact I am not). Jamie knows this type of mentality and plays on this. Ashley Emma once commented on this when she was still on days and contemplating nights. Timing is crucial and it's one thing teasing and tormenting and building us into a froth of anticipation but you start to piss off people in varying degrees. Hexit and others hate the hype, I don't like being taken for a mug. I am not trying to be smart but I kind of knew deep down that Sammie wouldn't really get them out fully and dance around for us but then I didn't text or call so I only invested my time. Despite everything and despite feeling a little disappointed when I finally switched off last night I still enjoyed watching Sammie in those outfits and in my case at least, for free. Selfish I know but sometimes it's about making your choice based on previous form so when Sammie said 'stop playing with your cocks and text me!' I simply exercised my rights as a man, ignored her and carried on regardless. That is of course the danger next time, that too many of us choose to do the same. I certainly won't be texting until I know I am going to get what is being advertised. Jamie and Sammie, over to you and I for one hope we don't have to wait too long for the answer.
Ps Just for the record Sammie is one of my very top babes along with Alice, Kitty, Becky and some tall blonde whose name I can't remember. I want to see her getting top reviews for nights on here just like she gets on days because she has the looks, body and personality to be the very best and I damn well want to see more of her!