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Delia Rose - RLC Chat & Discussion

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Mikefranz17 Offline
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Post: #119
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
(21-02-2014 23:30 )Delia Rose Playboy Wrote:  Wow that didnt take long Big Grin hehe they need to settle, and form yet as it has only been a week Tongue
surgery went well thankyou- to those who were concerned Smile and I am very sorry that I didn't tweet intime to let you know I could not make the four hours due to the most chaotic time - but being stuck in London with no battery for 5 hours and two ridicous suitcases ,in the pissing down rain ,15 hours before my surgery,left me at a bit of a disadvantage - which any of you who were trying to travel around the area of the flooding will also understand , as much as you all slag me off , I did try- and I am missing you guys already and hope you all have a lovely month ! HeartHeartHeart
Lots of love and BOOBIES!
Delia Rose

Every Body Here Was Wishing You A full Health Recovery Like I Said Earlier Dont Think Any Body Is A Monster Here.Smile
Honestly I Dont Think Anyone Really Slag You Off,
I Think It Was Just Disappointment, You Should Be Flatered By The Response Because This Shows That People Care About You, And Was Really Looking Forward To The Nightshow Thats All.

And As For The bOObies Absolutely Marvelous!!! eek
[Image: tumblr_inline_n0iaf6ft711qa2o1h.gif]

Even More Excited Now For Nightshow Now Think My Heads Going To Explode!!! Big Grin
22-02-2014 10:27
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RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids - Mikefranz17 - 22-02-2014 10:27