(07-07-2015 00:57 )Forum Style Wrote: So by your reckoning, I was there for Elle many hundreds of times [because she asked me to be] when she felt at her worst and yet I couldn't expect one single thing from her. That's not friendship, that's bullying.
I think that what people are picking up on, Forum Style, however blunt the expression, is that you have so far been reluctant to acknowledge what Raider007 so candidly and astutely observed:
(06-07-2015 16:40 )Raider007 Wrote: It's incredibly flattering to have a hot girl confide in you ... When a girl actually wants to communicate gratis it's a little thrill. And it does make you feel a little special
Which is not to say that it wasn't a bit unfair of her to use you as a shoulder to cry on and then fail to reciprocate. But as Raider also observed, some people are just self-obsessed that way. And not just on the babeshows!
Still, I don't think it is right to suggest that you got nothing from that relationship, even as one-sided as it seemed. All we have to go on is the limited information that you provide in a few short posts -- so we HAVE to fill in the blanks with suppositions and assumptions that you are free to correct. But it does seem to me that there was a bit of emotional tourism going on. Vacationing in the life of another because it makes us feel good to be needed. That isn't a criticism -- we ALL do it to some extent.
The first step in moving on may thus be to simply admit to yourself that you pursued this relationship -- at least in part -- because of the ego trip it sent you on to have a "famous" girl single you out and talk to you as if to a friend. Otherwise the "injustice" of it all really will seem extreme.