Part 1!
(08-04-2015 14:57 )terence Wrote: can you ask them if they'll have a bonfire using the bed sets?
Laughter No.
(08-04-2015 14:59 )ShandyHand Wrote: ^ Lucky sod!
I'd like to know:
1. Why are some shows patently allowed to be 'hotter' than others? Even under the same compliance conditions.
That's not true, it's a matter of opinion, it's people's interpretation of what's hot and what's not. We stay within the guidelines of what we can do. You have to take into consideration the mood of the girls and what we can get away with also.
(08-04-2015 14:59 )ShandyHand Wrote: 2. What exactly goes into the process of deciding who's on when, for how long, on what sets, etc.? The process of selection of the schedules if you like.
There's a lot of strategy behind it and alot of observation. it's no lie, there's callstats, there's figures and statistics, we are trying to run a business at the end of the day. At the same time we try to give a good show, a good tv show, a watchable show to people that watch it. All of these things go into consideration and every single night we sit down at 6pm and go through ideas for the night and attack it, all the running orders are made, it's a lot more complicated than what I can say in a sentence. There's a lot more strategy behind it now.
(08-04-2015 14:59 )ShandyHand Wrote: 3. What's the reasoning behind the new idea of having some feeds available to only Freeview viewers? What data do they have on what platforms viewers call from?
So, ummmm.. right how can i say this? We are fans, we are fans of the show, fans of the industry, we are all a bunch of lads, we all want to make sure we are doing the best we can. So we come up with ideas, ideas that would cost a lot of money to put out, but we do the budget version to see if it work's, then if it’s a good’n we invest in it. So when you guys see a different feed on freeview compared to sky, it's not because we are neglecting the sky viewers, it's because we are trying to push the boat out and try something new. it's not negligence or laziness or anything like that. We are governed by many authorities and we do the best we can. It does sometimes make me laugh when i read the forums - Whenever we try something, it's not to try and piss people off, it's because we are trying to evolve this whole thing and come up with ideas. So whenever you guys see something changing, its a test to lead towards something different. The final product might not be obvious but you know, in our heads it is. All of it leads somewhere and there is a reason behind everything!
(08-04-2015 16:36 )Headgear Wrote: Please ask what's happening with babestation cams - I have 1000 credits in the kitty and if it's not coming back I want a refund!
So BSCams relaunched on Monday 13th, Massive apologies about that because we planned on launching the new platform on the 1st, we had loads of tech problems that we have since ironed out, however there may be some new ones that pop up in the next month or so, so please bear with us and email us if you find or experience any. It's an enormous upgrade from what we had before and we are trying to make it as user friendly and as good as any other site out there because it's a big direction for the business to be moving into. All your credit should be available on the new platform, any issues, please contact our CS team.
(08-04-2015 16:48 )Charlemagne Wrote: Request from me: I'd like to see more of the girls and less of the graphics.
Yup, with the OSG's, everythings mathematical, everythings strategic, we tested and tried everything over the course of 13 years. We shrank it, we increased it, created an L shape, made it transparent. Everything's very much reflective in the call volume and stats. I know alot of you watch the shows on the web so we try to keep the graphics at a minimum, just to make sure you guys are getting what you want, but at the same time for the tv, it's the strategy behind the revenue side of things.
(08-04-2015 16:48 )Charlemagne Wrote: Also, can we have a Babestation rep back on the forum.
Concerned Laughter Yeah... I think DJ NES should be the Babestation Rep! As long as you guys don't annihilate him, we can put a rep on the forum's but i fear for his safety!
(08-04-2015 16:56 )hairbald Wrote: Why does their phone system take two minutes to login?
Honestly there’s no conspiracy... We output 24/7, batteries are in constant use, they die, phones don't get put on charge etc etc. We try our best to have a rotation system with the phones but sometimes it just happens. We have the day, web and night shows and also other non adult products. We are one of the only companies that outputs this much, i just ordered a new batch of phones so they should be arriving this week. I hear all the complaints on the forums and the girls get tired of the batteries dying but again there is no conspiracy behind it. It's just a case of the phones being on all day and the battery dying.
(08-04-2015 17:00 )Mikefranz17 Wrote: 241's Where Have They Gone Why Not Every Week, Lucy And Danniis Were Great Then Nothing Since?
Lucy and Dannii's was great... you can watch it again on!
laughs. Yeah i mean i'm a massive 2-4-1 fan and I've been around for a good few years now and remember what we could get away with in the past. Guy's there are restrictions with what we can and can't do, i'm working on ways to give you guys more 2-4-1's, someway or another...
(08-04-2015 17:41 )davetherave57 Wrote: Why is it £5/£8 to watch the tamest of tame live shows & repeats of repeats throughout the night on BSX.
Also can you give Mr. 'oh yeah' a freshly made cup of polyfilla just before each live show starts.
Laughter Haha, so, for those of you who know about the industry, you would know who that person is, he's an absolute legend and everytime i hear his voice i see the humour behind everything he is doing. He's a magician at what he does. Again guys please understand that there's regulations about what we can't and can't do behind encryption. I'm not sitting in my office saying "Let's NOT do this"
Laughter I'm saying let's go as far as we can, please please please take it that we are trying to deliver the best content that we can, it's not a case of holding back at all.
(08-04-2015 17:42 )Rammyrascal Wrote: Will we ever see a return of Meet The Babes, where there was 2 babes, 1 presenting and 1 who viewers would ask questions or send requests via text (like can you lick your nipple for example) if bs brought it back think viewers could also tweet the show via the bs Twitter page.
Absolutely. Definitely. 100% doing it. To be honest we talked about this particular subject this time last year, it's more of a logistics issue since we moved to MK, we are still trying to get our feet sorted with the logistics of it. I'm a massive fan of it and was both watching and producing the shows back then. You were too (to DJ NES) and it plays a big part especially now in this generation since twitters been around. I think we did it for a month around 3 years ago. 100% would love to start it up again when possible.
(08-04-2015 17:42 )Rammyrascal Wrote: Also. Will bs ever have guest bs babes on again? A while ago bs had the likes of Sophie Dee and Mariah Milano on but hasn't been a guest bs babe for ages now. If you did it would get bs some new callers who may become regular callers to bs
It does boil down to logistics but ultimately i'm going to be honest and it's ultimately about money. For me it's a massive thing, i love the american girls coming over. Problem is what we pay vs the demand, the format itself as most american girls have never been on this type of show so they struggle with it. Plus the compliance side was a massive nightmare.