The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 15th July:
1888: Japan: the Bandai volcano erupts for the first time in a thousand years.
2016: BSX sees visits by Kerrie Lee, and also Preeti Young and Lori Buckby both ensuring they get their RDA of Vitamin B-6…
but a year later sees Lucy Summers left to survive without the aid of any fruit, possibly because of previous form with vegetables....
15-07-2019 06:31 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 16th July:
1439 Kissing is banned in England, to try and prevent the spread of the Black Death.
How this was enforced is not quite clear.
2016 sees a collection of ladies on this day for BS viewers perusal...(presumably only some of which the forum would like to see banned)
Lori Buckby
Hannah Claydon
Danni Levy
Madison Rose bsx
15-07-2019 23:12 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 17th July:
1938 Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan leaves New York flying to Los Angeles and ends up in Ireland, supposedly by mistake.
2014 Lori & Preeti
2015 Beth Bennett
2016 Cali Garcia
17-07-2019 05:30 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 18th July:
1959 - Los Angeles Premiere of the film "The Nun's Story" starring Audrey Hepburn.
2014 – A positive plethora of ladies that have taken the BS vows  includes
Ashley Emma
Caty Cole
Tiffany Chambers
Lori Buckby
and a year later, 2015 saw Cali Garcia and Hannah Claydon on daytime duty...
and on BSX Candy Sexton and Preeti separately and together, and Candy being naughty solo on the web…
18-07-2019 06:24 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 19th July:
1941 Tom & Jerry first appear under their own names in "The Midnight Snack" cartoon by animators William Hanna and Joseph Barbera.
73 years later, here's Preeti steaming up in the sauna
also of note, Jada stretching her legs on the same day both in 2014 and 2016...
and from 2015, a rare sight these days, a non-recumbent lady during the daytime
Hannah Claydon
18-07-2019 23:14 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 20th July:
1969 Apollo 11 lunar module carrying Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin lands on the surface of the moon.
2014 BS unleashes an oily Daisy Dash...
2016 Preeti is on duty in the BS office...
20-07-2019 10:00 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 21st July:
1960 Sirimavo Bandaranaike becomes Prime Minister of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) the world's first female head of state elected in modern times.
Here's Cali Garcia & Hannah Claydon from 2015
20-07-2019 23:08 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 22nd July:
1939 Jane Bolin becomes the first African-American female judge (New York).
2014 Preeti and Beth are unleashed on the web....
2015 Kerrie Lee gets BSX viewers in a lather....
22-07-2019 18:18 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 23rd July:
1958 The first four women named to peerage in the House of Lords.
A selection of dames and duchesses of BS, from 2014:
Emma Butt & Ella Mai
Sami J unleashed
from 2015:
Ella Mai unleashed
from 2016:
Maddie Rose bsx
Priya bsx
22-07-2019 23:03 |