OK, Im gonna attempt to help here.
Tammy, Ive had little search around the FAQs on RapidShare. I cant find anything that specifically says Mac users cant use the service. Infact, in one of the 'contact us' bits, it references Mac as an operating system, so Im pretty sure you should be able to. Id advise you to email RapidShare to query why you cant get downloads to work on
support@rapidshare.com but try follow these cut & paste guidelines where possible (
Link To Support Page):
Quote:What we need to know in case of technical questions
The more precise and compact the presentation of the problem is, the faster we will be able to help you.
The following information is required:
"I see an error message when I try to log in: [text of the message]
My user data are: [Enter data]
I use this browser [e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer] and this operating system:
[e.g. Windows Vista, Windows XP, Macintosh, Linux]"
The most important information is the ones regarding the error message and your user data
(I have no idea what 'user data' refers to, & couldnt find an answer in the FAQ
File Formats And Download Info: All my vids are in avi file format, and tend to be about 200MB each. This is because the max file size I can upload is 200MB, which comes to about 32mins of goodness in each vid. If youre a free downloader, it will take a while, and you'll only be able to download one file at a time. If the time it takes is a problem, please dont ask me if I can/do upload other sites. I dont, & have no plans to. If you want it to be faster, buy a short term premium account. Too expensive? I have THREE of them to upload vids to, & Im running outta space on them (that 75GB in total space) & may end up having to buy a forth (I have posted nearly 25GB in Hotel Voyeur vids ALONE). I spend alot of time AND money to post these vids. I do it to give something back to this place, to show my support of some of my favourite ladies, & to provide content on ladies that dont have alot available of them. [I had to edit myself at this point cos I really dont want to have a go at anyone, its not what Im about, but suffice to say I was annoyed.]
Extract The Files From Their rar Files: I put all my vids into rar files to be uploaded (its a file compression thing). I dont think I actually need to do this to upload them, but it helps me in being able to back them up & label for my own uasge, so Im sorry. To extract the files, download this:
Extract Frog (Thanks to DigitalDave for this link) I'll be honest, this isnt the program Ive got, but its looks OK to me, and I'll bow to DigitalDaves greater knowledge on such things. Appears to a PC only job tho
But IT IS FREE!! (I have
WinRAR, but its $29 after the trial) Alternatively, for Mac Users (Tammy
MacZip or
Stuffit Expander THEYRE FREE TOO!! Obviously, I dont know if theyre any good or not.
How To Watch The Vids, VLC Player: I use VLC Player to not only watch but also cap my vids (alot of the downloadable TV show/film links you find dotted about the place tend to be in avi too, by the way). It will play pretty much anything. WMV, Real, and alot of other initial based formats I dont understand, as well as DVDs etc. It can be downloaded here:
Linkage (Thanks to ShadyCee for the link he posted earlier). Its compatible with both PCs & Macs (so should be OK for you too Tammy, if we can get around the download problem
) AND ITS FREE!!! This link will guide you all the different versions you can download (dependant on OS etc) as well as
Forum &
Wiki page too. Im not gonna pretend to understand alot of the technical stuff, but its all on there if you need it.
I hope some of that helps, and hopefully having it all in one post will make it easier too. Any questions, ask them, but I cant say that I'll know the answer.