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A big hello

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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #11
RE: A big hello
I have a few ideas:

1.) if you there use banners to advertise the number, don't make it take up the whole screen
2.) Good price on calls and texting.

3.) Have a variety of different women on channel each.

4.) Pin protect the channel after 9pm, allowing more stuff to go on, this can even be done during the daytime. Sky seem to able to do it now when they show there 15 or 18 movies during the daytime. All people would have to do is type in there pin number so more hardcore stuff.

5.) Possible even set up a live stream if there unable to do more hardcore stuff.

6.) daily updates if you ever set up a site.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
01-12-2008 06:11
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Sarah Offline
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Post: #12
RE: A big hello
Welcome SuperSpurs.

As you have been lurking around for a while I think you will know what people want from the programmes.

Great that you are starting off so well & will plough profits back, freebies for the guys here too-they will hold you to that one.

I too work in the Adult industry & money is getting harder & harder to earn/get in so I will watch your endeavours with baited breath. I wish you luck too


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01-12-2008 11:03
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formerlly DjM

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Post: #13
RE: A big hello
Very interesting.

I'm gonna post (a lot) more on this when I'm feeling a bit better. But for now...

01-12-2008 11:08
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SuperSpurs Away
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Post: #14
RE: A big hello
That's brilliant everyone - thanks a bunch for all the kindly advice and encouragement. To be honest I had no idea what kind of response I'd get, so I'm really happy that everyone has been so nice about it. The ideas you've given are all spot on too - especially: on-screen graphics being too big, two girls max at once, and doing a website in advance as a countdown - like that, nice idea!

I'll keep you all posted and I'm sure I'll have more questions to ask to get your views - especially with PIN's not sure about that yet....

I'll sling some freebies over for you all, that I'll PM you with nearer the time! Also girls, if any of you want a really nice environment to work in with professional people and fair money, then let me know.....
03-12-2008 19:49
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #15
RE: A big hello
Can't to see it al lup and running SuperSpurs Smile

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
03-12-2008 19:58
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limpwrist Away
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Post: #16
RE: A big hello
SuperSpurs Wrote:That's brilliant everyone - thanks a bunch for all the kindly advice and encouragement. To be honest I had no idea what kind of response I'd get, so I'm really happy that everyone has been so nice about it. The ideas you've given are all spot on too - especially: on-screen graphics being too big, two girls max at once, and doing a website in advance as a countdown - like that, nice idea!

I'll keep you all posted and I'm sure I'll have more questions to ask to get your views - especially with PIN's not sure about that yet....

I'll sling some freebies over for you all, that I'll PM you with nearer the time! Also girls, if any of you want a really nice environment to work in with professional people and fair money, then let me know.....

Glad to see you have had a good response to your new venture. All comments made seem very good and valid. As Sarah says just hanging around here for a few weeks/months you will learn what people want/dont want from a babe channel.

Totally agree with tmfkamr-gummidge about txt price. Why not have a cheaper price and get more people involved than limit your callers/txt'ers by charging so much (its a fair break even trade off)!

Starting a website up 1st could also benifit you greatly. If you build a customer base on a much cheaper venture as a simple website with regularly updated picture sets and some video content, when your channel hits you will already have a customer base. Meaning no slow first few weeks on an expensive tv channel/service. I know it might seem like a step backwards from a tv channel but i feel you will reap the rewards for it!

Obviously banner size is an issue but you also need to advertise the contact number/info. So maybe some clever designed transparent graphics instead of the usual 1/3 of the screen banner may keep customers happy.

Girl wise, as long as you keep the work environment happy, cumfortable and especially safe i think the girls will be queue'in up for a job.

To have a healthy relationship with a forum such as this and a few others, posting exclusive snippets on up coming events can only work in your favour too. Here you have access to many, many loyal babe channel fans, its an invalueable source!

I could go on forever but im pretty sure people are snoozing away already.

Best of luck mate!

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03-12-2008 20:34
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BristolRovers Offline
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Post: #17
RE: A big hello
Oops, seem to be a little late in this thread.

To be honest I agree with everything that is said in this thread idea-wise, there really isn't actually anything else to add.

That is a good idea limp, Sexstation did at one stage I think have some transparent banners, but of course that didn't last for long.

Just thought I should pop my head in really, even though I haven't got anything else to add.

Hope it all goes ok mate. Best of luck!
03-12-2008 20:44
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bree Offline
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Post: #18
RE: A big hello
i've got a few ideas to i be one of ur camera man....lolSmile

and on the sixth day God created BREE

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04-12-2008 07:31
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SuperSpurs Away
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Post: #19
RE: A big hello
limpwrist Wrote:Glad to see you have had a good response to your new venture. All comments made seem very good and valid. As Sarah says just hanging around here for a few weeks/months you will learn what people want/dont want from a babe channel.

Totally agree with tmfkamr-gummidge about txt price. Why not have a cheaper price and get more people involved than limit your callers/txt'ers by charging so much (its a fair break even trade off)!

Starting a website up 1st could also benifit you greatly. If you build a customer base on a much cheaper venture as a simple website with regularly updated picture sets and some video content, when your channel hits you will already have a customer base. Meaning no slow first few weeks on an expensive tv channel/service. I know it might seem like a step backwards from a tv channel but i feel you will reap the rewards for it!

Obviously banner size is an issue but you also need to advertise the contact number/info. So maybe some clever designed transparent graphics instead of the usual 1/3 of the screen banner may keep customers happy.

Girl wise, as long as you keep the work environment happy, cumfortable and especially safe i think the girls will be queue'in up for a job.

To have a healthy relationship with a forum such as this and a few others, posting exclusive snippets on up coming events can only work in your favour too. Here you have access to many, many loyal babe channel fans, its an invalueable source!

I could go on forever but im pretty sure people are snoozing away already.

Best of luck mate!

Nice one Limpy - and everyone else. I've started looking for premises and getting all the deals done with Sky and Ofcom. I've been talking to a few of the girls I've been filming with and they've given me invaluable advice. I'm so grateful to everyone for the help.

It's all gonna be really sweet and I'm even getting a lot of mates in from normal telly to make sure we have really nice sets, lighting and equipment. I can't believe how SHIT some of these sets, lighting rigs and cameras are out there! Some channels are doing a really good job though, so it's a nice challenge to see how high the bar is at the moment and see if we can beat it.

I've got some good ideas on banners and I've even brought im my mate who teaches graphics at a university to sort that out. I agree that we want to see the GIRLS and not the fuckin' phone numbers!!

The big thing for me now is seeing how we can balance out fair prices for the fans and a fair deal for the girls too. Good cameras cost much more and that's VERY important. To get the best girls, you gotta pay them well. As far as the web goes though, that's cheap and easy to do, so I'll make that really accessible as a carrot for the channel. The only problem with happy hours (which I will be doing) is that if you cut the prices all the time, it means everyone else will have to, sooner or later - which only means that in the end, the girls won't get paid as much and only the big corporates will survive in the market - and that wouldn't be good at all. Think of Tesco's and how they screw the farmers and you get my drift....But leave it with me and I promise I'll come up with something nice.....very nice, actually ! It's all coming together and I can't wait to show you all what we've got Smile
06-12-2008 19:16
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SuperSpurs Away
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Post: #20
RE: A big hello
tmfkamr-gummidge Wrote:Hello SuperSpurs and welcome to the forums. Slightly jealous of you're job mate! I agree with everything the other guys here have said but can I also add, please let the girls be themselves instead of trying to make them all conform to a silly stereotype of "sexiness", husky whispering on the mike etc. There's loads of gorgeous girls out there but the ones us blokes on here seem to remember most are the ones with personality as well as looks.

Also on a side note remember that not everyone is a caller, some people just watch and occasionally send the odd text. Try charging less for texts, after all 150 texts at sent at twenty five pence will earn you more than ten sent at one pound fifty.

Of course mate, good idea - cheap texts all round! Do many people actually send them?
06-12-2008 20:02
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