(21-12-2011 09:19 )aceman65 Wrote: This is just so humorous, it's beyond belief.
Why is it that we all asume it has to be the man that watches porn.
My wife was worse than me at looking at, & watching porn.
And as for calling the channels up, She got off on it more than me. 
How about being honest about it.
She may want to watch and join in. 

Yeah effing nice for you
aceman65 who has landed on his feet.
Some of us have been married and or in long term relationships with rather lovely girls, or so they seemed at the outset, who were well into larking about in several difficult, dangerous and frankly interesting positions.
Then it
All of a sudden it started being about curtains and colour schemes, fun, unbridled, let's just screw each other for the sheer fun of it sex went out of the window.
So you settle down, think you're happy but really that teenager in you is still lurking at the back of your brain, which is saying let's have a lot of sex, I love this girl, I would do anything for her, why won't she have sex with me anymore like what we did when we first met.
You get bitter, your eyes start straying, you've had a few drinks, that girl who you've always had a distant crush on is making eyes at you, you talk to her, it's rather pleasant, the thrill of the forbidden.
But no, you are a responsible man. You have made you bed for better or worse. You walk home from the pub with lost regrets and open the door to find your nearest and dearest has suddenly found her interest in sex but unfortunately it is a younger and more handsome version of yourself.
You end up, crushed and embittered, posting on a site dedicated to girls who would never give you the time of day, in your little fantasy world they would.
This is just a scenario I've cooked up out of my head and has no relation to real life. 
Oops drunken edit.
In the unreal world of things that don't happen despite my bitter rant I'd like to state that my ex-wife never phones me in tears, when she as pissed as a newt every year on Christmas Eve, despite decrying my alcoholic intake when we were married, oh the irony, and never says she still loves me because the rest of the year she's just after money. That's proper love.
Fuck me I'm trying to justify myself to strangers.