Makes me wonder who really gives a shit, haven't we got enhough worries on our own planet without worrying whether or not some old geezers landed on a peice of rock a million miles away 40 years ago??
(21-07-2009 23:59 )perana68 Wrote: Makes me wonder who really gives a shit, haven't we got enhough worries on our own planet without worrying whether or not some old geezers landed on a peice of rock a million miles away 40 years ago??
where's your sense of history? plus with all the crap thats goin on these days, it nice to have something like this to distract from it.
22-07-2009 06:50
Master Poster
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Yep I take your point - plus the lunar landings did advance science massively, providing benefits to everyday life no doubt. I'm just not sure what actually landing on the moon gave us, but I'm happy to stand corrected
(21-07-2009 22:48 )vostok 1 Wrote: Seriously though, any evidence that the nine manned voyages to the moon were faked?
There were 7 manned missions to the moon, not 9.
The missions were Apollo 11 through to Apollo 17. One mission was aborted before reaching the moon, but the other 6 were successful.
Apollo 16 Astronaut Charlie Duke would disagree with you elgar. Listen to what he says at 31 secs in this clip:
"we've been to the moon 9 times, why did we fake it 9 times if we faked it"
There were 9 manned voyages to the moon, 8 were successful in their objectives, 1 was deemed a "successful failure" but achieved an orbit of the moon for a free range trajectory .
Apollo 8 and 10 both went to the moon, without a landing.
Apollo 8 orbited and Apollo 10 tested the LEM piloted by Stafford and Cernan at an altitude of 37,000 feet.
(22-07-2009 13:35 )elgar1uk Wrote: Good point vostok. I was forgetting that you can visit the moon without actually landing there.
No problem elgar, it is just that the conspiracy theorists claim that it is impossible to even leave earth orbit, let alone orbit the moon.
Then you have nutters like this guy:
who claims that even satellites are not real, while at the same time he claims that his local Jewish community center is a base for Alien UFO's!
(This post was last modified: 22-07-2009 14:08 by vostok 1.)
22-07-2009 14:04
Da Mastah
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Re: the video above - I'd just like to say that I was once a member of my local UFO group, and compared to some of the weirdoes I met there this guy is a rank amateur.