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RE: The "Pissed Off " Thread
I hope you find out who it was and give him hell mate. Sorry to see that mate, I hope you are back up and running soon.
LIVERPOOL-Champions League & UEFA Super Cup AND
Club World Cup Winners 2019-YNWA!
So long, farewell, auf weidersehn, goodbye, adieu, syonara, ha su chin and CHEERIO!
09-03-2019 18:40 |
Carl-Gen X
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RE: The "Pissed Off " Thread
Finally today I’m starting to feel more like a human being again after spending the past 3 days and nights feeling like I was going to die, alternating with feeling like I wanted to die...
Why...why...why...can’t people who visit hospitals wash their hands!
Long story short, just four days ago I went to visit one of my old school mates who had a nasty accident and broke his leg and a few ribs for good measure...
Within 12 hours of the visit I started to feel REALLY off colour, what rapidly followed was my body deciding to get rid of everything I had eaten in every way humanly possible...over and over again...violently and with little warning..
Didn’t sleep a wink the first night, so many trips to the bathroom, then returning to bed shivering and feeling freezing cold so would bundle up to try to warm up..this would last about 10-15 minutes until the my wildly out of control thermostat which was my battered frame, would decide to swing violently in the other direction..,yours truly was then boiling hot, sweat bursting from every pore and a lurching surge of nausea...dry name it.
The next energy, sipping on fluids to try to keep myself going, but with every sip, felt like I had swallowed razor blades..
Utterly hideous experience. Only tonight am I starting to feel more like normal but even now there’s a residual feeling of bleugh, and a slight headache...seems what I’ve had is called ‘winter vomiting bug’ as a result of some tosser who didn’t wash their sodding hands!!!
Three days and nights of hell...Would like to boot the bar steward responsible up the arse once for each nightmare hour of the experience...
(This post was last modified: 18-03-2019 22:18 by Carl-Gen X.)
18-03-2019 22:16 |
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Joined: Jul 2018
RE: The "Pissed Off " Thread
Sounds like that or the norovirus which can be hideous which I had one Christmas and it ruined that so much so I couldn't face my Christmas dinner until late January, although I had one spell of vomitting but not the other way thankfully.Weirdly I also could hear music and completely ignored a game of football with Liverpool that day too. I feel for you mate and hope you will soon be back to normal. All the best now.
LIVERPOOL-Champions League & UEFA Super Cup AND
Club World Cup Winners 2019-YNWA!
So long, farewell, auf weidersehn, goodbye, adieu, syonara, ha su chin and CHEERIO!
18-03-2019 22:34 |
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RE: The "Pissed Off " Thread
I only had one vomitting episode and nothing the other end but also sapped my energy and I lost my appetite-lousy time of year for that to happen so it could have been a mild form but it doesn't explain why I was so tired and lethargic and hearing music that wasn't there-it was bloody scary whatever it was and I definitely NEVER want that again!
LIVERPOOL-Champions League & UEFA Super Cup AND
Club World Cup Winners 2019-YNWA!
So long, farewell, auf weidersehn, goodbye, adieu, syonara, ha su chin and CHEERIO!
18-03-2019 23:40 |
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RE: The "Pissed Off " Thread
I would say the opposite is also true. You type in your password and the damn machine or app or program doesn't recognise it, so you try again and it still doesn't work BUT you know it is right, so you refresh the page and try a third time and hey presto! you finally get into your chosen account or program/app etc. It is only when you check that you think hang on, did I type it too fast OR was I just one character out! I agree about the CAPCHA things, they are a bloody nuisance especially the ones where you have to check boxes that have a car or a house in each one-pointless. I prefer to just type a phrase in.
LIVERPOOL-Champions League & UEFA Super Cup AND
Club World Cup Winners 2019-YNWA!
So long, farewell, auf weidersehn, goodbye, adieu, syonara, ha su chin and CHEERIO!
21-03-2019 17:41 |
Clit Eastwood
AKA Tilly-Fan
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RE: The "Pissed Off " Thread
My laptop is fucked. So trying to access my iTunes account with my iPod is impossible. The password seems to be different on my iPod compared to my iTunes account? Apple are fucktard pricks sugar coated with camel shit....then marinated with Canadian badger piss. Being polite of course.
22-03-2019 16:00 |