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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #211
RE: Megaupload
(21-01-2012 20:36 )The Narcissist Wrote:  That's such a good idea Ace, but the only problem with is that if a piracy trackers caught onto it then the creators of it, who I guess would be the moderators as they control everything on and within the forum would be in some serious trouble. As the creators will be the ones held liable at the end of the day for piracy.

But none of the babe channel recordings posted on this site are pirated, they are all recorded legitimately and posted with the knowledge and consent of the channels who are the copyright holders.

(and Admin, as site owner, is the one responsible for the forum and it's content, not the mods)


"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"

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21-01-2012 20:53
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floragabriel Offline
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Post: #212
receintes given the news .. the videos that were uploaded to megaupload (most recent) will rise to the other servers?
22-01-2012 01:24
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aceman65 Offline
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Post: #213
RE: Megaupload
I see all the old Mega sites are now displaying this.
[Image: image-9E11_4F1B6D65.jpg]
I would also suggest, that nobody goes clicking on the old video links. As you will get redirected to this.
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2012 02:14 by aceman65.)
22-01-2012 02:00
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eccles Offline
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Post: #214
RE: Megaupload
(19-01-2012 21:42 )aceman65 Wrote:  Never-mind the average Jo Bloggs, that has just had all his family photo's and videos wiped out.

Bit of an own goal by the FBI.

Gone fishing
22-01-2012 02:17
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eccles Offline
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Post: #215
RE: Megaupload
How come a German running a Hong Kong based company is arrrested on behalf on the FBI in New Zealand?

"It was based in Hong Kong, although the US indictment said it had jurisdiction as some of the content was hosted on servers in the US state of Virginia."

Gone fishing
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2012 03:17 by eccles.)
22-01-2012 02:28
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a_j216 Offline

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Post: #216
RE: Megaupload
(22-01-2012 02:28 )eccles Wrote:  How come a German running a Hong Kong based company is arrrested on behalf on the FBI in New Zealand?

It's absolutely disgusting that citizens of New Zealand or any other country can be arrested for operating a business legally in their home country at the behest of Washington. The United States is able to arrest a German national in New Zealand just because they don't like his company that runs out of Hong Kong. It's sad but say goodbye to the golden era of the internet which was made by the people for the people. Soon it will be controlled by the yanky government and their corporate paymasters, and we'll be reminiscing about "the old days".

Three words summarises my thoughts on this: FUCK YOU, AMERICA. Most of us no longer consider that we have a good "relationship" with the US, we KNOW it is now a "do as we say" attitude that the US government are adopting. The US is NOT the guardian of the internet; the US is NOT the spokesman for the world; the US is NOT out to combat terrorism. The US IS stealing other Countries mineral and oil deposits; the US IS trying to control world communications; the US IS turning into a complete fucking DICTATOR. America does NOT stand for 'freedom' - it stands for fascism. The United States of America.... made by by terrorists.....for terrorists...sooner or later I don't think people will just stand by and watch those warmongering, guntoting, burgermunching, 'one nation under god' bastards take away our freedoms, they have NO right to police what is an international entity. That is why the world hates America..those fucking bossy, arrogant and increasingly imperialist pieces of absolute shit......the arrogance that was once in the british empire is definitely inherent in them now, and shows no signs of stopping.

i'm going to protesting with my wallet and boycott/refuse to buy American goods. Americans here better fuck off with their foreign shit, rubbing their stupid flags in our faces in OUR country, running on other peoples freedoms. what pisses me off about this socially backward and inbred country is that these American government agencies can instigate legal proceedings thousands of miles away from their own country and people are thrown into jail...and not a 'PEEP' out of our own government....can I start legal proceedings against the American government for listening into all mobile phone conversations and reading my text messages..not to mention monitoring all my internet usage !....I live thousands from miles from the USA, most of it doesn't go anywhere near the USA so why are they allowed to do this and violate MY privacy ? If I had valuable stuff lost on megaupload, I'd sue the bastard US government, as would thousands/millions of others. It's time we bring that fascist country down to its knees. American 'Law' is ridiculous. It's like saying the British Government can sue any other nation that speaks English. Grow the fuck up, America. Stop using your zealot fears to ruin life for the rest of us.

The arrogance of the United States is incredible. Those using file-sharing sites (including Megaupload) are not all doing so illegally. By shutting down Megaupload they will not only have wiped out all the illegal uploads, but millions of legal ones too. Anybody who has lost their own personal material that they uploaded to Megaupload so it could be shared should sue the US government for compensation. The US Government have always been overbearing bullies convinced they rule the world. Unsurprisingly Americans kept in the dark are educated to believe the world begins and ends in the U.S. Many know little or nothing about the rest of the world, their world is their State (that's why 90%+ of them are insular, pig ignorant and very, very thick). People worry about China but the biggest threat has always been the US. Not surprised they want to control the web they are a dangerous threat to the rest of the world and have been since their fucking towers went down and their oversized ego got butt hurt - and thousands died for that worthless ego of theirs, including soldiers from my country, dying for their dirty fucking illegal invasions.

'Dear USA,
Go fuck yourself.
Yours sincerely,
The World'

REAL freedom = freedom from America.
23-01-2012 10:04
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admiral decker Offline
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Post: #217
RE: Megaupload
(23-01-2012 10:04 )a_j216 Wrote:  The arrogance of the United States is incredible.

Arresting people believed to be involved in major criminal activity could be deemed arrogant I suppose. It all depends on your point of view, but if the reason it's arrogant is because the criminals weren't American then I'm not sure that you've got a case. Megaupload deliberately did business in the US and took money from US residents and you can't gain the profits of doing business in a jurisdiction without complying with its laws. Megaupload also made payments to US residents for helping them make illegal profits, such as someone identified by the FBI only as "ND" who was paid $900 for illegal uploads through the Megaupload rewards program.
23-01-2012 11:24
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #218
RE: Megaupload
(21-01-2012 17:54 )oklahoma001 Wrote:  well their lawyer is the same that represented Bill Clinton in the Lewinsky scandal among other big government cases. so this should be pretty entertaining.Smile

Not any longer...

Flash the Gash...... ......Encrypted Shows...... ......Knickerless Daytime Clips...... ......Hotbox XXX...... ......Mic Left On Clips
24-01-2012 03:05
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oklahoma001 Offline
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Post: #219
RE: Megaupload
(24-01-2012 03:05 )skateguy Wrote:  Not any longer...
bladewave "the most logical conclusion is that one or more entertainment industry companies pulled some strings to get Bennett off the case."
and like it also says in the article, to find a top lawyer that wont have a conflict of interest with the entertainment industry wont be easy.

and the plot thickens...
24-01-2012 04:07
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aceman65 Offline
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Post: #220
RE: Megaupload
^^^^ Yep, he's been knobbled. laugh And they have the cheak to accuse Megaupload of underhanded dealings. Rolleyes Maybe they should look at themselves first. laugh
24-01-2012 11:52
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