(30-06-2013 22:50 )Grawth Wrote: (30-06-2013 10:07 )mozoo Wrote: Preeti and Savannah deserve a big WELL DONE for doing their best to put on a good show........
The Camera-monkey and Producer-Moron did their very best to FECK IT ALL UP!....

Listen in Babestation Management....we paid good money for an Adult show....you tamed it down to a 12 rated at best!....Bloody pathetic and heres another customer you've lost!
Any talk of Ofcom interference is crap, miss sollis set the standard, obviously didnt cross the boundaries or BSX would be off the air!....so why are we getting all this tame shite now? 

Do you really think that Ofcom work by watching the channels every night, and then immediately closing down the next day any that break their rules!!!! They go through a procedure. They ask for recordings of the shows in question. They ask for explanations. They issue warnings. They monitor. They fine. And only then do they revoke licenses. It's a long process.
Did Bangbabes disappear the day after Amanda and "lollygate"? No of course not.
We all know Ms Solis "crossed the boundaries". Saying that if boundaries were crossed then BSX would already be off the air is like suggesting that murder is OK because sometimes people get away with it!
Rules were broken. That's why we all got so excited. the only hope now is that the toning down of shows is a temporary thing (for example if BSX are fighting whether Ofcom have the right to punish them, or are telling Ofom that everything they have shown can be seen on other encrypted channels). Because you can be certain that if Ofcom can justify their oversight of BSX then then stronger shows are gone for good. And no amount of people ranting on here about how BSX have to put on stronger shows because that's what some people want is going to work.
The only way to get stronger shows is to either change Ofcom's rules, or prove they don't apply to you.
The saddest truth is that BSX were probably either reported by a rival, or that evidence found on forums like this was enough for Ofcom to request recordings of those nights.
Just thought i'd mention again that Ofcom themselves have said they have no powers over the Dutch regulated BS channels, they have said they do not deal with any complaints concerning BS channels with a Dutch licence if any are made, they do not request recordings of any BS Dutch regulated channels, they cannot give them a fine or revoke their licence because they do not have a Ofcom licence to revoke, they cannot revoke a Dutch licence, only the Dutch regulators can do that, the Dutch channels are out of Ofcom's jurisdiction/remit as stated by Ofcom themselves. Ofcom only deal with complaints and request recordings etc from channels they grant licences to . Ofcom do not regulate European channels with a European licence . Ofcom do not make laws concerning European licensed channels broadcasting on UK TV, Ofcom make rules/guidelines etc for the channels they grant licences to .
Ofcom have said themselves that if any complaints about the Dutch regulated BS channels are made to them that they pass them over to NICAM the Dutch regulator to deal with .
Ofcom have themselves said they are powerless to ban or block the BS channels broadcasting on freeview even if they break their rules due to European laws that allow overseas company's to broadcast and be regulated by a regulator from another country even when broadcast on UK TV, in this case the Dutch regulator Nicam is the regulator that would request recordings, fine or ban BS if serious breaches of NICAM's rules were broken .
The regular BS channel that broadcast before 12am on freeview are breaking Ofcom rules every night by the way, Ofcom rules say they cannot broadcast on freeview before 12am , NICAM have said they see nothing wrong with BS starting before 12am and allow them to do so even when Ofcom moaned to them about BS breaking their rules .
PS, The bad camera work was mostly to blame for the poor shows last night due to inept/useless camera operators, not the rules .
{edit} Just thought i'd mention seeing as Amanda and Bang Babes has been mentioned that Ofcom gave Bang Babes a fine for Amanda and Jemma's Lolly pop incident, Ofcom did not revoke their licence for that incident, it took place in November 2009, Ofcom revoked the licence of Bang Babes a year or so later (December 2010 i think) for repeatedly breaking rules, a large proportion of breaches were actually for the day shows by the way. Sadly they didn't have a Dutch licence .