(25-08-2022 06:20 )ryuken Wrote: I think S66 said the main reasons for the new PPV site were to stop recordings and stop trolls.
At this point these look weak excuses elevated to primary cause. Would a business really make all these changes to stop a few idiots? And why was trolling suddenly a problem that needed solving at that moment? (Surely recordings were dwindling not on the up.) Sure these were irritants babes wanted out the way but the main reason for change... no. Announcing it in that way just deflected criticism.
The fact that 66 was already having to shift modes was key IMO. Look at the dates that they would've known they were going to be sanctioned by Ofcom (see yesterday's articles). They'd been in trouble with the regulator since late 2018 mind. The ditching of their last but one TV channel and then the coming sanction were all part of it. The new site was rushed out shortly after. They knew they were basically done on TV so had to go big elsewhere.
But you hit the nail on the head with the idea of emulating OF.
That is why the site is the way it is. They wanted more crumbs off OF's table whilst also retaining all the paywalls they were previously working to. (Result: Endless micropayment hell. Like the worst of the gaming industry. A site full nag boxes and bells and whistles but with same old reluctance to move from a regressive style of working - being less active for more money - at its heart.)
(25-08-2022 06:20 )ryuken Wrote: Sorry, yes I meant the channels on average would possibly make less from being FTA.
But the operators, on the whole, would seem to disagree with you. We are quite a ways down the road on this now. None have, so far, followed 66 in making regular payment a necessity for viewing their streams... Hunting VIPs is one thing; making it essentially compulsory to be one is quite another.
(25-08-2022 06:20 )ryuken Wrote: On average S66 might make more from each VIP punter on their site, than BS do from their average non-VIPs. That might be why BS use Streamate and Stripchat.
What you say is true. But SM and SC don't block the simplest access either do they. Its ADVERTISING, you don't block access to ads. You want them SEEN.
The rest of the channels would seem to take the old fashioned view its better to cultivate as wider viewership as possible. Whereas too much of the new 66 is not 'the shows' is it? So they can treat access accordingly. As I say, looking to be a poor man OF with all sorts of naff bolted on is what 66 thought suited them. Size of business, type of babes on its roster, prior focus on stills photography (I mean wtf gives a damn these days?!

)... It maybe good for them but will it put CB (for instance) behind a paywall?
(25-08-2022 06:20 )ryuken Wrote: I think S66 might've started using pervecam and vibetoys before BS did. So BS might do a PPV site eventually too.
I'll give you this: 66 do seem more keen to innovate than the others. The question should always be though: Is the innovation something the customer was genuinely looking for? Or is it just a way to make more doing the same or less than before?
(25-08-2022 06:20 )ryuken Wrote: Every little facet of the channels are turning towards being based around paid interactions.
Yes of course. This is the eternal hunt of the shows. How to monetise every aspect of what they do. Since the year dot.
Difference is nothing before has looked to LIMIT the access of a general audience. The shows were always a mass entertainment form at their base. Lately the move has been to make it more exclusive to the individual. At 66 that drive has now led to a change in what, to me, is a fundamental requirement of a babeshow: The presentation of 'fta' material to all. The babes I mentioned in my previous post still do shows of that sort. But I fear we are on a direction of travel that will eventually lead to the oblivion of such shows (as far as 66, BS and XP are concerned anyway).
(25-08-2022 06:20 )ryuken Wrote: A few punters spending big money is viewed by channels as being better than loads of punters spending a little.
Maybe, but the rest don't block the lesser spenders
because they are lesser spenders. They don't discourage irregular spending.
(25-08-2022 06:20 )ryuken Wrote: S66 and the other channels don't care about VFM or how poor their product is because they know punters have been addicted to them for 20 years.
And yet that's led them to be ever more reliant on fewer guys it feels like to me.
(25-08-2022 06:20 )ryuken Wrote: For every old punter that gives up on the channels, they'll be a young punter willing to spend his first paycheck on a babe.
Hmmm. There's a ten year old article that says BS were struggling to attract new viewers at that time. And that the younger folk thought the channels represented poor vfm (yes the BS staffer said as much) but I concede the multiple changes the industry has undergone since then may have brought in a sizable, lasting, younger audience. Chasing that is certainly why 66 want to be like OF...
But this all comes down to our individual perception of how the main three operators are fairing right now doesn't it? Are they in managed decline or have they turned a corner, found new markets, and on the up again? We can only wait to see which it is. It might be different for each operator or they might all be feeling the same unavoidable pinch from factors outside their control.