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Review of last night's show

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HEX!T Away

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Post: #21
RE: Babestation review thread.
sorry i find yer reviews a bit lack luster. you havent said a bad thing about em, infact the shows you have mentioned have been boring by any standard, the girls have little or no energy. paige just rolls around the bed dani looks like shes about to have twins (ie looks like shes in pain) charlie isnt restrained by choice, paige and lori are about as interesting as a bag of chips. jessica , although very pretty still needs time to develop her game, sorry but your review is coming across like a cellcast employee doing emergancey customer relation repairs. if your gona review em then at least be honest.

i mean you say elle was good and paige on lori were fantastic? that just dosent make any sence what so ever,. paige and lori cant even manage to match jessica as far as quality of show goes,. well lori is starting to up her game with the oil and cream shows but still, her choice of sexy? (used in the braudest sence) bra n panties (she dressed much sexyer on PP late) her inability to just relax and let it go all hinder what could be a great performance.
paige is paige the wrong girl in the wrong job, yes shes sorta sexy in the girl next door sorta way but but thats it, shes not cumfy talking dirty unless the guy dosent say anything, she rearly answers requests to show certain angles. ella on the other hand is dam hot, got a fithy mouth, an ass that dosent stop, does what you request as long as its in the rules. knows how to distance her self from the calls without sounding impersonal or bored, ie a proffesional.

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 26-10-2009 10:46 by HEX!T.)
26-10-2009 10:25
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Ultramantis Black Away
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Post: #22
RE: Babestation review thread.
First time I had seen Jasmine last night on one of the late night shows, and she was looking really nice. She is a stunning girl, with a great figure, but her performance in the first section on BS2 was pretty lacklustre. It took her 20 minutes to actually move position of her front, and this was only done during one of the many adverts that they have on. Jasmine supposedly had two girls on her line at this point, switched over to BS1 during the ad, and Daryl was on, also with a girl caller. Anyway, Jasmine had moved position, and there was a bit of butt shaking, but guess what, that fucking black box was obscuring her backside. This female caller had to be one of the girls who work for them, as any legitimate caller would have asked Jasmine to move position. 40 minutes in, and Jasmine gets off her front and on to her knees, and this position shows her figure off really well. Another ad, flick to BS1, Geri is on, and that black box says 'All Girls Welcome'. I don't know why they dont just devote one of their channels to have two girls from the station talking to each other on the phone. Jasmine was much better when she got off her front, as she moved round a touch more. She really is an incredibly good looking girl.

Dani replaced Jasmine in an outfit that wasn't one of her regulars (she was wearing a red fishnet top, and short tartan skirt). Two minutes in to Dani's section and a fucking advert. Stuck with Dani, as she is my favourite girl and can do no wrong in my eyes. Daryl replaced Dani, and I changed the channel (I like Daryl but the outfit didn't do much for me). Stevie on BS1, no thanks not for me, Michelle Moist was on PG and she was very energetic and putting on very good performance, whilst Reede was on PL and again putting on a decent showing (although she does nothing for me).

I was knackered at this point, and just left BS1 recording, as from the way they tend to alternate the girls I was pretty sure Jasmine was going to be on next.
26-10-2009 11:11
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #23
RE: Babestation review thread.
now thats a review...

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

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26-10-2009 12:03
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Big Boobies Offline
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Post: #24
RE: Babestation review thread.
Hi everyone. Sorry Hexit if you dont like my reviews;I guess we all see things differently and on the whole I enjoy the shows;especially ParyGirls with two or more of my favourites! Just one quick question please.When I watched the webstream for BS1 it looked like there was a picnic site "set". How was this compared to "normal";did it get messy as someone intimated it might on here last night? And was BS1 better than BS2 even though they were sharing girls again? As I had technology problems I'm just wondering if I missed anything "very different" or not!
Anyway I will be back on later but possibly not until 10.00/10.30ish so please can we all help each other as usual with sightings of girls to shows. Thanks everyone especially you Skyers! I know that PAIGE and LORI are due on but otherwise not sure. I think its time CHARLIE and/or KELLY made another appearance and also LOUISE or JESSICA............. See you later.
(This post was last modified: 26-10-2009 18:18 by Big Boobies.)
26-10-2009 18:15
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #25
RE: Babestation review thread.
your rite we do see thing differently. not a bad thing in genral,. but honestly your review came off pretty limp. lori and paige may well be your favourit girls and thats great but plz have a ballance to your reviews for credabilitys sake. JUST A SUGGESTION.
both the girls have been over hyped recently and both have sufferd critasism on the forums because of it, and over hyping them again will just bring more.
although that said i will give lori this consession, when theres a girl on the other end of the phone she can be as good as any of the other girls. but again the way cellcast are deliberately censoring the girls thats not saying much.

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 27-10-2009 01:48 by HEX!T.)
26-10-2009 22:52
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Big Boobies Offline
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Post: #26
RE: Babestation review thread.
Morning all. How are you and how were "your shows" last night? I recorded PartyGirls (my favourite show) for PAIGE and Michelle Moist;hadnt seen her before but what a lovely girl she is.
On a previous Whos on tonight? thread late last night someone intimated that PartyGirls and Partyland were crossover shows as "normal" and that one PG girl might do a curtain strip. Oh great I thought but I bet its only on Sky! although it has happened on Freeview at least twice recently.....
Anyway the Freeview show started with LORI on the phones for forty minutes or so.When she introduced the show she said that Sky viewers had been with them since 9.00 but that we hadnt missed much;two girls several different girls and girl(s) stripping......THANKS CELLCAST treating Freeview as a second class channel yet again! THIS MUST STOP before viewers disappear.After all its been done before on Freeview why not last night....
So the show was quite good.The girls were PAIGE,Michelle Moist,LORI,CHARLIE and RACHEL. LORI was on twice and was her usual sexy self both times.Michelle Moist was very good as was Rachel on once separately and 2-4-1 with PAIGE.CHARLIE was on twice and in one section was really playing with and squeezing her nipples;very sexy but is this alloweed these days? But PAIGE was only on once separately apart from her 2-4-1 with RAChEL which was tamish!So a reasonable show which I will keep especially as KELLY was on BS1 at the end! BUT CELLCAST please treat Sky and Freeview more equal and PLEASE DONT LET THE changeover period be about the girls gloating to us Freeviewrs about what we have missed on SKY! it doesnt do you any favours and only upsets us even more! By the way I would be interested to hear which girl went "naked" on Sky (if they did!) and vids or caps would be welcome,. Thanks everyone;work now! See you later.
27-10-2009 07:56
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Ultramantis Black Away
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Post: #27
RE: Babestation review thread.
I will quickly finish off what I was writing about in my last post before talking about what I saw last night.

From sunday night/monday morning, I had left the DVD recorder running to record BS1, and as expected it was Jasmine who was up next. That girl really has got a cracking figure. She was wearing the same outift that she had on her previous section on BS2, but this was a far better performance than previously. She was replaced by Nurse Dani (queue loads of innuendo about swelling, head-aches, temperature rising etc). Dani was in some red fishnet stockings, and fishnets are one of my bug bears as I cant stand them. If the girls are going to wear stockings I wish they would stick to the nylon variety. Dani was replaced by Daryl and not much to say about her, bar the fact that she had her hair up at one point, and she is a really attractive girl. Stevie, followed by Geri the Secretary were after her, and I paid no attention to those. Jasmine again and in a change of outfit (though bloody fishnets!), and this was pretty much the reverse of her opening segment of the night, in that she started off strong but then resorted to lying on her front for long periods towards the end. Broadcast finished with the Goddess O'Neal in that lacy bodystocking that shows off her almighty fine ass.

Last night Kelly was on BS1 and Alex Adams on BS2. Two good looking girls, although nothing I fancied recording so was alternating viewing between the two. Alex's bra came off almost instantly and she was also wearing the tiniest of panties. Have to admit that Alex's boobs are the worst thing about her for me. I don't like fake tits as it is, but if the girls have them, I prefer them to be more proportional to their bodyshape (in that instance, I think that Louise Porter and Dani being curvier girls suit there breasts). I can think of four girls instantly from the BS channels who have had implants that I think do nothing for them, and ironically two are on at the moment. Good opening performance from Alex as there was lots of movement from her, and she didn't proceed to stay in the one position constantly.

Alex was replaced by Flo (wearing some thigh length boots), and I switched to BS1. This is more like it, Megan replaces Kelly, though remember what I was saying about false breasts that do nothing for the girl, here is another one. I could look at Megan's sultry face all day, and she put on a trememdous performance, that I sadly didn't record. Plenty of gyrating, thrusting, bouncing. The bra was off and out comes the cream. Excellent high energy stuff from Megan, and that will teach me not to record her in future.

1.00am and out to check who else is on. Lori is on PG, may come back to that, and Charlie and Michelle are doing a 2 4 1 on PL. I mean this in the nicest possible way, but Michelle Moist looks like pure filth. Watched this for a bit, and yup Michelle was putting on a good show. Geri replaces Megan on BS1, Kelly replaces Flo on BS2, deccide to watch a bit of Lori before bed. Not before long the expected female caller comes in, she is called Paige, sorry 'Emma', and she is shy and at home. Enough of this nonsense. No-one I am desperate to see, so opt to record Bang Babes and call it a night.

Quickly ran through my recording of Bang Babes, and looks like I made a good choice, as there was a couple of sections from the super sexy and downright hot Toni, plus some red headed girl who I had not seen before (still microphone probs, so I didn't get her name).
27-10-2009 10:42
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TheWatcher Offline
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Post: #28
RE: Babestation review thread.
(27-10-2009 10:42 )Ultramantis Black Wrote:  ~~~~
Quickly ran through my recording of Bang Babes, and looks like I made a good choice, as there was a couple of sections from the super sexy and downright hot Toni, plus some red headed girl who I had not seen before (still microphone probs, so I didn't get her name).

There were 2 red headed girls on, but I assume you mean Nicole, not Adele, who I'm sure every one knows. I had not seen Nicole before (she's fairly new) and had to search this forum this morning to find out what her name was.
27-10-2009 12:06
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shinobi86 Offline

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Post: #29
RE: Babestation review thread.
Now thats a message

Men love pussy but don't want to be pussies, women hate cock but always act like cocks
27-10-2009 12:13
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Big Boobies Offline
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Post: #30
PartyGirls last night
Hi there. I have a question aimed at our Sky friends. I recorded PartyGirls Freeview show last night because PAIGE was on with Michelle Moist.Before I went to bed having set up my dvd recorder someonme on the Whos on tonight? thread mentioned that PartyGirls and Partyland were having a crossover night and sharing girls. Fine I thought as I may well see LORI and CHARLIE as well.He also said that a PartyGirl girl might do a curtain strip! So I left it set up for PartyGirls;my favourite show.During the show I did see LORI and CHARLIE plus RACHEL as well as PAIGE and Micherlle. PAIGE was only on twice;one of her sections was a 2-4-1 with RACHEL. So she probably spent most of the time on Partyland despite listed on PartyGirls as a main presenter.Thats fine at least I saw her.BUT LORI introduced the Freeview show by saying something like ;welcome Freeview and welcome back Sky viewers.She then said that so far (on Sky) there had been different girls two girls sections and girl(s) stripping! Then she was on the bed for 40 minutes doing her usual very good stuff.Needless to say none of the girls stripped naked so this left me wondering;did the strip actually take place on the Sky show or (I think more likely!) was it a ploy by Cellcast to alienate us Freeview viewers even more and try to get us to sign up for Sky which we dont wish to do? If I am right I think its disgraceful as well as being dishonest but of couse Cellcast wouldnt do that! But if any of the girls did strip off I feel certain that caps or vids would have appeared on one of these forums as these things happen very rarely at the moment. So far I havent seen any reports at all. It has happened twice recently and on Freeview so it is legal Cellcast!the first time it was Camilla(her first "new" Partygirls show! and the second time with LORI! Caty Cole and Reede fox.I have kept that programme.
Sorry to drag this out BUT could any Sky viewers enlighten us Freeviewers as to whether this did happen or whether Cellcast were (again) gloating to us Freeview viewers and trying to make us seem inferior as usual.I look forward to any responses. Thanks very much.Of course it could have happened on Partyland? Pleae let us know if we missed anything;thanks very much.
(This post was last modified: 27-10-2009 19:37 by Big Boobies.)
27-10-2009 19:34
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