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RE: Mortal Kombat 9 Demo/Full Game
Thought i would give my views on the game after playing it for a couple months now bare in mind i'll be talking about the PS3 version theres not much difference really except the PS3 Version has kratos. Over all its a very good game with loads of modes ranging from the laddder mode, there's also a story mode which play as different figthers and tells the tale from mortal kombat 1 to 3 of course the story is different due change's in the time line which is explained in the storyline, there's also loads of challenge modes to unlock and fighters to unlock and there will DLC's to buy new figthers and costumes in the future also there's the pit stages. The graphics are really good especially if its hooked up to hd screen and sound too if you have it hooked up to 5.1 cinema system, the controls play very well too but there a couple problems with it which i will explain in downside to the game. Now where the game falls down, the online play of this game is really bad and theres loads of lagging which seems to be a big problem with all fighting games and first person shooters, i do know that internet in japan is way better then what we have over here and in the states so maybe that isn't a problem over there. The figthers are unbalanced so one min your having a easy fight with one fighter and then the next min its way too hard and then easy again so on and so on. Some of figther's are way too powerful and i did hear in the next patch some of them are gonna be toned down. Now here is one of bad problems with game the final bosses there just too over the top and any too powerful, take the last boss shao kahn his x ray move does 53 percent damage, with two hits of his normal moves half your energy bar is already gone, he see's to be able to do two moves at the same time with no pausing and his hammer he does even if you jump over him and doing the move the wrong way round you still get hit by it. The controls can go really funny i.e your moves go right through shao kahn and then he hits you also when you fight him for some bent reason your normal and special moves are toned down so you can hardly damage him. I do know that there has been a lot of people complaining but this problem but i doubt the makers will tone it down as once again seems to be another problem with fighting games where they seem to think its fair to the final boss way too powerful and cheap of course when you unlock them and play as them there shit, street figther and tekken have had the same problem when it comes to final bosses. Apart from that its a really good soild game and worth picking it up if your either a fighting fan or want something different from either tekken or street figther.
"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
(This post was last modified: 30-05-2011 16:55 by *Kal-El*.)
30-05-2011 16:25 |