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Woolwich Attack

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rhinohorn75 Offline
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Post: #21
RE: Woolwich Attack
Condolences to all those affected by the absolutely disgusting, vile & sickening events in Woolwich, this is NOT how we as a nation are supposed to act or behave.
Tolerance is a 2-way street, not 1-way as some people would have you believe. It would appear we have spent centuries being tolerant to the point where we are now merely a dis-functional, bankrupt island off the coast of mainland europe, when we used to be Great Britain, a proud, loyal & worthy nation that ruled over 70% of the globe.
Although now I feel, that due to decades of successive governments bowing down to foreign legislation & giving away all OUR human & civil rights, if we don't act now to stop this extremist nonsense, OUR little island is going to be washed away without a trace.

25-05-2013 10:10
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bytor Offline
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Post: #22
RE: Woolwich Attack
Yes it's a damn disgrace all these Johnny Foreigners watering down the pure blood of mighty Britain. Let's not stop at modern times though. Think what a supreme and powerful nation we could have been if it wasn't for those pesky Celts, Romans, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Normans!
Let's go back to what made Britain Great. Let's have an end to unions, workers rights, equality etc. etc. What we really need to restore us to our rightfully prominent status are the nations 5% most powerful and richest magnates ruling with a rod of iron with the other 95% of the population doffing their flat caps and working down't mill for sixpence a week. Ah the good old days. We had such a wonderful, caring empire!
The murder in Woolwich was a gruesome and inhuman act by two deranged individuals and was appalling to see events develop. My sympathies go to the family and friends of the victim. It must have been devastating to see it on TV and then hours later find out it was the blood of your son/husband/father/friend streaked across the pavement.
It must be just as equally appalling for the family and friends of victims in South America, India, Pakistan, USA, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya or any where else in the world that we all share, to have to endure and witness such atrocities.
(This post was last modified: 25-05-2013 12:57 by bytor.)
25-05-2013 11:50
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Top of the Babes! Offline

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Post: #23
RE: Woolwich Attack
The ConDems continue to cut public services such as the police and armed forces, whilst the Lefties are lobbying against police stop and search and surveillance claiming that it infringes minorities rights. So where does that leave the silent majority in the middle paying tax to fund those who protect us? Huh

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26-05-2013 12:00
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #24
RE: Woolwich Attack
The thing is this, if I moved to somebody elses country I would abide by their rules and traditions. I would not be taking to the streets preaching down with the government and making hate speechs that threaten the whole integrity of this democracy.

I'm all for freedom of speech and freedom of religion but not when it cross's the line which Islam has done all so often.

A lot of those so called mad extremists do not realise this. They need to be brought into line, our country, our way of life and our rules. If you don't like it then kindly fuck off back to your own.

Please note, if I lived in a country where my hatred was so severe of the ruling bodies in control then I would not live there. Did I support the Iraq war of 2003. Yes and No - Saddam hussein was a madman who needed delt with. As far as any weapons of mass destruction being found, well we all know now that was merely just an excuse used to jusify the war but Saddam was a very dangerous man and needed removed from power.

As a UK citizen I ofcourse supported all of the British troops out there, I have a friend who serves in the forces. Every time he comes home I am always saying to him how great it must feel for him to be able to walk the streets safely once more without having to constantly look over his shoulder every 2 minutes. He also has no problems whatsoever in wearing the help the heroes T-Shirt whilst we are sitting having a few pints in the local boozer.

I think we are all realistic enough to realise that this was a one off islolated incident on Wednesday but the problem I have with these so -called one off incidents is that the majority of the time they tend to be catastrophic.

David Cameron has stated that he will be out to gag the hate speakers and for that he has my full support. Also as a Scotsman I will be voting for independence but through the proper channels and if we fail to get enough vote's then I'll do what I always do. I'll eat my humble pie and accept it because I appreciate the fact we have democracy and are able to decide on major decisions through the proper channels and in a civilised manner without the need for any blood to be shed.
(This post was last modified: 26-05-2013 17:16 by Scottishbloke.)
26-05-2013 17:07
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saviour123 Offline
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Post: #25
RE: Woolwich Attack
(25-05-2013 10:10 )rhinohorn75 Wrote:  Condolences to all those affected by the absolutely disgusting, vile & sickening events in Woolwich, this is NOT how we as a nation are supposed to act or behave.
Tolerance is a 2-way street, not 1-way as some people would have you believe. It would appear we have spent centuries being tolerant to the point where we are now merely a dis-functional, bankrupt island off the coast of mainland europe, when we used to be Great Britain, a proud, loyal & worthy nation that ruled over 70% of the globe.
Although now I feel, that due to decades of successive governments bowing down to foreign legislation & giving away all OUR human & civil rights, if we don't act now to stop this extremist nonsense, OUR little island is going to be washed away without a trace.

You say that we have been a tolerant nation for hundreds of years, then go on to say that we ruled 70% of the world as an empire. Yes I agree we are tolerant now, but I dont think we were particually tolerant when we were colonizing the world. I also want to point out, that the main thing that seperates us from the extremist terrorists is the very liberal views that you seem to hate so much. Being as extreme as them, will solve nothing. We are better than that! An eye for an eye and the world will go blind sadly.....

P.s I am appaled as the next person about this crime. But I was also appalled at what happened to April Jones, and the 6 children mudered in the house fire. Evil is not exclusive to foreigners like some people would have you believe, and there are a lot of bad people in the world, but also a lot of good people too.... We need measured steps not knee jerk reactions. No doubt I will get flamed, because I am not preaching anger, but to my mind we have enough anger already......
(This post was last modified: 26-05-2013 17:19 by saviour123.)
26-05-2013 17:13
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"mini see through thong"

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Post: #26
RE: Woolwich Attack
So both have pleaded NOT GUILTY!!!! This young man's family will now have to go through all the trauma of a trial for justice to be done. Our justice system is obviously going to be used as a tool by terrorists and their backers. Time for a radical rethink on how we deal with these people.

27-09-2013 11:06
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skully Offline

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Post: #27
RE: Woolwich Attack
So, both have been found guilty (like there was any doubt) and the judge said he will pass sentence ''after a key appeal court ruling on the use of whole life terms in January''. Let's hope that with this case, that life will actually mean life, these two deserve to be locked away until the day they die.

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
19-12-2013 13:34
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Bandwagon Away
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Post: #28
RE: Woolwich Attack
▲▲▲ spot on
19-12-2013 15:39
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shano123 Offline
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Post: #29
RE: Woolwich Attack
should bring back the death penalty for this specific case, do those 2 idiots deserve to live? even if they are given life
19-12-2013 17:19
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #30
RE: Woolwich Attack
I bet they will be asking for solitary confinement, because I can't see them lasting long otherwise
19-12-2013 17:27
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