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500th Post

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mrwotzup Offline

Posts: 11,162
Joined: Dec 2008
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Post: #21
RE: 500th Post
You are "The Man"

Many many thanks for all the vids, they are very much appreciated.
It must take a lot of time and effort on your part so that us lesser mortals can download your vids. So thanks once again.

Heres looking forward to the next 500 ( although my Hard Drive may not agree) lol
06-05-2009 12:23
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nine hundred Away
LFC and 'Sex Kitten' Amber Fan

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Post: #22
RE: 500th Post
Sorry josh, bit late off the mark with this one Sad. Just saw the thread. I know you've long passed that particular landmark, but i could not leave the thread without saying a HUGE THANK YOU!!

Consistent quality eek...Easily one of the linchpins of this forum!

Thanks mate, appreciate all of your hard work Wink Cool

"Just call me 9"!!

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06-05-2009 13:19
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Josh Offline
Posting Machine

Posts: 2,475
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Post: #23
RE: 500th Post
Just been viewing the download figures for the last few months. Considerably lower. To me, there seems to be a shift on the forum from downloading vids to chatting and causing general arguements. Thats quite ok with me. I have been thinking of stopping for a while now. Countdown has started. 30th June will be my last vid post. Then I will take a complete break away from the forum. As of yet, im not sure if I will return. No point if im not making vids. Its hard long work that a few posters are aware of. We are appreciated by few. I know who they are as they are appreciative for most of my posts. I joined the site early on, but I did not post until January 09. I was a big time leecher. Although many vids were posted, no long 20 min plus vids. Dont think people realise the hrs that go into each and every vid. I think that I have given enough back in the short time that I have posted. Some posters are heavily under valued and under repped. Dreamlander is one such case. 70 reps for the amount of vids he supplies is shocking. I never intended to be a poster of vids on this forum. I thought of uploading a few sexy pp 3am vids. The appreciation was great, made me continue and months later im still here posting away. Post 800 was the final straw for me. 13 hrs to edit, encode and upload 3 hrs of Elite vids. Im spending too much of my own time for some thanks, a few downloads and no reps.

What I have done since January
Uploaded: 92 599 MB ~ 93 GB
No. of files: 612
No. of Downloads: Lost count at 15k. Probably between 45-50k in total.
No. of reps: 139

So in terms of reps to uploaded content goes:

1 rep per 4.4 vids uploaded or
1 rep every 660mb of content uploaded. annoyed

Reps mean nothing in the real world, although on the forum, it does show the uploader that their effort is appreciated.

One final note: My rapidshare account is active until 20.07.09. If it is not renewed, then the links will be deleted after 90 days of inactivity. If the dl's continue in my absence, i will continue to extend the account. Hope you enjoy the vids that I upload. Tongue

05-06-2009 17:47
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