Well the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag with Ofcom's latest move.
Here they show themselves up for the pre-censoring agenda-driven organisation they really are. No longer do they wait for words to be uttered before deciding if sanctions are appropriate. They now proscribe what
opinions may be voiced on the national airwaves. They tell
us what is wrong think. Their definition of hate speech expanding ever wider to encompass what THEY decide are views beyond the pale. Henceforth, they will decide which special interest groups are to be so priveleged that their ideas can not be challenged in front of the country.
It is now clear as crystal that...
Ofcom want diversity in everything but opinion.
Ofcom want tolerance to everything except for ideas they disagree with.
Ofcom want everything to have a platform unless it veers too far from what THEY (not the public note) deem to be of mainstream acceptance.
Now before anyone gets on their high horse, this has bugger all to do with the trans/anti-trans issue. (I'm tolerant of others, it's this regulator that is not!) Instead it is everything to do with the day Ofcom decided what speech should be free to be broadcast in this country.
The people that post on these pages learnt long ago what you were Ofcom. Now perhaps more of the general public will begin to see. The people that are not part of the bubble of safe, proscribed views you have built up around yourself; telling yourselves no one can think what you do not. The people you, unelected santimonious do-gooders, claim to speak for, when in fact you only speak for yourselves. Every. Single. Time... But listen loud for once: I for one,
want to see all ideas challenged on my TV... Every. Single. Time. Else how can we be sure of what has been given proper scrutiny? How can we be sure we are not being dictated to or proporgandised? I want to see my enemy. To know him out in the open. On the airwaves, being shown up to be ridiculous in all glory. Your 'protections' are patronising, unhelpful, and unwelcome. Unwanted.
Even so, I thank the new chair of Ofcom. At long last they are being honest and showing what they're about instead of hiding behind manipulated survey results. Now we can challenge your dogma in full transparency. It only took you over 15 years to come clean...
So, enough of this now. To hell with you all and your 'we know what's best for you' attitudes. It's well overdue time for a new politician to stand up and show your type posturing as the opposite of what it claims to be. Expose it as stagnant and regressive. Please let that day be soon. Very fucking soon.