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Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?

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EUH 28 Offline
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Post: #31
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
I didnt want to start a new thread on this, as its still in regards to texts, but really, something needs to be done. I sent a text last night, just after midnight, while Lilly was on the sofa/laptop. Ive sent a text to Lilly before & had a reply, albeit, not a great one, but at least a reply....sorry Lilly, just being honest. Waited an hour or so, Lilly asking for texts, no reply. I assume that it just didnt get through. I have delivery reports turned on on my mobile, & didnt have a report, so thought fair enough. It happens. Called Lilly instead, didnt mention about the text, moved on. So when my phone rang 15mins ago, I was a little pissed to read "Hey, its Tammy". I attatch no blame as such to Tammy on this (considering the content of my original text, not a great reply, but thats by the by) as its her job to reply to texts to make the money. But seriously, TWENTY ONE & A HALF HOURS?!!??!!

Im an idiot in that I replied to this voicing my displeasure, which has cost me another £1.50, but it was worth it to see the look on Tammys face & reaction.

In the interests of consumer satisfaction, if any lady other than Tammy has the laptop, dont waste your money. If anyone can add to that list of one, please do.
(This post was last modified: 19-11-2009 22:05 by EUH 28.)
19-11-2009 22:04
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Lilly XXX Offline
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Post: #32
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
Hey Guys,

Just to clear this up about the texts, we do try to reply to each one however sometimes on a busy night we get hundreds of texts through and there is only one laptop and we also have the added annoyance of the producers and crew telling us to promote the girls so therfore we can't always give a great reply, im sorry if my reply was not up to scratch it was probably because I had some one in my ear telling me to present and lay on the couch, I enjoy reading the texts, with the new system we can take calls in reception so therfore if my phone rings I have to answer and stop being the presenter.

Lilly x

xo Lushious Lilly xo
19-11-2009 23:11
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Digital Dave Away

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Post: #33
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
(19-11-2009 23:11 )Lilly HV Wrote:  Hey Guys,

Just to clear this up about the texts, we do try to reply to each one however sometimes on a busy night we get hundreds of texts through and there is only one laptop and we also have the added annoyance of the producers and crew telling us to promote the girls so therfore we can't always give a great reply, im sorry if my reply was not up to scratch it was probably because I had some one in my ear telling me to present and lay on the couch, I enjoy reading the texts, with the new system we can take calls in reception so therfore if my phone rings I have to answer and stop being the presenter.

Lilly x

Thanks for the reply Lilly!

That's something I'd noticed - because of the change from the 'reception' system to the new system where only girls not on calls go on mic, there's virtually no time for them to reply to texts because, as Lilly says, they have to do the usual 'number to call, Gertrude's looking really horny' crap, and then as soon as a call comes in they go off mic.

When they had the reception system (and latterly the bar) the person doing that had time to respond to texts properly.

At least the texts to HV get to the girls and they respond when they can, unlike the Cellcast channels where they just go to a drone pretending to be one of the girls, who then responds with a template message. (God I hate Cellcast, why don't Ofcom bang them all up!).
19-11-2009 23:29
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EUH 28 Offline
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Post: #34
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
Thanks for the reply Lilly. Just to say, I already realised that trying to reply to texts whilst presenting & taking calls is a tough gig, & dont mean to have a go at you personally. Like I say, at least you have replied to texts in the past. Its just very frustrating having the lady on screen (in this case it was you) asking for texts......and getting nothing from it. Except a charge, TWENTY ONE HOURS LATER.

And if you do get hundreds of texts in an evening, then youre producers NEED to give the ladies the chance to reply to them, otherwise you might as well scrap the personalised reply idea. And as Ive stated before, I LOVE the personalised reply idea. Its just negated if you dont get a reply!
20-11-2009 00:27
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Rufus.D.H Offline
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Post: #35
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
I agree since the departure of Roxy... Tammy is the ONLY one to touch the laptop and reply to txts.. no i tell a lie Lilly just pushed it further away from her... despite many opportunitys tonite not on calls etc.. txts are being asked for but ignored.. if they get hundreds as Lilly says then who is answering them? it would take them hours of typing anyone seen them do that? i reckon its the camera man offscreen answering them. if any are being sent. otherwise its a 3 hour wait till Tammy gets back.

smile... even on the crap days!
20-11-2009 00:31
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DanVox Offline
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Post: #36
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
(19-11-2009 23:11 )Lilly HV Wrote:  Hey Guys,

Just to clear this up about the texts, we do try to reply to each one however sometimes on a busy night we get hundreds of texts through and there is only one laptop and we also have the added annoyance of the producers and crew telling us to promote the girls so therfore we can't always give a great reply, im sorry if my reply was not up to scratch it was probably because I had some one in my ear telling me to present and lay on the couch, I enjoy reading the texts, with the new system we can take calls in reception so therfore if my phone rings I have to answer and stop being the presenter.

Lilly x

Be fair. If they enjoyed typing they wouldn't be working on television.
20-11-2009 00:46
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EUH 28 Offline
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Post: #37
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
I really dont want this to become an 'attack Lilly' thread, because I like Lilly. That wasnt my intention with my original post. My beef is with the channels producers inability to capitalise upon this great idea. Infact they seem almost intent on f'n it up.

I dont think Ive posted this on here before, but I think I indirectly contributed to this HV personalised text thing. Way back in the day, when Tia JonesHeart (or Scarlet as she was then) was on, I really wanted to request she wear some glasses for me (I know, storychecksout Tongue ) & noticed the text number. At this point they never asked for texts. Id never seen them read texts, or even pictures. I sent the text & what I got back was almost a 'er.....what the hell......erm, better text back, its only polite' type of deal. A few days later, the receptionist would pimp for texts on regularly basis. And I loved that it seemed so off the cuff. And now, when you actually get replies, I love that the replies are not automated. Anything beyond 'are you horny, call me' is pretty much acceptable. If it actually answers a question, its awesome. Tammy, I doth my cap to you for a few nights ago.

So why cant the bosses take advantage of this great feature & actually give the ladies the time/impetus to reply. Its a money maker! Tammy replies to my texts a few days ago, all three of them & then I call her on the basis of those texts. Money for the channel, more personal & even more interactive experience for us! EVERYONES A WINNER!!!!

One more thing, while I ranting. Lilly, Tammy, Lucy, Bella (before her holiday), Courtney, and any of the other ladies Ive missed should ALL be commended & thanked for posting on here. Giving back to the fans of the channel, answering our questions, & in the examples of Lucy after the 'night of infamy' & Lilly in this very thread, responding to criticism, in a positive way. Again, just another reason why I love Hotel Voyeur.
20-11-2009 01:49
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Rufus.D.H Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
Sorry my mistake in my last post i meant Lolly had moved the laptop not Lilly... anyway its now 5 hours into the show and i have only seen it touched by Tammy that was in the first hour between 9.30 and 10 pm.. such a shame a great concept but being killed by the producers.. im off to bed now maybe i get a reply to my txts sometime saturday..

smile... even on the crap days!
20-11-2009 02:37
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franc Offline

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Post: #39
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
(11-11-2009 19:33 )DGxxx Wrote:  I've never had a problem. It depends on what you message is as to whether they read it out or not but they now operate a system of actually sending back a specific reply. How often they do this is dependent on how many girls they have got and whether they can use the laptop!

I think the day show uses the same mechanism but why would bother texting them? They are never going to read out your message saying "What a miserable excuse for a show. At least it was proper car crash telly when you could hear all the producers talkback" are they.

D G x x x
I got charged £3/min not £1.50when i got through to a girl on the phone
15-01-2010 17:33
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mdevil316 Offline
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Post: #40
RE: Is Hotel Voyeur a Con ?
i wouldnt call or text if it cost me 1p now ive heard what has happened to the girls regarding pay.
15-01-2010 17:39
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