Mister Gummidge
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RE: Stargate - Universe.
Those two are perfect cases in point. No shareholders to grovel at, so a 13 episode run at massive expense and given the time to find their feet (although Robin Hood sucked IMO, they took away everything that made previous Robin Hoods Fun  ), it looks like Merlin will get a second series. Doctor Who goes from strength to strength and Torchwood is coming back  (don't like that show, can't abide Barrowman!) They make back production costs on DVD sales because they are both willing and able to take risks. ITV will never learn, because no-one there is actually grounded in television, the bosses are all corporate, bottom-line types. In this country only the BBC are willing to make big budget sci-fi, as only the beeb are run by people more interested in making good telly than profit. Hence the BBC are committed to Doctor Who, Torchwood, Merlin and Blake's seven while ITV dawdle over primevil series 3 and don't know what to do with Demons. It's sad, as it's the viewers who lose out in the long run.
"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
16-01-2009 19:03 |
Yes - I Promote April
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RE: Stargate - Universe.
tmfkamr-gummidge Wrote:It's not just the writer's strike to blame. American t.v. has always been a very cut-throat industry. The major free to air networks (NBC affiliates, CBS affiliates etc.) and those on basic cable (Fox, WB etc.) have absolutely no public funding whatsoever. Not a penny. Like ITV in this country, they are so far in hock to banks and investors that if a show doesn't pull in an audience in the first few weeks it's zapped from the schedule without mercy, as they can't afford a drop in advertising revenue. The only channels willing to take risks on a show long term, in the hope of building an audience are the pay t.v. channels like HBO or Showtime as they're propped up by subscription fees, pay-per-view sport profits and advertising. That's why things keep getting dropped for "reality" shows, just like they do over here on the ITV network. It seems like more people are willing to watch x factor/American idol or that jungle thingy than quality television. Sucks doesn't it? At least Stargate Universe will be on Sci-Fi Channel(in th U.S.), so people know exactly what they're tuning in for.
I think a lot of the problem is the over reliance on back catalog material to fill schedules or re syndicating older series to other networks, and recoup costs over and over on older material released on DVD and between on that is the Reality stuff. Things are becoming stale but nobody at the top cares as long as the money roles in. As you have stated its all about revenue from Advertising or Product Placement. The Few bright sparks of light at the end of tunnel maybe some of the Niche Online Original Content providers who while not being able to shake the tree of the industry may be able to pull on a branch or two and change the landscape a little.
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17-01-2009 00:30 |