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People that Perturb me.

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terence Offline

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Post: #31
RE: People that Perturb me.
can't believe i forgot vanessa feltz!

Chuck Norris has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). the virus is now in quarantine for 14 days.
30-10-2017 22:25
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Goodfella3041 Offline
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Post: #32
RE: People that Perturb me.
aaargh vanessa feltz!

Boris Johnson
Any 'celebrity' architect
Ricky Gervais
Johnny Vegas
Any comic actor that goes 'dramatic' and then can't be funny anymore (viz Robin Williams, Tom Hanks, Jim Carrey, etc.)
Reality TV 'stars'
The boy Corr
30-10-2017 23:11
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Whynot Offline
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Post: #33
RE: People that Perturb me.
Great thread!!

Michael Buble
Jacob Rees-Mogg (how can he be popular the facist cunt)
Davina Mccall

I hate injustice and liars
30-10-2017 23:47
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #34
RE: People that Perturb me.
I don't think it is possible to list all the twats who perturb me but here goes

Diane Abbott ( thick as pig shit )
Nick Clegg
Amber Rudd
Emily Thornberry
David Lammy
Any Z- list reality stars (especially Danielle 'shower gel Lloyd)
Richard 'smug cunt' Branson
Lewis Hamilton
Hillary 'what happened' Clinton
George 'sanctimonious' Clooney
Ricky Gervais
James ' fucking piglet 'Corden
Clare Balding
Gabby Logan
All the presenters on Loose women
Sadiq Khan
Max Moseley
Hugh Grant
Human rights lawyers (only in it for the money)
Parents who decide their children are transgender and parade them on the tele like some sort of freak show (did anyone ask them if they wanted to meet phil and fucking holly?)
Jeremy Kyle
An ex girlfriend who emptied my bank account
Anyone in the nat west poem adverts
The man on the gladstone brooks ppi adverts (patronising cunt)
All the celebrities who do charity adverts asking for our money while keeping theirs in offshore accounts
David 'Knighthood' Beckham and his fucking brood.
Jamie Oliver ( Prick )
And all the snowflakes searching twitter looking for something to be offended by just to give their lives meaning

the list is endless
(This post was last modified: 31-10-2017 00:48 by lancealot790.)
31-10-2017 00:21
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Censorship :-( Away
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Post: #35
RE: People that Perturb me.
Going by the majority 'people I can't stand', rather than the OP's 'perturb' Rolleyes :-

Sue Perkins
Katherine Ryan
Jo Brand
Noel Fielding

(You may notice a theme, but as I don't watch any 'Reality TV' (which, I imagine, is likely a 'goldmine' when it comes to annoying cunts Rolleyes ), and I rarely watch anything involving 'shelabrities', comedy panel shows are my main source... Rolleyes )

Although, there's politics, too:-

Ruth Davidson (utterly loathsome individual)
Michael Forsyth (even by Tory standards, he's a cunt!)

Actually, If i go down the the road of Tory politicians, I'll be here till Christmas, so...
'Tory Bliar' - bugger, he's Tory in all but name bladewave
Hilary Clinton (Republican in all but name)

The Parasites, sorry, Royals bladewave

Chris Evans

Hmmm, that's a surprisingly small list. Surprised I need to give it a little more thought, as there's MANY people that annoy the fuck out of me! Rolleyes Actually, come to think of it, it would probably be easier to list those that don't! eek laugh
01-11-2017 00:53
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Jack the Nipper Offline
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Post: #36
RE: People that Perturb me.
Alistair Campbell (if this prick was Pinnochio where his nose grows every time he lies his nose would go round the world twice).

Nick Clegg (oxygen thief & a compulsively lying maggot).

Katie Price (mutton & lamb springs to mind).

Matthew Wright (presents a phone-in talk show but doesn't let anyone get a word in edgeways & cuts people off who he doesn't agree with)

Kevin Maguire (Mirror's Editor who appears Sky News who has plenty in common with a used babies nappy,they are both full of shit).

Shazia Mersa ( female so-called comedian & I use the terms comedian very loosely who's about as funny as a boil on the bollocks).

David Dickinson ( the mahogany coloured antiques dealer who looks older than most of the antiques on the show.I prefered Keith Lemon's alternative programme called 'Any old shit').

Gemma Collins (fuck knows what she's famous for but this hanger-on would turn up for an opening of a crisp packet.It was a shame that hole she fell through on stage didn't lead to the centre of the Earth).

That annoying unfunny prick who's replaced Reggie Yates on Release the Hounds.It would be a lot more entertaining if he was fed to the hounds instead.

Tony Blair (lying cunt who should be strapped to the next missile that hits Isis.This fuck is one of the main reasons why no governments are interested in closing tax loopholes.There's a nice warm place in Hell waiting for this skidmark when he pops his clogs the sooner the better).

Dianne Abbott,Emily Thornbury & Chuka whatshisface (if these cretins are the best the Labour Party have to offer then Labour should spend the rest of eternity in the wilderness).

Ken Clarke & Michael Heseltine ( these old fucking dinosaurs should resign from politics & spend the rest of their lives in the Natural History Museum where they would be more at home.Everytime Heseltine pops-up on tv it looks as if they've dug him out of the ground & spent an hour dressing up the corpse).
01-11-2017 02:00
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #37
RE: People that Perturb me.
Is it strange that no-ones mentioned either the Prime Minister or the Leaders of any of the Opposition Parties. Nor do I see any mention of the Royals.

01-11-2017 07:57
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Censorship :-( Away
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Post: #38
RE: People that Perturb me.
(01-11-2017 07:57 )Charlemagne Wrote:  Is it strange that no-ones mentioned either the Prime Minister or the Leaders of any of the Opposition Parties. Nor do I see any mention of the Royals.

Huh You're not looking hard enough. Rolleyes

As for May, she's such a non-entity, that it's probably not worth anyone mustering the modicum of energy required to hate her. Rolleyes
Or, everyone's a fan? Surprised shocked Bounce Bounce Bounce
01-11-2017 10:11
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"mini see through thong"

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Post: #39
RE: People that Perturb me.
Dont think our glorious leader has experienced sexual harrasmentHuh:huh:Theresa May would be struggling to get touched up at a blind school discoshockedshocked
01-11-2017 10:46
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"mini see through thong"

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Post: #40
RE: People that Perturb me.
(30-10-2017 14:20 )hops1 Wrote:  
(30-10-2017 13:11 )SOCATOA Wrote:  Chris Evans

David Cameron

Lewis Hamilton, and his dad, fucking twatsannoyedannoyed

Smug BBC newsreaders

TV interviewers who treat stars as gods, when most of them are thick as fuckannoyedannoyedannoyed

Any cunt on reality showsannoyedannoyed

And, Monty Donannoyedannoyedannoyed
Feel better nowWinkWink

Monty Don?!? He's just doing his gardening pal, give the man a fucking break lol
Try some of his tips, fucking desert in no timeannoyed
(This post was last modified: 01-11-2017 10:50 by SOCATOA.)
01-11-2017 10:48
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