The Last Straw
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Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
 I'm of course really sad, but this reminds me of an article I read and a post I made about 2 years ago.
(28-01-2015 21:06 )M-L-L Wrote: Just going to throw this in here, thought it was quite interesting.
It's a rather long quote, but it was difficult to cut and keep the sense of it.
" It’s always amusing to look at some of the more imaginative conspiracy theories on why girls get high amounts of airtime when they “don’t seem to get any more calls than anyone else”. The standard theory is that the producers don’t understand business, and it kind of gets wackier and more ridiculous from there. But the fact is that the conspiracists have no idea who’s dialling the numbers or how many calls the girls are putting into the system. The babes can only take one call at a time, and the amount of promotion they do between calls will depend to an extent on customer tolerance.
On channels with very big audiences, if a girl has more clout (i.e. she’s a more desirable proposition for callers), she can probably get away with more promotion. That can make it look like she’s getting fewer calls. But if she can load a higher than average volume of calls into the system during those promotions, and hold each build-up for longer, maintain better eavesdrop averages, etc, then regardless of how many people she actually talks to, she’s making the channel a lot more money over the course of time.
So in a sentence, on channels with very big audiences, the girls whose lines appear to be the quietest will often be bringing in the most revenue.
But a lot of the conspiracists don’t use the paid services and don’t consider babeshows primarily as an interactive communication or listening experience. They view them as a free, visual, soft porn service – the success of which would be assessed on very different criteria from the televised sex lines the babeshows really are."
Whole article is here...
...and may be of interest to fellow Lolly fans.
(NB - the above link is included to credit the original poster and avoid passing off this as my work ; but if it's not OK to link to this site, then fair enough if it gets removed )
The article is talking about Lolly Badcock's style specifically, but whether or not you agree with the assessment of her as a presenter in particular, I think the general argument applies to qualities needed in all babeshow presenters ?
I didn't quote the following passages at the time but I think they're relevant to the theme Shandyhand is developing (and put the point over more eloquently than I can!  ) :
The babe channels may be based around the seemingly straightforward premise of phone sex, but ask any diehard, long-time caller and you’ll quickly discover that girls who trot out a few disengaged, cut-and-paste clichés won’t keep their custom for long. The guys want inventive, imaginative girls who sound like they mean it, who know how to interact, who understand eroticism from the typical male standpoint, and who are always 100% guaranteed to fire on all cylinders.
The problem for the channels is that this combination of qualities is difficult enough to find in itself. Try and find the qualities in a girl with true knockout glamour, and it gets harder still. Move further into real X-factor territory – girls who also have passion, sensitivity, charm and seductive flirting ability, and they’re lucky if they find a handful in an entire babeshow generation.
The flirting ability Lolly had pushed to the fore on Partyland, steadily worked its way into her repertoire at Babestation. It was a thoroughly feminine brand of flirting which clearly went hand in hand with her imaginative, high-impact sex chat to leave customers wanting more. As the guys would repeatedly indicate, one call was never enough.
Lolly’s presenting on the babeshows was far more ‘flirty seductress’ than 'compere’. Her power as a presenter thus reached its peak in the most natural, interactive situations. Lolly did recorded voice over work for Babestation, starting in August 2010 with a series of ads for BS Xtreme, and a much more recent range of voice overs she recorded for Babestation’s live phone shows is still running here in January 2015. But where Lolly really talked the talk, was in the heat of the moment. She could combine flirt, charm and persuasion in a lethal cocktail. Lolly was so good as an ‘in-performance’ presenter because it often didn’t really sound or look like she was presenting at all. It sounded and looked like seduction.
The author goes on to speculate that Babestation's policy of increasing the on-air audio volume to ridiculous levels, to counteract people muting, thereby just causing more people to turn their volume down/mute   worked against verbal seduction techniques on air to entice callers.
Possibly, but to me it's noticeable that most of the on-air announcements by all BS babes for several years now have been getting more and more formulaic, especially with the relentless gimmicky "challenge" and gameshow rounds.
I'd suggest this doesn't encourage the babes' verbal technique, as it just makes them appear relentlessly scripted and discourages any sense of spontaneity.