(27-10-2009 12:24 )TheDarkKnight Wrote: This whole thing makes me sick to the stomach.
Forget about getting your jollies off on sex shows, this goes straight into the very nature of how our country is run...and its pretty disgusting if you ask me. Its verging on being fascist.
The thing is though, none of this situation need be. All it takes is for one guy to push back and OFCOM will disintegrate.
It's the babe channels atm, but the adult services have been (not) fighting the same fight for years. NONE of them have had the balls to step up to the plate a blow the whole thing sky-high. Those guys need to take some critisism for this farce. It's all well and good saying the customers should write to OFCOM but how about a little help here please? They have websites and a TV presence they could use to inform their ordience of the situation and organise a press for change, letters to fire off to your MP, petitions to sign, etc etc. Yet, we all sit in the dark over what's happening and the status-quo continues.
The glorious status-quo. So wrong and yet, for everyone actually concerned except the customer, so right. 
I'm willing to put my shift in on this issue to help get it resolved, if I can do anything...
I've said before that I'm surprised that the channels don't do a lot more to drum up support for their cause.
Having said that, I don't think it's a case of someone pushing back and Ofcom disintegrating as a result. I've read the various comments on this thread with interest over the past few weeks and I get the feeling that it's a lot more complicated than the picture being drawn here. Given what is allowed on just about any channel after the watershed, how on earth can Ofcom be justified in not allowing full frontal nudity on channels broadcasting under the adult section? BBC 1 wouldn't be fined for showing a fanny at midnight but you sure as hell know the babe channels would be.
Let's be honest, if Ofcom's case is as flimsy as has been made out, how come none of these channels have challenged it? There is the argument that they may prefer to operate things as they are without getting Ofcom on their backs too often but the fact is that some of these channels have had some fairly hefty fines along the way. Are you really going to put up with a potentially very damaging fine if you're almost certain any kind of legal challenge would find in your favour?
The latest Ofcom report concerning Bangbabes suggests that channel is going to be in more hot water before too much longer. Why would they put up with that if they felt Ofcom's regulations were built on sand?
As for Ofcom, they sicken me. This hideous nannying is what appals me the most I think. They refer to the offence that could be caused to someone tuning in unaware, which completely ignores that every single person has access to the best known form of self censorship known to man i.e. the off button.
Are we really to believe that someone taking great offence watches sections of these shows for 20 minutes a time whilst earnestly detailing exactly what is going on in front of them?
The whole concept of X Factor offends me. I wonder if I would be taken as seriously as the 1 complainant who they have taken so seriously in this instance, if I were to detail the reasons for my offence to Ofcom? And while we're at it, just what kind of harm does seeing a seemingly wired Robbie Williams on primetime tv do to minors then?
I truly do hope that Ofcom's regulations when it comes to the babe channels are really as weak sa has been made out and wouldn't stand a chance of standing up against legal challenge. Unfortunately, I don't think it's quite that simple though.