Herald of the Forum
Posts: 540
Joined: Aug 2008
Reputation: 9
RE: 2008 Game of the Year
I would not recommend getting a PS3 for MGS4, huge letdown, there is less than 5 hours of actual gameplay and the gameplay is bland in comparison to the past games in the series, gameplay-wise it has actually taken a step back from MGS3, and yes the cutscenes are fucking HUGE, you spend longer watching the game than playing by far. There was a really cool moment involving Rex and Ray but that was the only great bit of the game for me. If you are going to get a PS3 for a specific game then get it for Little Big Planet or Uncharted, far more superior and fun games. Or just get a 360 and the selection is nearly endless and infinitely better.
Oh and as for the reliability of 360's, out of me and all my mates the only person who has had a current nex-gen console break is a PS3 and because it was not able to be repaired he got a replacement sent to him with a different hard-drive so he lost all of his saved games and downloaded content, whereas with the 360, you can pop the hard-drive off and you have all content saved. And for some reason my PS3 hates outputting volume, every other time I turn it on I have to reset it so that the volume actually works, very fucking buggy.
13-01-2009 20:53 |