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RE: Woolwich Attack
Firstly I've always held the opinion that the death penalty is another form of pre mediated murder so to answer that question. If you think its acceptable to kill another human being then that means you support capital punishment which is effectively what the death penalty is.
Its nothing more that futile revenge which achieves nothing, you can't bring the victim back to life, it has no place in a civilised society and its a disgrace that the USA still practices it
If we still had this option in the UK then it would make us no better than the appalling crime which was carried out on our shores.
When sentence was passed the Judge stated that neither Michael Adebolajo or Michael Adebowale showed any remorse and even shouted out after sentence was passed, Allahu akbar (God is great) and declared that you Britain and America will never be safe.
A full life sentence is the appropriate sentence, may these 2 evil treacherous bastards rot away for the rest of their days. Fair enough be tolerant of all religions but all extremist versions of it needs to be rooted out
RIP Lee Rigby, you deserved better than to die in the country which you had fought so bravely to protect.
27-02-2014 17:44 |
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RE: Woolwich Attack
You "clean up", "protect" and bring "order" using tanks and bombs? How nice. In "chaos"? according to whom? The ruling elite? Why don't they send their children to fight*, I'd be happy with that (because they'd never go to war then) instead of sending the young men of working class families to fight a wear that only benefits elitists. I don't think any professional military has a policy of systematically killing civilians, certainly not the British military, however this doesn't mean war crimes happen, certainly in the case of Iraq and being involved in the CIA rendetioning.
There have been NO attacks on UK soil from Muslims/middle eastern bg UNTIL Blair decided to join Bush's warcrimes-fact. There have been no attacks in non-muslim countries like Brazil for a reason-they don't bomb people to bring "order". And talking of bring order....Saddam was an evil cunt, however minorities and women were treated fairly well, what order is there now in Iraq? A huge chunk if not most of the Christian population has left, women are being killed for not dressing "moderately" etc. And the people ruling in Baghdad, once bombed the US embassy in Kuwait. How wonderful this "order" is!
I wasn't justifiyng what those men did, I condemn it as much as I condemn the bombs that fell over Baghdad. Here is a great quote from an American diplomat, Charles Freeman; "On the question of U.S. strikes on targets in Iran or elsewhere, I simply want to register what I think is an obvious point; namely that what 9/11 showed is that if we bomb people, they bomb back."
*I'm sick of listening to armchair generals typing away, justifiying young men dying in wars that they didn't need to get involved in. How about you step away from your screen and go fight instead please. Enough of the killing.
/rant over
12-03-2014 13:56 |