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Review of last night's show

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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #5101
RE: Review of last night's show
I thought last night was pretty good with Beth and caty putting in another fun nights viewing with variety giving us fans some saucy close ups
Imogen wasn't bad with added variety for a change for her in change to her usual limited self
Bella was alright nothing really special

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
20-06-2020 20:01
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #5102
RE: Review of last night's show
Morning all. FV 673 and 674 as usual.
No Alice!!!!!...... So BS gave us Anna Bailey! And April Mae VERY briefly! Plus "daygirl" Layla Rose!
Caty started the show off (for a change!) for 1 hour 20 minutes! In white minidress and pants (NO SHOES!). Great cleavage from the start: her BIG tits were just about in! Sat up, stood up, leant on desk and sat/knelt on the floor! Topless at 10.15! and shook and played with them! Then covered up after JUST 10 minutes BUT then topless after a minute until the end. Normal Caty BUT entertaining as usual!
Anna was then on for 58 minutes wearing a (BIG) white bra, dark green miniskirt, pink pants and silver shoes. Stood up, sat up, leant on desk and crouched. Topless after 35 minutes with her skirt up! Played with her lovely BIG tits but covered up briefly 9 minutes before the end. Good shaking bum shots while leant on/over the desk. Good.
Layla Rose (daygirl) was then on for JUST 32 minutes wearing a BIG black/white bra and black pants (over a beige?) skirt? Stood up with full shots: nice cleavage BUT stayed covered up so we didn't see her BIG tits!
Amanda was then on (from London): later than usual but for longer! She was on for 1 hour 5 minutes! In a red top, tiny dark blue pants and black shoes. Topless and braless early on and naked! Full and top half shots including one quite close up ALMOST showing her pussy in full while sat up (front view)! She then put her pants on briefly at 1.31 and was then naked again till the end!
Caty was then on again for 1 hour 26 minutes! In a white top, floaty white skirt/slip? and white pants. Stood up, leant over the desk and sat up. Topless early on AND changed into her "nerdy" college outfit after JUST 13 minutes! Topless (on and off) and half-topless, moved her skirt up and pants down (briefly)! Normal Caty but again very energetic and entertaining!
Anna was then on again for 50 minutes in the same outfit. Stood up, sat up and knelt up. Topless straight away (briefly) and then braless for the rest of the section! Played with her lovely BIG tits and her skirt which she moved up showing off her pants. Good as usual.
Imogen was then on for the last 35 minutes (in her ONLY 673 section!). braless just in her tiny red/black pants. Sat up and stood up with fullish and top half shots.
Quite a good show: all girls were happy and did well! Hopefully if Layla is on again? she might be a little less shy!?
Imogen was on for the first 41 minutes braless just in her tiny red/black pants. Stood up, crouched and sat up with top half and full(ish) shots. Naked after JUST 8 minutes (as usual!) until the end. Very good.
April Mae was then on for ONLY 16 minutes! Braless! just in (biggish) lilac pants! Sat up with top half shots most of the time!
Anna was then on for 1 hour 27 minutes in the same outfit as on 673. Stood up, leant over the desk (shaking her bum) and sat up. Topless after JUST 3 minutes with her skirt up shaking her lovely bum and playing with her lovely BIG tits. She then covered up her tits and ONLY one was out (on and off) until the end! Good and a bit different!
Imogen was then on again for 53 minutes. Sat up, stood up and crouched with full, fullish and top half shots. Naked after JUST 5 minutes for ONLY12 minutes! Quite good.
Caty was then on again for JUST 33 minutes! In small white top, tartan miniskirt and (big) white pants. Stood up and leant over the desk. Topless and skirt up as usual! Close ups of her bum which she rubbed! Normal Caty!
Anna was then on again for the last 18 minutes! Wearing the same outfit BUT braless from the start! Stood up, leant over the desk (shaking her lovely bum). Played with her skirt (showing off her pants) and also gave us a back view (briefly) when stood up. No graphics for the last 7 minutes! Good as usual.
So another good show: much more of the three MAIN girls plus April Mae VERY briefly!!
Quite a reasonable evening then DESPITE Alice not being on: I'm glad I didn't stay up for her shower show on the web!!!!!!!!!!
Just a few observations: still 60p a minute on 674. And a few times (on both shows) there weren't any "cleaning" advert breaks between girls! And Amanda was "ALMOST" back to her original nightshow filth!
BUT Caty didn't go naked: unlike last weekend which I missed!......................
Tonight looks "interesting"!
Anna Bailey again!, Beth Bennett and Scarlett Jones from 10.00 till 5.00
Sophie Hart from 10.00 till 4.00 (ON TV PLEASE BS!)
and Amanda Rendall, Jess West, Alexa Brookes, Candy Sexton, Nicole Snow, Ellie Louise, Lydia Florence, Jamie Knight and Maddison Lee from 8.00 till 4.00
21-06-2020 07:47
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winsaw Offline
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Post: #5103
RE: Review of last night's show
I was happy train with Anna being in lastnight I think she's an upgrade on Alice and did a far better show than Alice would have , agree with you that Imogen was good again, I would have liked to have seen more April ,a better show than on Friday night

currently walking on the Sunny side of the street

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21-06-2020 11:09
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #5104
RE: Review of last night's show
(21-06-2020 11:09 )winsaw Wrote:  I was happy train with Anna being in lastnight I think she's an upgrade on Alice and did a far better show than Alice would have , agree with you that Imogen was good again, I would have liked to have seen more April ,a better show than on Friday night

Yes I agree that Anna was VERY much better than Alice who now is QUITE static even if she does go naked! A very reasonable show: it was nice seeing April BRALESS BUT only on FV for 16 minutes!
Tonight looks "interesting" as I said in my review. I'm hoping that Sophie Hart MAY possibly come on to TV and give us another SUPERB show like last week!?.............I think there are MORE than enough girls to cover the web!?
(This post was last modified: 21-06-2020 11:43 by trains55.)
21-06-2020 11:15
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #5105
RE: Review of last night's show
Morning all.
Recorded FV 673 and 674 as usual BUT for same strange reason 673 was recorded in TWO sections with a few minutes missing! So timings not very accurate!
All three scheduled girls were on plus Amanda (in London) BUT no extra girls. So I didn't see Sophie Hart!........
Beth started the show off for about 1 hour 8 minutes wearing a VERY nice bright yellow lacy see-through bra and pants set. Crouched from the start showing nice cleavage! Laid on her side and back shaking her body and tits! Stood up at the end of the desk (as usual) and sat up. Braless just 13 minutes before the end and played with her nice tits! Good as usual.
Scarlett was then on for about 30 minutes in a black/cream cut-away one piece suit and black shoes. Stood up and sat up. Topless after JUST 5 minutes and braless (suit down) 3 minutes later.
Amanda was then on (in London) as usual. In black one piece suit and shoes. Sat up, crouched and laid on the bed. Topless early and played with her tits.
Scarlett was then on again (as above BUT dressed) for another hour and thirteen minutes. Stood/sat up. Topless early and FULLY naked after JUST 11 minutes until the end. Mainly top half shots BUT fullish shots near the end showing off her landing strip! Good as usual.
Beth was then on again for 59 minutes in a black see-through one piece suit. Sat up, crouched and laid on her back (a lot) and laid on her side and front. Braless early. Quite good as usual.
Anna was then on (her only section on 673) for 1 hour 30 minutes! Wearing a tiny pink/black bra and black pants. Cleavage and underboob. Stood up, sat up' knelt up and leant over the desk. Topless after JUST 4 minutes for 33 minutes and then braless! while crouched for the last 28 minutes. Shook her lovely body and really played with her lovely BIG tits a lot! Very good.
Scarlett was then on again for the last 57 minutes. In the same outfit (no shoes!). Stood up, crouched and sat up (front and side) with fullish shots bUT top half at the end. A brief full length leg shot while stood up: NICE and a bit different! Topless and braless (suit down) early on and FULLY naked for the last 31 minutes. VERY good.
So a reasonable show with ALL three main girls giving us a good show: Scarlett was the only girl who went naked! But all were quite energetic and seemed happy to be there!
Anna was on for the first hour wearing a strappy red/pink bra and pink pants plus silver shoes. Stood up, leant over the desk (a lot) with shaking bum shots. Sat up and crouched. Topless and braless! after JUST 20 minutes until the end and also took her shoes off! Really shook, rubbed and spanked her bum! Very good.
Scarlett was then on for 1 hour 27 minutes !? in her same outfit (from 673). Stood up, sat up, crouched and laid on her back, side and front. Topless after JUST 7 minutes, braless (suit down) a minute later and naked 2 minutes later BUT only for 9 minutes: not enough callers apparently to stay naked!? She was then topless BRIEFLY again and naked again for 13 minutes! Full shots! and laid on her front/side: only SLIGHT landing strip visible! Topless and braless again for the last few minutes: laid on back, crouched and sat up. Top half shots (Listen in line!) and tit close-ups at the end. Ok but a bit tame!
Beth was then on for 59 minutes!? in the pink office! In her tiny pink/black bikini. Laid on her front (a lot), side and back and crouched. Topless after JUST 16 minutes and played with her lovely tits and nipples. Good as usual.
Anna was then on again for ONLY 26 minutes!. Braless! just in black pants. Laid on her front and sat up (full shots) BRIEFLY. Quite static!
Then we saw Scarlett (on 673!) for the last few seconds: Sat up (side fullish shots) naked.
So another reasonable show. Just the three girls on and (AGAIN) Scarlett was the only "naked" girl! But all were very good again (and like 673) very good to watch. Still 60p a minute and still (on my TV) no intro or ending!
Not a bad night!
Tonight we have:
Priya Young, Scarlett Jones again! and Lynda Leigh from 10.00 till 5.00
Alice Goodwin? from 10.00 till 3.00
and Jamie Knight, Chloe Lloyd, Maddison Lee, Bella Mendez and Ashlyn Shaw from 8.00 till 4.00.
(This post was last modified: 22-06-2020 09:46 by trains55.)
22-06-2020 09:15
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winsaw Offline
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Post: #5106
RE: Review of last night's show
Agree train it was an excellent TV show lastnight 3 very good hard working girls doing the best they could very enjoyable,
On the web Sophie was at home so got very naughty doing a pussy play dildo show very sexy stuff,
I have to say Amanda TV show was very sexy the stuff what she did without any panties on I can't see them letting a girl do in MK, I actually had to check on TV to make sure it wasn't a webshow, I am enjoying the freedom she's getting,

currently walking on the Sunny side of the street

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22-06-2020 10:24
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #5107
RE: Review of last night's show
(22-06-2020 10:24 )winsaw Wrote:  Agree train it was an excellent TV show lastnight 3 very good hard working girls doing the best they could very enjoyable,
On the web Sophie was at home so got very naughty doing a pussy play dildo show very sexy stuff,
I have to say Amanda TV show was very sexy the stuff what she did without any panties on I can't see them letting a girl do in MK, I actually had to check on TV to make sure it wasn't a webshow, I am enjoying the freedom she's getting,

Sophie seems to be VERY filthy now compared to ONLY a few months back! Certainly different from when I first saw her on BS FV as a sexy blonde!
And it looks like Amanda is "getting back" to how she was in her "early" days of nightshows! Just hope she doesn't go TOO FAR!...................!
22-06-2020 10:32
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #5108
RE: Review of last night's show
I do agree with you trains and winsaw last night was a good way to end the week just a tad frustrated with scarlett was limited compared to beth and Anna very unlike her maybe she'll redeem herself later

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
22-06-2020 16:16
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #5109
RE: Review of last night's show
FV 673 and 674 as usual.
We only saw the three scheduled girls WITHOUT the London section: so we didn't see Ashlyn Shaw! BUT it worked out all right without excessive breaks between the girl's sections. Well done BS!
Priya started the show off for 1 hour 28 minutes. She was wearing a white dress (with lacy black bratop) and black and white pants. Stood up, sat up, crouched and leant over the desk etc. She obviously had the vibratoy inside her pants as she was OFTEN jerking and stuttering while on the mic! Topless after JUST 17 minutes briefly! and played with her tits. Then braless (dress off) 4 minutes later. She then did a listen-in-line for 10 minutes (with top half shots: and pants off!) Then normal shots (pants on) for the last 46 minutes! Quite good as she now is!
Scarlett was then on for 54 minutes in a black one piece (see-throughish) one piece suit. Stood up, sat up and crouched. Topless after JUST 11 minutes (while crouched) but covered up 17 minutes later! Topless again 6 minutes later while sat up (full and top half shots). Quite tame for her!
Lynda was then on for 1 hour 4 minutes in a strappy black bra, pants, suspender belt, stockings and shoes. Sat up (a lot) and crouched. Topless on and off. Normal Lynda.
Priya was then on again for 53 minutes in the same outfit. Sat up, crouched, stood up and laid on her side. Topless after JUST 5 minutes and played with her tits. Braless (dress off) 2 minutes later and naked just 6 minutes after that but for ONLY 11 minutes! Naked again for JUST 7 minutes! Quite good with full and top half shots.
Scarlett was then on again for 1 hour 31 minutes! In a smallish red bra and biggish matching pants. Nice cleavage. Stood up, sat up and laid on her front (a lot) and side. Topless after 11 minutes, braless a minute later! and naked JUST a minute later on until the end (1 hour 18 minutes!). Full, fullish and top half shots (a lot!) while sat up! Quite good though.
Lynda was then on again for 55 minutes in a bottle green lacy one piece suit, black stockings and shoes. Sat up and stood up with full AND top half shots. Topless on and off and braless! Normal Lynda.
Then at the end of the show we saw a FEW seconds of Scarlett (on 674) braless and sat up (top half shot).
So quite a good show: all three girls were good BUT the entire show was spoilt by the top half shots!
Scarlett was on for the first 57 minutes in a black (see-throughish) one piece suit. Cleavage. Stood up, sat up and laid on her front. Braless (suit down) after 11 minutes and naked 9 minutes later until the end (37 minutes). Full and top half shots. Landing strip visible (as usual!) when stood up and sat up ( except during the several top half shots). Very good as usual.
Lynda was then on for 1 hour 26 minutes in her bottle green one piece suit, black stockings and shoes. Stood up, sat up and crouched. Topless on and off AND braless (suit down). Normal Lynda with full ANd top half shots!
Priya was then on for 55 minutes braless just in her black and white pants. Sat up, knelt up, crouched and leant over the desk shaking her bum! A bit tame.
Scarlett was then on for the last 26 minutes! Braless just in her red pants. Sat up with top half shots for the last 9 minutes! Quite tame and static!
Still 60p a minute. A few adverts at the beginning (after a few seconds of a blank screen!) but still no ending!
A reasonable show with all three girls doing well BUT with several top half shots!
I felt that overall 673 was SLIGHTLY better for Priya. And 674 for Scarlett: a shorter naked section BUT not quite so many intrusive top half shots (of them both!)
Tonight looks good:
Sarah Louise, Priya Young, Bella Mendez and Valentina from 10.00 till 5.00
Caty Cole from 10.00 till 3.00
Ashlyn Shaw, Kami, Alicia Sweets, Chloe Lloyd, Zara Lei and Hayley Mae from 8.99 till 4.00
PLUS Charlie C from 6.00 till 2.00!!
23-06-2020 08:11
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winsaw Offline
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Post: #5110
RE: Review of last night's show
The webshow got most of my attention lastnight as thought it was very good, Ashlyn continued her great run of form , she had these tiny shorts on very sexy then took them off and showed lots of her lovely pussy as she played with it, Maddison was great as well excellent pussy play show with toys , Bella suprised me showing more pussy than I have seen before from her she really played with it as Mr P buzzed her she's not shy at all, and also newbie Ellie Louise was sucking real cock not seen a webshow with as much action as last night in ages I really enjoyed it,

currently walking on the Sunny side of the street

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23-06-2020 11:14
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