RE: Memories of Childhood
Televisual heroes - we've all got them. These people that achieved tele-god/goddess status that fired our imaginations, inspired us and influenced us in ways others couldn't. I'd like to list a few and then maybe you could add yours.
1) James Burke - a legend in science programmes from Tomorrow's World to his own series like Connections and The Day the Universe Changed. This man would have made the ideal science teacher, he fired your imagination and explained things simply and easily-as in Connections, where he would take one idea and connect it to something obscure, yet it all seemed to make perfect sense.
2) Gerry Anderson. Now there was a man(along with his gorgeous wife Sylvia) that would go on to create some of the most memorable and exciting puppet series for kids and adults alike. From Four Feather Falls, Supercar, Torchy the Battery Boy to Stingray. Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90 and Terrahawks(among the many series he was involved in) he and his team created a world of brilliant vehicles, daring-do heroes and excitement and adventure. Gerry was a real telegod because he had the vision to invent these series and the TV moghul, Lew Grade had the foresight to see the future was SUPERMARIONATION and FAB!
3) Tony Hart. An artistic genius who could take bits of scrap paper, bits of metal, wood, plastic etc and turn it into something visually stunning. Having started out as a cartoonist and the designer of the Blue Peter ship, Tony, an ex Gurkha officer was perfect for television. He started seriously on Vision On, the world's first children's programme aimed at deaf children along with co-presenter Pat Keysell, herself deaf. Add in the mad professor Wilf Lunn and his extraordinary inventions(some of which ended up exploding) and a mime artist Ben Bennison, who spent half his time flying around the studio chasing a small feather boa creature called the Whiffenpuff, this show was just mad, but allowed kids of all ages to learn how to draw, paint and build things. Later Take Hart appeared giving Tony his own show(along with the annoying caretaker Mr(Colin) Bennett) and later still introducing us to a small, orange plasticine figure called MORPH! He fired my imagination with his brillaint paintings, drawings and art in general and left millions of children inspired.
4) Rolf Harris: I am afraid that I cannot praise him now I know what he was really like, but he was a hero of mine because of his cartooning(I used to sit and watch Cartoon Time and try to emulate his cartooning and painting skills) and his musical side. I was upset to learn of what he had done, but I can't airbrush him out of my life because he played a role in it...if only we knew then, what we know now eh!
5) Brian Cant. Absolute legend in the best sense of the word. Brian's dulcet tones used to bring the stop-motion series of Camberwick Green, Trumpton and Chigley to life with the stories, songs and his own inimitable style. Play School benefited from his unique style of presenting and later he fronted Saturday afternoon childrens' show, Play Away, telling stories, singing songs and telling awful jokes. A man who inspired loads of us and would have been a great teacher too. Television came along just at the right time for him.
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