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Bedroom TV 962 is back!

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OliQueen Offline
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Post: #51
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
Red why do you have to crap on everyones opinion. This is an internet forum the whole reason the internet was created was to generate a frre thinking forum to exchange ideas, views and opinions with other people across the world so with that in mind she (and stew) can say whatever the hell they want as it is there own opinion.

Personally i have no stake in what has been said so far but this is a free society (at least i think so since george bush is no longer in power- yes he ruled england with his puppet tony blair) so with that in mind both summer and stew r free to say whatever they choose.

lessthensuperspur was enourmously rude to both callers and Summer so dont come running to the rescue for someone who quite clearly not only can defend himself but abuse anyone he likes. So i believe it is well within summers right to argue back and i bet it doesnt even slightyly dent her career as mags will always need beautiful women to sell there products summer has a long professional career and agencies will still book her as she has something they want for there product

I am the Emerald Archer

Rep always appreciated
28-02-2009 23:30
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Red Offline
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Post: #52
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
Well I'm sure I'll not gain any new fans over this. I'm sure I'll live though...

Stewartie - Maybe Summer does know more, maybe she doesn't. I've seen who she has worked with prior to my statements and actually know some of them and of quite a few more. I still stand by my wording as it was chosen very carefully. Perhaps I missed something however though as there seems to be a complete lack of solo articles or front covers in the tear sheets and a very limited portfolio for someone of 5 years modelling.

The point however was not one of whether I rate her at that level but of her public comments. If she wishes to raise how unfairly she has been treated in employment then here isn't the place, especially not in the manner it was raised. I'll state it again, legal issues should be to the correct people if she thinks she was unfairly dismissed or not paid her dues. Ranting on here will just get her a reputation for being difficult to work with, whether true or not.

As for going to a local CAB for advice. Well that advice varies from place to place but I wouldn't touch one over issues like this unless they had a paid member of staff trained in contract law you could schedule an appointment with, most people are volunteers and the advice content normally varies from mediocre to outright incorrect. I should know I used to know most of the paid staff at one of their showcase bureaus and they despaired at some of the advice given out by volunteers rather than referring for a proper appointment. Me, I'd rather pays my money and take my choice if I thought my case was strong enough with a paid lawyer at a tribunal.

OliQueen - Come back to me when you have a valid point, and after you've looked up the history of the origins of the Internet. Yes opinions are welcome however I felt Summer required reminding about PR. It is not so much a case of supporting SuperSpurs than advising when discretion is the better form of valour as whilst gaining a few fans in support she was starting to push the point to much and make herself look bad

Also as I've stated several times in the forum, freedom of speech does not exist. People can not say whatever they choose on here even if the forum allowed it.
As for a career, come back to me when you have a little more insight into the industry. She may or may not have a career ahead of her but a public attitude like that will not help.

I don't even know who I am so you'll forgive me if I ask 'Who the f**k do you think you are?!'
01-03-2009 00:24
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Digital Dave Away

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Post: #53
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
summer Wrote:RED i had no need to reply and i do no not care about if you think doors have swung closed on me!! because i am not persuing a career n the adult tv channels! i may not even be in the uk in april so

so .............. what? Have you been abducted by aliens in mid sentence?

So now you're going abroad? Will you be gone long? What happened with the channel that supposedly approached you?

Do tell, we're all so excited about your plans, what with you being such a top model and all.
01-03-2009 01:11
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Stewartie Offline
Larissa Summers Luvin

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Post: #54
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
Red Wrote:Well I'm sure I'll not gain any new fans over this. I'm sure I'll live though...

Stewartie - Maybe Summer does know more, maybe she doesn't. I've seen who she has worked with prior to my statements and actually know some of them and of quite a few more. I still stand by my wording as it was chosen very carefully. Perhaps I missed something however though as there seems to be a complete lack of solo articles or front covers in the tear sheets and a very limited portfolio for someone of 5 years modelling.

The point however was not one of whether I rate her at that level but of her public comments. If she wishes to raise how unfairly she has been treated in employment then here isn't the place, especially not in the manner it was raised. I'll state it again, legal issues should be to the correct people if she thinks she was unfairly dismissed or not paid her dues. Ranting on here will just get her a reputation for being difficult to work with, whether true or not.

As for going to a local CAB for advice. Well that advice varies from place to place but I wouldn't touch one over issues like this unless they had a paid member of staff trained in contract law you could schedule an appointment with, most people are volunteers and the advice content normally varies from mediocre to outright incorrect. I should know I used to know most of the paid staff at one of their showcase bureaus and they despaired at some of the advice given out by volunteers rather than referring for a proper appointment. Me, I'd rather pays my money and take my choice if I thought my case was strong enough with a paid lawyer at a tribunal.

Well thanks for your albeit rather long-winded reply but with respect I think you are losing the plot again. I have clearly stated that my views on contracts have nothing to do with Summer. I am sure that
any girl would have extreme financial difficulty in raising any legal action and if there is some sort of reference on here about Summer going down that road then I'm afraid I've missed it.
As for your observations about Summer's very limited portfolio for someone of five years modelling and a complete lack of solo articles or front covers in the tear sheets I would say (a) she has a very extensive portfolio (b) who gets on the front covers apart from Paris Hilton etc (internationally) or in UK Nuts/Zoo Lucy Pinder etc.
© .. and most important of all... Summer along with the much-maligned April, Jessica, the other girls on all the channels and countless models are striving to make a living like everyone else. Love them or loathe them but don't stick up for people like SuperSpurs who appear to be part of this industry and want to run the show but seem to think they are the professionals and can resort to bile whenever they choose.!/reallarissasummers
01-03-2009 01:57
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Stewartie Offline
Larissa Summers Luvin

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Post: #55
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
[quote=Digital Dave So now you're going abroad? Will you be gone long? What happened with the channel that supposedly approached you?

Do tell, we're all so excited about your plans, what with you being such a top model and all.

What a surprise.. and what a valuable input. Umm.. where are you going your holidays. I don't know yet about mine. Hope to catch some Summer Sun.Tongue!/reallarissasummers
01-03-2009 02:09
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Digital Dave Away

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Post: #56
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
Stewartie Wrote:What a surprise.. and what a valuable input. Umm.. where are you going your holidays. I don't know yet about mine. Hope to catch some Summer Sun.Tongue

Lol. Dream on, fan boy. Rolleyes
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2009 03:31 by Digital Dave.)
01-03-2009 03:12
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Stewartie Offline
Larissa Summers Luvin

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Post: #57
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
Digital Dave Wrote:
Stewartie Wrote:What a surprise.. and what a valuable input. Umm.. where are you going your holidays. I don't know yet about mine. Hope to catch some Summer Sun.Tongue

Lol. Dream on, fan boy. Rolleyes

I aint a boy and its time you grew up.Tongue!/reallarissasummers
01-03-2009 11:52
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summer Offline
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Post: #58
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
LOL first of all have i ever said im a "top model"? NO DON'T THINK SO!
secondly RED i really could not give a flying shit who you know or claim to know quite frankyl you just sound like an interferring git a little fish in such a big big pond!!
Had chatback treated me fairly then i would have no need to say things, you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes so butt out!!
There is always someone like you on EVERY FORUM! someone that claims he knows soooo many top people someone who says you need to watch what your saying!
No internet voice will tell me what 2 do!

BEWARE: mentally unhinged....approach with caution!
01-03-2009 12:57
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G@Z! Offline

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Post: #59
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
please summer stop this vendetta against chat back it is getting boring
but i'm not your keeper Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2009 13:01 by G@Z!.)
01-03-2009 12:59
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summer Offline
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Post: #60
RE: Bedroom TV 962 is back!
oh and by the way i have plenty of shoots lined up and promotional work for my agency, would you like there phone number RED so you can call them up and tell them summers being a naughty girl?????

BEWARE: mentally unhinged....approach with caution!
01-03-2009 13:00
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