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Labour Leadership Contest

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SecretAgent Offline
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Post: #51
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
^ looks like it could to me. The Foot general election manifesto was known as the longest suicide note in history. This time I'm reminded of Lemmings heading merrily towards the cliff edge.
22-07-2015 11:29
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Tractor boy Offline
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Post: #52
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
The other candidates have brought this on themselves, if they hadn't " lent " support to Corbyn he wouldn't have had enough backers to stand in the contest in the first place.
22-07-2015 12:16
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gunnar Offline
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Post: #53
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
^They thought he was going to be the usual token left candidate, which they always have in these leadership elections.

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22-07-2015 12:23
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Tractor boy Offline
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Post: #54
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
With more cuts to public spending and a 10% pay rise for MPs it is a perfect storm for someone on the left to win.
22-07-2015 12:36
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sweetsugar007 Offline
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Post: #55
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
Corbyn winning will set the Labour party back 30 years there is no doubt about it. The Conservatives will be looking at nearer an 80 seat majority in the next election. Someone with a brain needs to wake that political party up!!

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22-07-2015 13:26
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #56
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
The problem for labour is a lack of outstanding candidates, Corbyn is the best of a very bad bunch, it does not matter which political ground he favours at least people know what they will be voting for. Andy Burnham is a prime example of why nobody trusts what the other candidates say, as soon as the election was over he disowned the labour election manifesto claiming that he only agreed with it because it was what people wanted to hear and was only free to voice his real opinion after they had lost the election.

Why would you vote for people like that.
22-07-2015 16:00
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gunnar Offline
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Post: #57
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
Despite all the doom mongers, it seems that Jeremy Corbyn is potentially extending his lead over the other candidates, according to the polls.Big Grin

People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

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12-08-2015 20:52
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bigguy01 Offline
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Post: #58
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
in the telegraph they had an article which stated corbyn could be ousted on his first day as labour leader. labour regardless who their leader is will be forming the next government.

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12-08-2015 22:22
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Doddle Online
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Post: #59
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
Kendall is a non-entity.
Cooper is another Brownite failure - do they really want a 3rd such leader in a row?
Burnham is a bit dull, but does at least represent in the NW, which is a wonderful thing Wink

Corbyn has played a blinder, really. Comparisons with Foot don't work because the situation in 1983 was massively different; unless the wet blankets slagging him off do find the spine to hive off from Labour, and even then they'll sink just as surely as the SDP did.

Corbyn was the no-hoper candidate. He has left the 3 so-called sensible candidates in the dust, like some geriatric socialist Usain Bolt. If the no-hoper is such a dead cert - then that means the other 3 are utter crap. Much of the media & Labour slagging of Corbyn seems like the bleating of children whose game has been "ruined" by someone who plays it much better than they do. A Burnham-Cooper-Kendall contest would have been like 3 toothless oldies fighting over a toothbrush.

Plus the 2020 Election will be held against Tories led by either Osbourne or Boris, with the Lib Dems struggling to stay afloat. The right choice as Labour leader should run a much closer contest - and when you realise that just 6 or 7 more Labour wins in May would have at least left a hung parliament, even with Dead Ed as leader, it's worth remembering Labour aren't in that bad a position.

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
14-08-2015 17:49
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #60
RE: Labour Leadership Contest
To me im starting to like the idea of corbyn as leader. the westminister bubble needs to be burst once and for all first was SNP destroying labour in Scotland and UKIP taking a lot of 2nd places in the north with nearly 5 million votes. im guessing what corbyn is preaching is what old scottish labour supporters are wanting to here and what the SNP used to destroy new labour at the polls

Be interesting General Election will be the conservatives and the old vs Corbyn and the young

to all those who keep harking about to the 70's unless your in your late 40's plus you wont even remember what happened in the 70's i mean if we can forgive the fucking tories for milk snatcher thatcher we can forgive labour for the mid-late 70's

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14-08-2015 19:03
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