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Dr Who

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Post: #701
RE: Dr Who

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
23-11-2013 16:50
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #702
RE: Dr Who
I liked it.

My Dad liked it too.

So there, strength in numbers... Wink

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
23-11-2013 21:26
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #703
RE: Dr Who
WOW!!!!! Just come out of the cinema after seeing The Day Of The Doctor in 3D and thought it was fantastic, lived up to the massive hype and then some. Good performances from Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt as the doctor, Jenna Coleman as Clara and also Billie Piper was good too.

The Day Of The Doctor itself was fantastic from start to finish with some very funny moments between the 3 doctors when they were together, also the action in it was very good and the ending was fantastic


a member of the Piper Niven Cult
23-11-2013 21:32
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circles_o_o_o Offline

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Post: #704
RE: Dr Who
I wasn't all that bothered about watching the special but I did out of a sort of long-term loyalty and I must say that it outdid my expectations.
Plenty of clever little bits of knowing writing for those of us who grew up with it.
I guess it must have looked quite good in 3-D.
And plenty of nice close-ups of JLC.
23-11-2013 21:52
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tuesdayslump Offline

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Post: #705
RE: Dr Who
Utter trash. annoyed
23-11-2013 22:02
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bytor Offline
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Post: #706
RE: Dr Who
It was entertaining but have to say was not exactly overwhelmed. So much for all the hype about the evil Doctor. Started off very well though. A few nice references to the past too and enjoyed the Tom Baker scene
23-11-2013 22:13
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Regenerated Offline
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Post: #707
RE: Dr Who
Overall, I liked it. Most of it.

What I'll say is I thought it was an impressive collection of story strands, revisited and explained. Some of those loose ends have stretched back for a few years and more, so I thought the direction they put on this special with it being different to what many may have expected was a good idea.

The appearances of Rose in a different form to what many may have expected worked and made sense within the continuity of the series. The use of time travel obviously allows past events to change, therefore changing future events. I thought they used the ability to change time very cleverly - with the outcomes of the events significant to the future development of the show. Still some loose ends going back as far as The Eleventh Hour still to be solved but I've read that these will be tied up in the Christmas special.

Now there was a 15-20 minute comedy segment in this special which I didn't like. It was early on in the episode where numerous things made me feel like I was watching a bad comic relief night. The ridiculous fez, John Hurt's supposed to be brutal War Doctor saying 'timey wimey' and a strange scene with the sonic screwdrivers being used obsessively on a door in the Tower of London. Also I'm disappointed John Hurt didn't have more back story shown and the ending didn't really allow for further exploration in to his character for me.

But those are the only complaints. Overall I think the episode works. They need to continue to surprise us in to the Xmas Special and in to the new series next year to keep the show fresh. If they can continue that element of surprise they may well have saved Doctor Who from what at times looked like a very tired and stale show during the last series. Lose some of the comedy too - but these things are all doable with the right scripts and production.

Great picture of every doctor at the end - perfect for nostalgic Whovians.

(This post was last modified: 23-11-2013 22:39 by Regenerated.)
23-11-2013 22:37
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #708
RE: Dr Who
teaser for the xmas special which I believe is called The Fall Of The Eleventh

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
23-11-2013 23:57
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tuesdayslump Offline

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Post: #709
RE: Dr Who
50 years of the mythology has just been whiped away, that he destroyed gallifrey, so, unless they change their minds again, gallifrey is still out there in a place similar to Rose, which of course means there could be shed loads of timelords.

No longer the sole surviving timelord (except the master) who destroyed his own peeps. Rolleyes
24-11-2013 00:14
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #710
RE: Dr Who
no mythology wasn't destroyed. in the david tennant finale a few years ago, The End Of Time Part 1 and The End of Time Part 2. it was said then that gallifrey was put in a time bubble/time lock and the day of the doctor showed how this happened

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
24-11-2013 00:46
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