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Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)

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4evadionne Offline
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Post: #71
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
"When i am attacked by gloomy thoughts, nothing helps me so much as running to my books, They quickly absorb me and banish the clouds from my mind." (Michel De Montaigne)

The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties, and hold them in the right scale of values." (Norman Thomas)
30-12-2012 15:50
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handsomeSOB Offline
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Post: #72
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
he who goes to bed with an itchy bum, wakes up with a stinky finger

"Don't quote me on that"

People say, "I was born ready" with me, it's like, I wasn't born ready, but like 10 minutes after, I'm kind of ready-ish...

all views are my own... someone told me to say that and I thought it was a good idea
03-01-2013 20:39
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The Truth Offline
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Post: #73
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
"Watch me run" Dr Who Crimbo edition.
03-01-2013 20:44
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4evadionne Offline
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Post: #74
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
A Pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes.
A Philosopher sees both sides and shrugs.
An Optimist doesn't see the clouds at all- he's walking on them.

Leonard Louis Levinson.
02-02-2013 21:48
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4evadionne Offline
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Post: #75
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
Thomas Beecham (To a Cellist) :

"Madam, you have between your legs an instrument capable of giving pleasure to thousands- and all you can do is scratch it!"
04-05-2013 10:03
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4evadionne Offline
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Post: #76
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
"Suppose everybody cared enough, everybody shared enough, wouldn't everybody have enough? There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed."

Frank Buchman.
17-05-2013 09:15
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4evadionne Offline
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Post: #77
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
H.G. Wells.

"There comes a moment in the day when you have written your pages in the morning, attended to your correspondence in the afternoon, and have nothing further to do. Then comes that hour when you are bored; that's the time for sex."
12-10-2013 20:37
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4evadionne Offline
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Post: #78
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
Russell Howard

"The first time you see a vagina you're like, "It's brilliant" But it's actually terrifying. It looks exactly like Rio Ferdinand's smile."
25-10-2013 21:48
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mr williams Offline
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Post: #79
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
"Passionate kiss like spider's web......both lead to flies undoing" (Confucius)

follow me on twitter @mrwilliamsforum

25-10-2013 23:02
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4evadionne Offline
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Post: #80
RE: Life Quotes (Famous or non Famous)
"Sex: The pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous and the expense damnable." Lord Chesterfield

"I'm not against half-naked girls - not as often as I'd like to be." Benny Hill
30-10-2013 11:16
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