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RE: Playstation Vita
i wouldn't get one because of the touchscreen, i've got a DSi and a small strip of the screen has stopped reacting to me tapping, etc. on it... i wouldn't mind, but i haven't been rough or over the top with it, it just happened out of nowhere, so i only really use it as an alarm now... so to sum up, i don't like touch screen technology
"Don't quote me on that"
People say, "I was born ready" with me, it's like, I wasn't born ready, but like 10 minutes after, I'm kind of ready-ish...
all views are my own... someone told me to say that and I thought it was a good idea
19-02-2012 19:24 |
Senior Poster
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RE: Playstation Vita
(19-02-2012 18:59 )damncensorship Wrote: This will flop BIG TIME like it's already doing in Japan. Expensive ( you can get a PS3 for less), crap battery life, crap camera, the button layout is terrible for any games with shooting involved, unoriginal games, gimicks like touch screen gaming, subscription fees for the 3G model. Leave Nintendo to the handheld market Sony they know how to make gimicks work snd sell them to pretty much anyone.
I totally disagree. It may not be selling well in japan right now, but i think thats because it doesnt have a a 'killer app' that appeals to the eastern audience yet. as for its battery, it may be 'crappy' but its still comparable to the 3ds, I havent seen any post release complaints.
Subscription fee is optional/ pay as you go, the same as any other 3g service, no device offers that for free?
yes the touchscreen stuff is gimmicky right now but like the 3g its optional for most games, we cant write off this feature based on launch games alone.
If we compare it to the 3ds' launch I think the Vita is offering a better experience. when the 3ds came out its library was sloppy and everyone i knew only had one game for months until Zelda came out, it was about 6 months before games really started to come out, not to mention the state of their estore. cant hate on the price imo, its wifi version is £209 online (which is around the same price if not cheaper than the 3ds pre ambassador programme) and it offers alot more: cross platform play, oled screen, party chat, messaging, downloadable games simultaneous to retail shops, ect.
I dont think the vita will ever surpass the 3ds in sales but it doesnt have to in order for it to be a success.
20-02-2012 11:21 |