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What is now the point of these channels

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mrmann Offline
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Post: #271
RE: What is now the point of these channels
(18-02-2012 02:31 )continental19 Wrote:  Ok firstly I would i would like to clear up any confusion, when I mentioned about homosexuals I was also including lesbians as well, maybe I should of just left it as lesbians, however I have nothing against gays or lesbians whatsoever as I've said live and let live. Right that's sorted.
Ofcom have deemed any girl girl interaction as potentially harmful or offensive why? Who the F**K knows!! However I do agree with the comments made that there is only girl girl action on the Babe channels namely babestation. Once again I'm only guessing here, but I don't no if the current rules have been changed or slackened a bit from Ofcom, but in the last oh I'd say what 3-4 months maybe, that Babestation have been pushing the 241 action a lot lot more which in my opinion is great. Scottishbloke made a good remark when he said, " while there's still babe channels on, there's still hope " which is true. Look we would all love to turn the clock back to how the babe channels used to be, but that ain't happening I'm afraid folks, I guess we have to hope that maybe Ofcoms attitude will change.

Babestation only started the 2-4-1s this year I think. Three months ago they were still very tame for the most.
22-02-2012 12:09
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continental19 Offline
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Post: #272
RE: What is now the point of these channels
(22-02-2012 12:09 )mrmann Wrote:  Babestation only started the 2-4-1s this year I think. Three months ago they were still very tame for the most.

Yea you're right, at least one channel is giving us some 241 action at long last, and it does help when they work under a foreign license.
22-02-2012 12:12
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Post: #273
RE: What is now the point of these channels
(21-02-2012 17:04 )Addison Wrote:  
(21-02-2012 15:30 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  I tune in to these channels mostly every night, if not all night, then part of it. And the reason that I do is, I am frightened of missing something, but I never do miss anything. And when Iv'e done with watching I usually sum it up with one word "crap" then I go to my bed. That now leads me on to ask, why can anyone possibly like these shows so much that they will go to the time and trouble of recording stuff as caps and then submit them right away after the show. When in their original state, as I say, they were diabolical.

This has been again and again in here in one way or another, but some seem unable to absorb it: all some guys need to be aroused is the sight of a fit babe on a bed showing her legs and stomach and shoulders and feet, etc. That's what they would choose to watch if there were no broadcasting restrictions. They see the body parts they like best and then they build a fantasy around it and it's a highly satisfying experience. Women being more or less themselves rather than transforming themselves into a cliched sex doll is also what appeals, I think. For the likes of you it's obviously not enough, but for many it is. For me, a babe crotch-thrusting and yelling about being rammed hard does nothing, because I don't think it's true to the way she would choose to act if she weren't doing it for a job. I've never cared about that sort of performance with women I've been with in real life either, because that's exactly what it seems to be: a performance; an acting job. It's a way of behaving that the woman thinks a man needs in order to get off. Well to me and others like me it's always been unnecessary and a bore. A fit female body is beautiful and a turn on in itself; it doesn't have to be 'sold' with dirty talk; neither does its beauty and sexiness reside solely in the crotch and breasts; it exists all over. Guys who like 'softer' performances are getting the same charge from watching these babes that you might from a babe oiling up, switching to auto-pout, getting the cameraman to zoom in on her pussy and wailing "Fuck me hard, big boy!" It doesn't seem fair I know, but hey, life isn't fair!

Addison, all I am doing is asking a question. Why after countless times watching and recording the same girls night after night, week after week, year after year, you feel that you still get enjoyment from seeing them? You say it's all about fantasy, then that is fair enough, I accept that. But then you go on to tell me what I want from these programmes. Prey tell me how you would know that? Because as you say it's "obvious" that you know what I want. You cannot read my mind so you don't know, nor have you read my past posts on what I like, so I will tell you. My view on these programmes is, they are there to tease the viewer, no more no less. More the tease better the programme. And if you care to take the trouble and look at past posts of mine you will see that is what I ask of them. I don't want the hard stuff, but I want to be entertained.

Also what I notice about you and the rest of your side of this forum is, if anything is said that is remotely against your way of thinking you come out with all guns blazing. As if you always have to be seen defending your half of the argument as you have done in your response to this particular post.
22-02-2012 14:41
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ExtremelyCritical Away

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Post: #274
RE: What is now the point of these channels
(21-02-2012 15:30 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  Addison, all I am doing is asking a question. Why after countless times watching and recording the same girls night after night, week after week, year after year, you feel that you still get enjoyment from seeing them? You say it's all about fantasy, then that is fair enough, I accept that. But then you go on to tell me what I want from these programmes. Prey tell me how you would know that? Because as you say it's "obvious" that you know what I want. You cannot read my mind so you don't know, nor have you read my past posts on what I like, so I will tell you. My view on these programmes is, they are there to tease the viewer, no more no less. More the tease better the programme. And if you care to take the trouble and look at past posts of mine you will see that is what I ask of them. I don't want the hard stuff, but I want to be entertained.

He did say some guys, so I'm sure he's not telling you what you want from these shows it's only referring those (and himself) relevant to his tastes.

What a person wants is purely individualistic, which is why you seek something different from the shows than others.

Quote:Also what I notice about you and the rest of your side of this forum is, if anything is said that is remotely against your way of thinking you come out with all guns blazing. As if you always have to be seen defending your half of the argument as you have done in your response to this particular post.

Hang on, you haven't been doing that?Rolleyes

22-02-2012 15:22
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eccles Offline
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Post: #275
RE: What is now the point of these channels
(21-02-2012 15:30 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  I tune in to these channels mostly every ... And the reason ... is, I am frightened of missing something, ... That now leads me on to ask, why can anyone possibly like these shows so much that they will go to the time and trouble of recording stuff as caps and then submit them right away after the show.

Know exactly what you mean about not wanting to miss something, I was like that when regular content and slips were stronger.

As for capping, stamp collecting is very much a male thing, the desire to collect every instance of something, whether its caps, TV series, Pokemon, collectable plates, whatever. Critical evaluation often takes a back seat to wanting to get everyone. If anyone is interested I have a complete set of the British Journal of Psychology 1995-2007 with crossreferences where there are several relevant articles.

Gone fishing
22-02-2012 22:03
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #276
RE: What is now the point of these channels
I also share the sentiments of even though you know it's going to be shit you still have to tune into them night after night to get your daily ritual punishment, why then if they are so bad, easy one to answer, out of curiosity really, what goes through the minds of all of us is, will tonight be the night when Ofcom lift the censorship on the babe channels or will they decide to stick 2 fingers up at Ofcom and say fuck you and if they did or do would it either herald in a bright new era for the babe channels or would it be their last stand, one show too many for Ofcom, I'm more than sure that we all fill our head with a certain degree of unrealistic expectation with the anticipation of a show that's never going to happen but we have to still watch it just in case we might miss something good and at the end of the show you normally come away with the same conclusion that you did the previous night, fuck me that was shit, but guess what we'll all still be back again the following night with our expectations again saying maybe this will be the night, it's really hard to put your finger on it but I'm pretty sure there is a certain level of addiction, the same as smoking you never really enjoy it the way you think you should. Fuck me you really need a psychologist to answer all these questions Cool
22-02-2012 22:31
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Sm© Away

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Post: #277
RE: What is now the point of these channels
Same as ever, have a wank. If it doesn't get you off, try something else. Most of the members here dont call the shows anyway, so their input in this thread should be disregarded Important
22-02-2012 22:40
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ExtremelyCritical Away

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Post: #278
RE: What is now the point of these channels
I don't think it's fair to say that's their input should be dismissed because they don't call the shows to be honest.

22-02-2012 22:57
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #279
RE: What is now the point of these channels
(22-02-2012 22:57 )ExtremelyCritical Wrote:  I don't think it's fair to say that's their input should be dismissed because they don't call the shows to be honest.

Aye and on that point, more would actually call the shows if this ridiculas censorship was lifted, I mean FFS £1.53 a minute for virtually fuck all in return other than a chat, hmm the cost of the call and what they can't actually give us in return is what I'd call daylight robbery bladewave
22-02-2012 23:04
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Roquentin Offline
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Post: #280
RE: What is now the point of these channels
(21-02-2012 15:30 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  I tune in to these channels mostly every night, if not all night, then part of it. And the reason that I do is, I am frightened of missing something, but I never do miss anything. And when Iv'e done with watching I usually sum it up with one word "crap" then I go to my bed. That now leads me on to ask, why can anyone possibly like these shows so much that they will go to the time and trouble of recording stuff as caps and then submit them right away after the show. When in their original state, as I say, they were diabolical.

As an example lets take Dionne Daniels, I have nothing against the girl. And she is super fit. But is she really that good that someone has to record her every time she is on. And it is not only Dionne that is treated in this way, lot's of the girls are. I would love to hear why these girls deserve to have so much attention poured over them. I can understand why people find them attractive, but there must come a time when they no longer appeal. But it seems no, because Dionne has been around for years, and so have many others. So please enlighten me, for if you just want attractive girls to look at then plenty of soaps and the like fit that bill, and with them you get a storyline.

You say that Responsible Adult, but surely there are girls who are bringing a performance worth watching these days? I'm thinking of Nikki or Jennifer Jade, whom I think you admire too? There still are performances and girls worth catching, depending on everyone's tastes. I also notice you like tease performance (I still think Danica was the best we've ever seen), and it seems to me that there must be more in common between your tastes and Addison's.

On Dionne, yes she is super fit but I think she deserves a little credit for sustaining her fanbase after quite a while on the channels and a fairly 'heavy rotation', as it were. The guys who admire Dionne (and sure I am one) have grown to like her sniggering ways as well as the sexual stuff. She does have better and worse phases though, fair enough.

And I do understand your wonder about the capper/vidmaking tendency towards completion. I don't upload myself but rather selfishly download the occasional session, especially if I am working, and wholeheartedly want to thank their efforts in giving that choice to others. Although I agree, I only download something if there is a combination of set/outfit that really looks tempting and wonder if every session is really needed. I am slightly worried that they work too hard on our behalf! ha ha (Think Eccles nails it with his comment on the collecting impulse.)
(This post was last modified: 23-02-2012 00:54 by Roquentin.)
23-02-2012 00:44
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