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RE: What is now the point of these channels
(28-02-2012 21:04 )Scottishbloke Wrote: Well it's been ten years now since this new type of entertainment hit our screens with Babestation being the very first. So it's still young and has a long way to go, it's never ever since day 1 delivered exactly what it promised to do, it's had fleeting moments of brilliance but never consistant as the babe channels are like a bloody yoyo, they are constantly blowing hot and cold. Ofcom has been and still is very much a thorn in their flesh regarding this type of entertainment moving forward in any way. We've seen the channels at various times push the boundaries for all it's worth and then slip into boring mind numbing show's, I tune into the show's night after night as curosity allways get's the better of me, the babe show's are however a great source of entertainment as let's be honest where else could you watch a strip show for nothing. We all dream of a day when Ofcom will eventually fuck off or back off the channels. The big question is what will our opinions be on the Babe Channels in the next 5 or 10 years. Like everything they will have to evolve to maintain interest, let's not forget that when Playboy magazine arrived it too at first was hit with heavy censorship but soon it became widely accepted and eventually nobody battered an eyelid with regard to it and the same will probably happen too with the UK Babe Channels. Mind you if Ofcom and all censorship was lifted I'd probably miss my daily rants, I mean I hate Ofcom but on the other hand I love to call them all the names under the sun such as a cunt oh well I'd have to find something else to get pissed off about then 
well with the recent revival of babestation upping their game i half expected for at least one other channel to try and compete with the shows they have been putting on ,but as yet theres been nothing from elite or rlc in the way of anything like it,i dont think i could have stood it much more if b/s hadnt improved ,as you say 10 years on air but in my opinion the only time you were going to get your monies worth was when bang babes was in full flow ,elite ,b/s and the rest competed for viewers by putting different themes on and costume changes though out the night,i just have this feeling that for the past couple of years and we know who"s most to blame that the shows have gradually got worse by the week and will never be anything like they were unless one of them decide to take a stand against the current rules ,and i cant see that
28-02-2012 21:38 |