(07-03-2012 22:47 )Scottishbloke Wrote: Your argument hold's no water, either sign it or don't but never say this ain't important when I've yet to see evidence that tell's me otherwise 
how do the points i made hold no water? they are based on facts! you have 570 signatures, you need 94,430 in the next 4 months or so before this gets consigned to the archive of closed failed petitions. Dont kid yourself that Ofcom or anyone else are having sleepless nights about a petition of less than 1,000 people. if anything holds no water its the strength of support for this cause.
I say again, no channel reps have openly come out and embraced this, I see nothing in the press and as ive said before you are preaching (in fact almost begging) to the same people over and over again. I have provided you facts about how many of the 52,000 members are active users and even if you convert every single one you are still not hitting the target
i see little evidence to suggest this petition to get dirty shows on TV is as important as you suggest when many of the UK are struggling to put food on the table each day, struggling to pay bills and struggling to find employment.
Health - important, Employment - important, Somewhere to live - important, girls using a dildo on tv?? - no
if that is near the top of your priority list you are not in the real world, if these shows ended tomorrow anyone with sky has 600 channels minimum to choose from for entertainment
I should think if we get to a stage when people cant log on and get pictures of their favourite girls then they will move on to just enjoying watching other girls on tv if they can only get their kick through watching girls on the telly. babeshows were not around until mid 2000's and it wasnt like we all sat around at 9pm wondering what the fuck was happening
(07-03-2012 22:57 )babefinder Wrote: Just because only 570 people have only signed it now doesn't mean 5000 people wont be after signing by this time next year...
for the issue to be raised and properly discussed 100,000 signatures are required, it is closed after a year. the petition has been kicking around for 6 month or more and has 570.
Im not stamping on what Eccles is trying to do, and I am all for anyone who has a go at standing up for what they believe in but sometimes you cannot argue with facts