(08-03-2012 15:34 )sophia knight Wrote: wow you need help!!! LOL
i went on my break went straight to fridge handed it to Dan (cameraman) and asked him to go put it in the microwave as its not in the actual studio... he then said cool stay on her camera till im back... claire then went on the mic for like 30 secs to which point i started moving it around very badly and the producer came out and took the camera off me... not that i needed to go into to full detail but i hate reading your theories on here why not just ask?? you know i always reply to questions? and as for the short breaks... it ALWAYS because we need to pee... we run off and jump back into same position so no one knows.... we're meant to be girls of fantasy not real humans who need to potty LOL
sorry guys i mean ye we are screwing all the cameramen in the 2 mins because we are just sooooo horny!!!!
Interesting response
Sorry, but the main reason I make comments like these is because this has been the only year when women just disappear at random, so it does look odd to me for that reason. Also, looking at the camera person with a strange face, only to have the channel switch to someone else looks odd (other women, not you). Again, this has never happened in the past. Sometimes certain women have even been on a call, to which the logo pops up for a few minutes. Why no response from Jamie or anyone? You'd think considering this has only just started to happen, that someone would say something regarding why this happens. I'd like to hear your reason for this, and if you say it's everyone having a pee break, then they must have to pee more than ever this year. Was Dionne peeing when she responded to something off screen, said ewwww and then the logo popped up for four minutes? What about the Lilly clip in the logo thread? Does that look like she went on a pee break? I'd love to hear what you think.
Also, if you noticed in my response, I made no mention of shagging any cameraman. I mentioned that I thought maybe you and Lexi were filming something else for one of the sites, seeing how they've filmed other women at the studio for the website content in the past, like Tasha for example. So the cameraman shook the camera from side to side then, as if to tell us you were not on Clare's camera?
It would be nice for people to actually read my comments completely and try to give some legit answers instead of reverting back to my older posts. Your PM button is not on, so even if I wanted to ask a more private question, I'd have to post it out in the open here.