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eUrotic Dayshow On Sky - Chat & Discussion

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ETV Offline
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Post: #21
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
Hi Everyone,
ETV Show will hopefully launch on Sky's EPG next week.
We are very excited about this and we hope that we will contribute greatly towards more choice and diversity on the platform. Those of you familiar with our current programming know that we do things a bit differently and we are sure that we have lots to offer to all UK viewers.
We will keep you posted with updates once we know more for certain!
Have a great weekend,
ETV Show
16-03-2012 18:23
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oldboy1047 Offline
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Post: #22
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
great news looking forward to it hopefully it will make the other channels up their game
16-03-2012 18:47
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #23
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
Fantastic news, I never thought I'd ever see the day that this channel would come back to SKY, I'm personally over the moon, please please could you broadcast the night show's also, and yes they certainly do things different from us Brit's Tongue I lost this channel 2 years ago when I moved house and since have been unsuccessful in getting up a second dish due to the communal one that serves the whole block. What a result then to hear this terrific news Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
16-03-2012 19:26
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #24
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
(16-03-2012 18:47 )oldboy1047 Wrote:  great news looking forward to it hopefully it will make the other channels up their game

I doubt it, especially if all we're getting is a simple mirrored broadcast of their current show. I've been looking elsewhere for news on this and the general thought seems to be that eUrotic will be laughed off the airways if they give us their current dayshow. Apparently the UK dayshows are far more revealing in terms of dress and behaviour.

(16-03-2012 19:26 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Fantastic news, I never thought I'd ever see the day that this channel would come back to SKY, I'm personally over the moon, please please could you broadcast the night show's also, and yes they certainly do things different from us Brit's Tongue I lost this channel 2 years ago when I moved house and since have been unsuccessful in getting up a second dish due to the communal one that serves the whole block. What a result then to hear this terrific news Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

As I say, SB, I wouldn't get too excited if I were you. If all we're getting is a feed from their current dayshow, then it looks as though they'll have to UP the stakes on the rudeness front, not tone it down like we all seem to be imagining.

I can already get ETV on hotbird, but haven't watched their dayshow for ages as it became so boring. According to their viewers, it's gotten even worse.
(This post was last modified: 16-03-2012 19:39 by StanTheMan.)
16-03-2012 19:26
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #25
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
Stan it's the nightshow that interests me too, agree with you on the dayshow it's absolutely dire, but this channel from next week should be available to pick up the night show too even if it isn't on the SKY EPG you should be able to in theary be able to pick it up by manually tuning it in to the other channels, if it's only the dayshow that is available then it will be poor marketing from Eurotic Cool
16-03-2012 19:43
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #26
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
That's an interesting thought, SB. I'm sure they must be running test signals on the Sky platform already... it's just a case of knowing the frequency.
16-03-2012 19:55
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #27
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
Just a thought , it's never actually been stated that eUrotic will be using a European licence to broadcast on Sky with , they could be leasing a existing channel with a Ofcom licence for the day show , the ETV rep said that ETV should be launching on Sky's EPG next week , it could be just appearing on the EPG of a existing Sky channel , i hope that ETV has got it's own Channel and Licence but just thought i'd mention this possibility .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
(This post was last modified: 16-03-2012 20:34 by mr mystery.)
16-03-2012 20:33
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #28
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
Fuck that mr mystery, I want the night show, it's all or nothing as far as I'm concerned, it has an oversea's licence, so they should use it as Ofcom cannot stop this channel broadcasting. Hopefully next week we'll have the real deal, no fucking about. As Queen famously said "I Want It All And I Want It Now" Cool
16-03-2012 20:41
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #29
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
But there hasn't even been any mention of a nightshow, SB. Why are you so sure that's going to even happen?

I say this every single time the subject crops up, but eUrotic will not be allowed to broadcast the same show they do on hotbird, even if they use their own license.

This Dutch license thing, and the freedom is supposedly allows, is a complete myth.
(This post was last modified: 16-03-2012 21:53 by StanTheMan.)
16-03-2012 21:48
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #30
RE: eUrotic on Sky chat & discussion
Why would you say that Stan, under EU law Ofcom are powerless and have no jurisdiction whatsoever over non Ofcom regulated channels, based on the fact that Nicam told Ofcom to sling their hook with regards to Babestation confirms this to me. I am very hopeful that next week Eurotic TV will grace our screens with exactly the same feed that is available on Astra 1 and Hotbird, if Ofcom try to prevent this from broadcasting on SKY they will once again end up with egg on their face and further embarrass themselves with the rest of Europe. I feel Ofcom's days are numbered personally and I welcome Eurotic TV with open arms Big Grin
16-03-2012 21:56
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