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Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator

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Gaz "AV1" Aston Away
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Post: #241
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
(17-03-2012 13:16 )mk13 Wrote:  Hi Everyony, First post.

Thought I would like to mention that no foreign adult channels have been proscribed since 1999, when the high court legalised hardcore pornography (R18). You can openly subscribe to foreign adult channels on Hotbird and there is nothing Ofcom can do about it because the channels are encrypted. But as we are talking about free to air channels then the law will obviously differ.

So the 2005 sanction on the ofcom site that I capped and linked to is obviously fiction...
17-03-2012 14:17
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Digital Dave Away

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Post: #242
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
(16-03-2012 20:06 )Digital Dave Wrote:  This is fantastic news Sb.

I remember when you first discussed the possibility and wondered if it would ever happen I said probably not as it would be too expensive to set up separate 'soft' feeds for the UK. I'm happy to be proved wrong and I wish Eurotic every success.

Hmmm, looks like I was right after all. I wrote the above post before I realised there was a eUrotic thread elsewhere. Stan has just confirmed that it's not feasible for eUrotic to have their night feed on Sky due to the probable reaction of Ofcom and other UK babe channels.

If it had been commercially viable to set up a softer night feed for the UK I'm sure eUrotic would've done it.

Therefore it looks like we'll just have their crap daytime feed for the foreseeable future.
17-03-2012 14:24
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shylok Offline
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Post: #243
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
Hey Dave

Well believe me a softer Eurotic feed wouldn't have got many of us excited I promise you. The German night show does bring some nudity occasionally but its often presented like a 'figure painting' all done in the best possible taste - no gaping pussies etc I promise!.

Many of us on here (not all granted) want Amanda Rendal style full on filth... The UK needs/wants (for many of us) are for dirt, filth and girls behaving very badly.

Just my two-penneth...I may well be wrong of course.


p.s. to bring the thread back on topic "dirt, filth and girls behaving very badly" is what you get on the Dutch NICAM licensed SexySat TV at 19E.

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(This post was last modified: 17-03-2012 15:18 by shylok.)
17-03-2012 15:05
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #244
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
We seem to be getting miles off track now to what this thread started off being about ie Ofccom complaining to the Dutch regulator about Babestation on freeview , i personally think a mole hill has been turned into a mountain in this thread , i don't think there will be any change in what BS does on freeview or Sky to that matter , and i definitely don't think the government will get involved in trying to ban BS from transmitting on UK tv platforms with a Dutch licence .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
(This post was last modified: 17-03-2012 15:55 by mr mystery.)
17-03-2012 15:52
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matt38 Offline
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Post: #245
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
(17-03-2012 15:52 )mr mystery Wrote:  We seem to be getting miles off track now to what this thread started off being about ie Ofccom complaining to the Dutch regulator about Babestation on freeview , i personally think a mole hill has been turned into a mountain in this thread , i don't think there will be any change in what BS does on freeview or Sky to that matter , and i definitely don't think the government will get involved in trying to ban BS from transmitting on UK tv platforms with a Dutch licence .

I'd like to see the Gov try this, in a free and democratic society, and they will try and impose censorship, no chance, but with Tory boy you never know.
17-03-2012 19:04
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arron88 Offline
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Post: #246
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
(17-03-2012 15:05 )shylok Wrote:  p.s. to bring the thread back on topic "dirt, filth and girls behaving very badly" is what you get on the Dutch NICAM licensed ******* TV at 19E.
NICAM don't issue licences.
(This post was last modified: 17-03-2012 19:22 by arron88.)
17-03-2012 19:21
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #247
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
This very topic is so repressive and depressing that Ofcom even attempted in the first place to piss off so many of us, why don't they just fuck off as they are making our Adult viewing just fucking miserable. In the 70's for example anything went, then we had the 80's which was politically correct and censorship once more applied to the hilt with the likes of Mary fucking Whitehouse and then the 90's where we all finally stood up and our society at one point become very liberated with very few issues coming from Ofcom's predecessor The ITC. 2012 and this start to the decade is really fucking grim, the way Ofcom are acting is against our human right's, the only crime that Babestation and other's have ever committed was by making a lot of us very happy and I'm totally disgusted that Ofcom are trying to impose their will on us and destroying our enjoyment. The babe channels as a whole now are fucking grim and I've had enough of this nonsense. On reflection yes a victory for Babestation but a very small one when you look at the bigger picture. This is not democracy, this is dictatorship annoyed
17-03-2012 19:55
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continental19 Offline
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Post: #248
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
Could you have imagined Ofcom strutting there stuff as they said to all the EU Regulators " Hey look at us we're Ofcom " only to be completely Humiliated in front of the whole of Europe and leave with there tales between there legsBig Laugh
Ofcom have shot themselves in the foot big time, and have realised if they hadn't already, that there views only seem to represent this tiny island of ours, and not the rest of EuropeImportant I wouldn't be surprised that some of the Ofcom Executives didn't take kindly of being made fools of in front of there European counterpartsBig Grin
Moving on, i've noticed quite a bit of talk about this TV channel called Eurotictv now i personally haven't seen this channel, however with Ofcom crying in the corner, and with the possibility of a potential new channel coming through SKY things might be looking up. However I'm not reaching for that Rainbow just yet, i'll believe a new channel when i see it on my SKY EPGImportant I've read various posts about the real possibility that Ofcom won't allow this channel to air in these shores, however if this particular channel is allowed to broadcast this will in my opinion start to give the green light for other European Adult channels to broadcast in the UK.
At the end of the day, Ofcom have been found out, and it clearly shows them that there little power that they have is only within this country, and not the rest of Europe, plus it also clearly puts into perspective that Ofcoms views don't hold any water in the rest of Europe, in other words Ofcom are in the MinorityImportant
17-03-2012 20:04
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blackjaques Offline
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Post: #249
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
(17-03-2012 19:55 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  This very topic is so repressive and depressing that Ofcom even attempted in the first place to piss off so many of us, why don't they just fuck off as they are making our Adult viewing just fucking miserable. In the 70's for example anything went, then we had the 80's which was politically correct and censorship once more applied to the hilt with the likes of Mary fucking Whitehouse and then the 90's where we all finally stood up and our society at one point become very liberated with very few issues coming from Ofcom's predecessor The ITC. 2012 and this start to the decade is really fucking grim, the way Ofcom are acting is against our human right's, the only crime that Babestation and other's have ever committed was by making a lot of us very happy and I'm totally disgusted that Ofcom are trying to impose their will on us and destroying our enjoyment. The babe channels as a whole now are fucking grim and I've had enough of this nonsense. On reflection yes a victory for Babestation but a very small one when you look at the bigger picture. This is not democracy, this is dictatorship annoyed

They are really pathetic, aren't they.

Just what is their motivation, their fear?

A modern day King Canute - style strategy is what they seem to be employing.

An anochronism; that's Ofcon.

Please fuck off to the past where you belong.
17-03-2012 20:06
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simplymarko Offline
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Post: #250
RE: Ofcom Complain To Dutch Regulator
Im not really old enough to remember the 1970's but I dont remember anyone ever saying hardcore pornography used to be on. There was only 3 channels and most of them used to stop when it got late at night!
this is a typical days viewing in the 70's when it was wall to wall porn from the moment you turned the tv on:

I dont think you can compare benny hill chasing a woman in a bra round her garden to the sort of entertainment you want to see
(This post was last modified: 17-03-2012 22:38 by simplymarko.)
17-03-2012 21:25
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