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The Graphic Novel/Comic Thread

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skateguy Offline
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The Graphic Novel/Comic Thread
There are some great sites (mainly torrent) out there for downloading comics and graphic novels. When I last used to download them a few years ago the industry was relatively relaxed about their copyrighted material being shared online, viewing it as a medium of promotion to people who would like a publication and go out and make a purchase. Not sure if things have changed, but thought it was about time a dedicated thread to the discussion and sharing of such publications was made anyway.

So to start, on a topical note, here's the graphic novel 'Watchmen' in a choice of three formats (50 MB).

[Image: 24846831841488.gif]

CBR Version (see below for info on this format)

PDF Version:

Jpeg Version:

Information on .CBR or .CBZ format

Many comics and graphic novels are provided in this format. There are two ways to access the comic in this format. One is through a 'comic book reader' application. Here's a few examples. I'm sure others can recommend better apps.

For PC's
Comic Reader:
Comical: Free:

For Mac:
Comic Book lover: Supposed to be the best but costs money!
Comical: Free:

For those of you who don't like to use a comic book viewer application, the other method of accessing the comic when its in .cbr or .cbz format is to change the extension of a .cbz or .cbr file to .zip or .rar and expand the file into a folder of individual picture files (one per page usually).


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(This post was last modified: 06-04-2009 14:25 by skateguy.)
05-04-2009 18:00
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #2
RE: The Graphic Novel (Comic) Thread
wicked idea for a thread! Smile

to be honest tho, i just use 7zip to unzip the .cbz .cbr files and read them thru windows photo gallery Smile does the job for me Smile you don't need to change the extension.

best place to get torrents is they have a whole comics section ( and is regularly updated everyday. Thursday mornings for us is when new ones become available since in the US New Comic Book Day is wednesdays. You have to register on the site, but its free to do so.

I mainly follow DC, with a coupla Marvel titles too, like spiderman, invinvible iron man and the avengers series (dark avengers, new avengers, mighty avengers, avengers:the initiative). wishing that they're get more of battle of the cowl out as i am intrigued by who will take over from bruce!
05-04-2009 18:11
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Hazhard Away

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Post: #3
RE: The Graphic Novel (Comic) Thread
Kalel would have really liked this.
05-04-2009 18:17
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #4
RE: The Graphic Novel (Comic) Thread
shandyman Wrote:best place to get torrents is

And most of the demonoid files come from

Nightprowler Wrote:Kalel would have really liked this.

He would. No worries, he's still on here every few days.


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(This post was last modified: 06-04-2009 14:26 by skateguy.)
05-04-2009 18:52
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Hazhard Away

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Post: #5
RE: The Graphic Novel (Comic) Thread
Thats good to hear, i thought he had completly left.
05-04-2009 18:55
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #6
RE: The Graphic Novel/Comic Thread
ahhh i'm a PC man, i never think of macs... lol.

i never knew that skate, thought demonoid was the first place.. i learn new things all the time! hehe
05-04-2009 18:58
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #7
RE: The Graphic Novel/Comic Thread
shandyman Wrote:i never knew that skate, thought demonoid was the first place.. i learn new things all the time! hehe

I still prefer Demonoid though. And Mac's (most of the time) Wink

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(This post was last modified: 06-04-2009 14:27 by skateguy.)
05-04-2009 19:11
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rover Offline

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Post: #8
RE: The Graphic Novel/Comic Thread
do adult comics fall in to your comic category skate?

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05-04-2009 19:15
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #9
RE: The Graphic Novel/Comic Thread
rover Wrote:do adult comics fall in to your comic category skate?

They do. Most are quite BDSM focused which, although a genre that I'm not fussed about in 'real' porn, is quite cool in comic form. I won't post them here though as they're quite extreme, fansadox being the most well known at the moment. I like anime as well, although not the chicks-with-dicks, cat-girls or fox-girls stuff!

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05-04-2009 19:28
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #10
RE: The Graphic Novel/Comic Thread
Here's a link that some may find interesting - a database of comics with a huge amount of cover imagery - great for identification purposes if nothing else.

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05-04-2009 23:10
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