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RE: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want
Having watched last night's show's I found them just a depressing dull affair from start to finish, I'm totally pissed off with what they've become, they are steadily getting worse and worse as each passing night goes by, it was an anus horibulas, that's how bad they were, the only show that got pass mark's was Camila's naked session on Babestation Xtra and that was it in a night that contained absolutely no highlights to speak of. It's getting more and more difficult these days to make a distinction between the day and nightshows with it all being so tame, I feel we've seen this before, it was had a sort of earie deja vu feel to it, back in 2008 and 2009 most the channels were putting on absymal show's and last night's fare was about as bad as anything from these era's. What tonight brings is anybody's guess but Ofcom are at the crux of the problem, I mean how much power do these cretins actually possess, surely somebody could stand up to them, the type of entertainment we are getting is poor and is a form of torture that we should be denied our right as Adults to see something remotely 18+ on the channels
12-04-2012 15:05 |
Posts: 898
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want
We all know these shows are not like they used to be. The censorship is to much for these shows to be able to work like they was meant to. Members say the night programmes are now tamer than the day programmes used to be. Why is that? My take on it is this, everyone involved in bringing these programmes to our screens have given up caring, and that includes most of the girls. Someone as to remind them that speaking in a little girls voice doesn't constitute being sexy, nor does doing the exact same performance each and every time they are on. Does that mean that they think any old tame dross will do because Ofcom have pulled in the reins. But for fuck sake girls it is possible to be more appealing than you are without flashing the pussie. Just try to be different. Even something as simple as a costume change would help. Because now I notice quite a few of the girls can't be bothered doing that any more, not in the length of time I watch anyway,which Is usually up till 2 o clock ish.
13-04-2012 22:05 |
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RE: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want
What's made matters even worse just to kick more sand into our face like we haven't had enough kicked in that direction enough is the fact that Eurotic TV can't even broadcast the nightshow on SKY, but what baffles the rules more is the UK is probably the most relaxed in Europe when it comes to what the daytime shows can be like and without doubt the strictest when it comes to night time rules. I don't think for one minute that we're all expecting to see hardcore porn on FTA but we should at least be able to see the vagina in a non explicit manner. But then again why do we have to have such absurb rules in the first place anyway, if breasts offend you then so is the rest of the female body. The Elite rules are that strict now for example that the models just don't know what to do anymore, Caty Cole used to put on some outstanding show's but she along with the rest of that channel is just going through the motions with mostly drab and uninspiring performances night after night, we have 2 problems at the moment, Ofcom and Ofcom parania with no 2 channel not knowing exactly how to interpret the rules, so we'll let you get naked after 11PM Ofcom rules state just so long as you don't show the pussy and use the handthong but also just so long as it doesn't look like they are masterbating themselves, not even simulation. Have you ever heard of such bullshit rules in the first place, it's either all ok or none of it is ok in my books and that includes topless shows and even the babe channels as an entity. 9 years since Ofcom came into exsistence and one can only speculate just how much damage they've done to the adult entertainment business as a whole. The monopoly board that is the SKY EPG is so unfair and unbalanced that this simply shouldn't go unchallenged, the Adult Channels have long been an instrument of persecution and a challenge to Ofcom is long overdue.
14-04-2012 00:14 |
Posts: 8,304
Joined: Jan 2010
RE: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want
Admiral that's if you think you're worthy enough to call yourself an admiral (that's debatable )  it's very easy to be smug and arrogant about the situation and less to be analytical about it. Your comment which you posted could in many ways be percieved by other's on this forum to be a cheap swing and is in effect mocking the very question in hand. Why we have to read through drival such as this is beyond me, do you have anything constructive to add to the subject or not as the majority on this thread are sick and tired of Ofcom's tyrannical rule and have taken various measures such as eccles setting up the petition on the government website aswell as numourous e-mail's being sent to MP's and Ofcom in protest by myself and other's, we are all desperately trying to come to solution here without the need to put up with the sceptics such as yourself and other's. Let's all get behind the cause for the greater good and leave cheap comments instead at the door thank you very much. Sorry if this post is slightly off topic but I'm fed up with other's being so dismissive of what is in effect a very serious issue.
27-04-2012 17:32 |