Poll: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stood Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want To show
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Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want

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eccles Offline
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Post: #51
RE: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want
Thats a thoughful post rj242, and you are right about the country being conservative.

What people want is yesterday. People also want sex. Couples want to be able to cuddle up and watch something to get in the mood. Men want sexual content for all sorts of reasons. Women - thats more complex and we could be here all night if I list the variations.

But wanting erotic entertainment is nothing new. In the 70s and 80s every council estate had at least one pub openly hosting strippers several times a week. The 90s saw the rise of lap dancing clubs, soft and hardcore Euro porn from the same satellite slot as Sky. Go back to the last days of the music hall and they used to feature exotic and nude acts. What people dont like is admitting that sexual entertainment is normal in this country or that they are fans.

Right now is not the moment to put MPs on the spot given stories about alledged closeness to media moguls, but give it a few months to quieten down and freedom in your own home will become fashionable again.

Gone fishing
28-04-2012 01:50
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #52
RE: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want
Well I'm glad to see you are remaining optimistic eccles despite the fact that we have wall to wall of rats piss throughout all the channels tonight, ironically I was watching the web feed of Eurotic TV nightshow tonight and to be perfectly honest the content I viewed was something which if was shown on the UK babe channels last year at this time very few would have batted an eyelid yet this content is too strong to air according to Ofcom on our satelite, I've said this before but the moment SKY went digital in 1998 and decided to move away from the previous Astra 19.2 degree's slot to it's current 28 Degree's slot was the moment they opened up a can of worms and welcomed the likes of Ofcom to dictate what they deem suitable viewing within the UK, would have been so much tougher if SKY had remained within the previous slot and instead merged with the rest of Europe when it went digital.
28-04-2012 02:37
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elroyticklestab Offline
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Post: #53
RE: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want
Looks like the channels are giving up. More underwear last night than a branch of La Senza, some of it would stop a rifle at 1o paces it was so protective. Brief full nudity from Bailey and Priya and that was it. Pack in or have the balls to challenge censorship.
28-04-2012 10:41
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #54
RE: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want
What was shown last night from the majority of the channels wouldn't look out of place on a dayshow, but fuck me Ofcom these days considerate the channels to be family viewing taking into account of the latest bullshit quote regarding Ofcom and Get Lucky TV when they stated that the material shown was clearly unsuitable for children, well done cluedo, glad somebody else has got the brains to come to a conclusion that we clearly weren't capable of doing so, talk about pointing out the blindling obvious. For the record the babe chanels have never been suitable for minors to view, hence the reason they are placed in the Adult Section EPG which can be switched off and can be pin protected as can every other channel on the SKY monopoly board whilst we're on the subject, also the whole point of a watershed is exactly there for a reason, it's the time which Adults by law are allowed to view stronger material whether it be sex or violence the principal of law still stays the same. If only the Babe Channel execs all put their head together they would find that they have a viable case under the grounds of discrimination regardless of what type of classification their channel is, this is something Ofcom has put in place to further tighten the reigns of power they have over them and has made the channels a shambles these days from start to finish, all the focus is on better not show too much with the word Ofcom ringing through the heads of the channel execs and the models. It doesn't have to be this way, they have a case, get a lawyer and end this tyranny now.
28-04-2012 19:24
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eccles Offline
custodes qui custodiet

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Post: #55
RE: Is It Time The Babe Channels Stand Up To Ofcom And Show What They Want
Watching Britains Got More Talent at the moment and Ant (or Dec) has applied a nipple cover to Amanda Holdens boob. Not the nipple but she had to pull her top down. Then he patted her boob.

PS. This is recorded matertial. Time approx 9:35pm, ITV2, family viewing channel with kids watching.

Gone fishing
28-04-2012 20:38
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