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Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes

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hero250 Offline
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Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes
Hi everyone, did anyone see the new Red Dwarf episodes last night - the back to earth specials ? I missed it but I managed to track down a site where I can stream it, and it is very funny -
11-04-2009 12:34
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes

i saw it, was good Smile there was some chatter in here - before it aired Smile
11-04-2009 12:38
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #3
RE: Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes
as a long time fan of the show... (saw the first episode on its first airing) i was pretty dissapointed. the performances of the cat and rimmer were laboured, lister looks haggerd and the lack of grants input on the script is telling. but the biggest pisser of all is they pretty much showed the whole story in the opening credits. whats wrong with the original, lister with a brush in his hand cleaning the outside of the ship?.
anyways i found it all hype and little content.

lister used to say .... lets get out there and tw@t it... but last night seemed more like lets get out there, set up the dekchairs and make a nice cuppa...

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(This post was last modified: 11-04-2009 13:03 by HEX!T.)
11-04-2009 13:03
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes
its pretty much a similar intro as most the run of red dwarf, the intro with lister outside the ship painting was only the for the first 2 series, the rest were montage's from that series.

which you can see here -
(This post was last modified: 11-04-2009 13:08 by Shandy.)
11-04-2009 13:08
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes
i liked it tho, but coulda done with an explanation as to the cliffhanger from series 8. i think its probably gonna be better to watch all 3 parts back to back for the best effect.
11-04-2009 13:10
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Mister Gummidge Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes
I've got to say, I'm with Hexit. I thought it felt... flat. The show that aired last night just didn't seem to have the fizz or sparkle of the previous series, even the unfairly maligned series 8. Don't get me wrong mind, I'm going to carry on watching. The format of the current "series" is more like a film than a traditional sit-com, so last night was in a sense "act one"; with any luck "act" two and three will improve on last nights establishing show and there'll be a bit more of the anarchy and sarcasm that made the show so great when it was at it's best.

Have to say, showing "Gunmen of the Apocalypse" straight afterwards didn't do the new one any favours either. That episode was one of the peak episodes from when the show was at it's zenith, so segueing straight into that one was going to make damned near any other episodes look shoddy in comparison.

"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
11-04-2009 13:54
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firekind Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes
its supposed to get better tonight.
11-04-2009 13:57
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes
thats what i think mr g, i think they shoulda just shown it as a tv movie instead and it would be better. i'm just patient and will make my mind up after seeing all 3 parts, its 1 story over 3 eps, so its hard to judge on its own. the only comparison you could do at the mo is compare it to 'back in the red part 1', which in fairness had the advantage of closely following on from series 7.

i didn't watch the eps after, i have them all on dvd and can't stand watching them on dave cos of the breaks lol.
11-04-2009 14:00
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Firepower12 Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes
I Think you've all made some really valid points, I think it's a shame as I've always loved the series, but even though canned laughter can seem insulting, it still could of done with it. The style seemed more like a realistic depiction of what they're lives were like, rather than a comedy! Obviously I'm using realistic with a pinch of salt as it's a fantasy. The whole look of the show is pretty good (21st century effects), but I still preferred the charm of the more basic sets and when I say say basic I mean it looked run down like a mining ship should.

This all said I will watch everything the specials have to offer including the making of.....ah why not as I said, I've always really liked Red Dwarf.

Even though I said loved not liked so I guess that makes me a liar!!! lol

Always Loved..*thumbs up*
11-04-2009 14:49
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firekind Offline

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Post: #10
RE: Red Dwarf - Back to Earth Episodes
the effects were bad. i prefer the old models and rubber tentacles on wire would've been better that the cgi ones. and yes it could have done with canned laughter. if only so we knew where the jokes where. if a show is funny it dosent need any.
11-04-2009 16:06
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